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Just your average Joe with a lot of experience under his belt whom has a heart for people and the truth, however you may see it. I've nothing to gain here except the knowledge that I may have helped anyone by sharing what I've learned, earned or burned. Like anyone who knows the value of experience, it becomes more valuable when you share it. Otherwise it's cruel to watch others repeat your mistake. Enjoy each day and share the smile. Lending a hand to help others shape their lives for the better but doing it with love.

  • My brother NOW wants to be my brother.....too little too late?

    Oh NOW he wants to be like brothers! He always made me feel bad, told on me, now that I've found my other brother and we're getting close, NOW my brother wants to spend time with me and say I shouldnt be spending as much time with my new bro. Whats your take?

    4 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • How does grandma fit in?

    My wife's family have never practiced being affectionate. Mom in law now has to live with us but clenches her Independence from the family. She does not partake in family events and has begun to irritate my familywith harsh demands and selfish behavior. She claims she does no wrong but the family has begun to really resent her presence. She not fair to the kids and spends no time establishing any relationship with the family. We are to accept her "as is" and that sucks! The only other relative available is her son who does not want her living with him. Any suggestions?

    1 AnswerFamily1 decade ago
  • way to help my brother quit drinking?

    I have an older brother who is on the edge of losing everything and everyone because of his drinking. he wants to stop and has tried several times but the problems he created over the years of drinking depress him and lead him back to drink to better cope. Any success stories to help him throw away the bottle once and for all?

    6 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits1 decade ago
  • Is it fair to have to decide between siblings?

    In the past couple of years dads closet of secrets blew open. He has other kids from women in his past. My life went from a brother, and sister to 9 total. I've met all of them and I have bonded with them and their families (we are all grown). My immediate sibling however want nothing to do with them. That's fine but now they are drawing the line about me inviting ALL my brothers and sisters to my home for family functions. I love them but they are being unfair to my family and kids in asking they not know ALL their aunts and uncles, cousins, etc.. I've let it be known that ALL are invited to my home, those who don't wish to come, don't have to. My home is open to all. Its caused an uneasiness with my immediate sibling and I feel guilty, Did I do the right thing?

    6 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Is dropping a friend okay?

    Have an old friend (40ish) that months ago went through a huge lifechaging breakup. I helped her through it only to find she now has a new man shes dating. Hes possessive, a real red flag. She says he makes her happy, that shes in love. Recently, he attacked me verbally over a misunderstanding. Ranting, accusing and making her cry. He put her in the middle and I decided since "she loved him" to let matters be. She needs to see with her own eyes, his true colors.I have had no communication with her since so he would calm down. Did I do the right thing? I feel as though I abandoned her.

    7 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • Ladies assaulting men. All opinions needed to solve arguement?

    Okay we were discussing sexual problems and it came down to men abusing physically women. We know that's wrong. Women abusing men, also wrong BUT the fine line presented itself was a women confronting a man and beginning to hit him. Some lady said its the mans duty as a man to walk away from it, maybe even report her to the cops but he really shouldn't because he is a man. A man felt that if a woman confronts a man in a physical nature, she should be dropped like a man would drop any other man or assailant in order to fight off his attacker no matter what their sex is.

    I added to him that, I felt that women today are more aggressive and feel that they can be more freely confrontational with men hiding behind their sex when its convenient to them. My wifes eyes are buring through me as we speak. lol

    Whats your take on this subject?

    10 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Ladies assaulting men. All opinions needed to solve arguement?

    Okay we were discussing sexual problems and it came down to men abusing physically women. We know thats wrong. Women abusing men, also wrong BUT the fine line presented itself was a women confronting a man and beginning to hit him. Some lady said its the mans duty as a man to walk away from it, maybe even report her to the cops but he really shouldn't because he is a man. A man felt that if a woman confronts a man in a physical nature, she should be dropped like a man would drop any other man or assailant in order to figth off his attacker no matter what their sex is.

    I added to him that, I felt that women today are more aggressive and feel that they can be more freely confrontational with men hiding behind their sex when its convenient to them. My wifes eyes are buring through me as we speak. lol

    Whats your take on this subject?

    5 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Wild wife dream. can you interpret?

