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Ladies assaulting men. All opinions needed to solve arguement?

Okay we were discussing sexual problems and it came down to