    I come home late and fall asleep: It seemed like immediately began dreaming that I couldnt sleep. I sat up wacthing TV and noticed i could see through the wall to the neighbors house where he was beating his wife and child. I got dressed and went outside and the police were there. I returned inside and pased my 3 kids room, they were not there. I went to my room and found my wife floating at the ceiling facing down. She was asleep. I watched and watched then heard noises from my kids room. I went to check and they were there. I said a prayer over them and they were at peace asleep. I was clam through all this, no fear. I returned to my room and my wife was now in bed but muttering in a foreign language. I took out a recorder and set it to record then roll over to sleep. I couldnt yet sleep, then I got this horrible creepy feeling and froze. I coud feel her very near my ear, looking over my shoulder and she began to mutter again. Now I was scared. I got a little glimpse of her without moving my head and her face was half eaten and she laughed at me. Then the alarm went off and I woke up. The uneasiness has stayed with me when Im around my wife. It was just creepy. I know it was just a dream but why was I so calm through all of it until I was back in bed with her? Whats your interpretation?

    4 AnswersDream Interpretation1 decade ago
  • What does it mean when she cant stop itching?

    Im dating this hot lady that I cant wait to have sex with but Im noticing that shes constanly itching her vagina. We got in bed and I noticed that there a milky white substance coming out. She says its her juices flowing because shes so excited. I faked a phone call and had to leave for a little bit. Awwww man she is so freaking cute. I want her but Im not sure what to believe. What do you think?

    6 AnswersSkin Conditions1 decade ago
  • Is meeting women becoming too much work? She wanted to fight me!?

    Im making contatc with a cute lady at a table with female friends. She mouths "hi" an I do too. I have a drink sent over to her, she accepts. I turn around to get my drink and one of her friends approaches me. She says "A real gentleman would buy us all drinks". I smile and say no thanks Im heading out. She gets angry and takes my glasses off my face and orders me to buy them drinks. I grab her hand with my glasses in them and begin to squeeze for her to release them. She does and I get my thnigs to leave and now she wants to fight me. Are you kidding me!? I leave with a commotion around her trying to calm her. Why is it that men have to work their way through 2 or 3 protective or just plain bitchy friends in order to speak to one woman we wished to speak to in the first place? The cute lady came to me and apologized for her friend she asked, " whats your name"? I just wanted to go home and relax...forget it. Was I right to walk away?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • She tried to sell my stuff, should I sell hers?

    We announced our divorce and to get away from the mess i planned a week long hunting trip with buddies. I gone two days and a buddy from home calls me saying she had a "$1 Hes Outta Here Sale". My buddies bought my stuff and stored it for me. Friday, shes leaving for her mothers house for the weekend. I get back Saturday morning, just in time for our "$1 Kicking Her Fat Butt Out Sale". Flyers are being made to be passed out after she leaves. Should I mail her a flyer, it'll get to moms house by Sunday? Also instead of flags, can I use her panties and bras to draw in more attention?

    Also, she doesn't know it was my friends who bought my stuff, so as far as she knows, my stuff is gone. Think this is fair?

    16 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Shes pleased and bragged! Women want pleasing too!?

    My wife recently hosted a ladies gathering at our home and since then I found out she "bragged" about my talented tongue and how I please her so much. I know this because ladies have been bringing my favorite dishes to the house while shes away, asking me to "work" for them at their homes, and leaving me very pretty erotic messages on my cell phone. It was my buddy next door who first told me because his wife wants him to ask me to teach him. WTF!. I cheated on my wife several years ago and swore I wouldn't do it again. I've been good, so why would she put me under such stress. My weakness is food and they all seem to know this too! all my favorites....mmm lasagna, fresh baked apple pie, tortellini, mmmmmm cornbread. Should I be mad and how do I get out of this?

    3 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • She loaned money out?! Should I be mad?

    I was working through our accounts and "found" our savings cleaned out (about 7 grand)! The last time I was out of town. I questioned my wife and "found out" she loaned her dad money she knew I wouldn't have allowed. She tells me that if I hadn't "found out", I would never have been any the wiser and it wouldnt have mattered. So now Im going crazy wondering what the heck else has happened behind my back while Im away on business that I haven't "found out" about? and No, her father has not made any payments on that loan (2 months ago) that was to be for a few days only. Do I have the right to be mad and feel betrayed? Isn't deceit a form of lying? She says she didnt feel she was deceitful and its the way she was brought up, to just NOT say anything at all.

    3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Got her flowers, do I have the right to be angry?

    The other day it hits me on my way home. Im sitting there at a red light thinking how truly lucky I am to have such a great woman for a wife these past 12 years. I see some ladies selling flowers and I deciode im going to buy her some. Take me 15 minutes to get the right ones and im in a great mood. I drive up and she comes out to greet me. I give her the flowers with a smile and she stops cold, looks me in the eye and says, "what did you do wrong?" My face dropped. I on occasion get her flowers for no particular reason so why am I being accused of something! I reacted and just took the flowers from her hand and threw them in the trunk of the car and closed it. Stems still sticking out. I brooding on the sofa trying to watch the news and shes yelling she doesnt know what she did to deserve me doing that to the pretty flowers. So I asking you, do I have the right to be pissed off and hurt? Whens the last time SHE bought me any freaking chocolates!?

    27 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Kid fights,Do I let him fight or do I restrain him?

    I've asked and trained my 10 year old son to be non-violent because of violent family history. The last fight he got into he left the kid with a broken collar bone. He can be very explosive. He is trying so hard and I commend him but there's a kid that just wont leave him alone nor listen to any adult. He has been spoken to by the principal, teachers, his parents, even by the police to no avail. My sons interpretation of my instructions was, he's not allowed to fight under strict orders. So this kid has free reign and now cuts him off half way home from school to take his back pack, throw mud, or push him around. The other day my son came home with his face covered in dirt. I wiped his face and almost cried but noticed my sons glare. I asked hi about it and he continued to glare in anger and said "Im just waiting for him to touch me and hes mine". I found this scary. Is there something I can do to help this situation? Im tempted to let my son kick his butt but Im afraid of the extent of his mounting anger in him to not be controllable if and when he cuts loose. Any ideas?

    10 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Quick! Pediphile caught by two dads! what to do?

    My neighbor just phone my husband completely bezerk. I only caught part of the call because my husband was trying to calm him then he went into shock. I understood that his son told him this man "touched" him and ran home to tell his dad. His dad caught him and beat him bloody then dragged him to his basement. My husband was talking sense to him until he told my husband that the man confessed to molesting our son last week. This makes sense, our son has been very quiet and seclusive all week. My husband is on his way over there now. What shoud I do? What would you do?

    11 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • My neighbor loves my fruit. Should I cut down my tree?

    I have a large grapefruit tree which hangs partially into my neighbors yard. I had no problem with sharing until I spotted him having sex into a large grapefruit the other day. Now, everytime at breakfast when I sit there about to eat a grapefruit, I get nauseated or start laughing uncontrollably. I havent told anyone because this guys is a longtime buddy. I dare not tell my wife, she would freak. I think the secret Im keeping is driving me mad. Should I just cut down the tree and plant lemons or bananas instead? or would this just encourage him?

    9 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • My topless wifes picture is my best friends phone!?

    An hour ago I borrowed my longtime bestfriends cell phone to call my wife of 7 years to let her know I loaned my cell to my daughter. She didnt answer and I didnt bother to leave a voicemail.Several seconds after I hung up the phone rang, I looked at the screen and it said her name, her number and a picture of her came up of her topless on our bed. I'm fuming. I walked away from the area before I explode, cell phone still in hand, and she keeps calling. I know he already called her because she keeps calling and now hes calling from our office phone. Everytime I look at his phone to answer, I see her picture there on his phone and I can't talk. I need advice bad and fast.

    14 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • Can I get rid of neighborhood cats?

    I wake to cat poop in yard, cat paw prints up and down my cars and the ocassional "dude I ate something bad from your garbage so here my vomit" right near my front door. Not to mention the frequent cat battles right outside my wondow. waking me at all hours of the night. I have asked my neighbors whose cats these are (there are three). No one knows and everybody claims they are not theirs, though I DO see cat dishes outside their doors. The cats have no tags and they litter the neighborhood with kittens. Really nice finding road kill kittens in front of my house (sarcasm) when Im walking my kids to school. I have a house cat and dont like him mixing with these outdoor monstrosities. So if they belong to "noone" can I catch them and turn them over to the SPCA?

    7 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • For fun, can you be a fart just for a minute?

    I was asked yesterday, and strangely enough, I found it interesting:

    "If you were a fart, where would you go?"

    4 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago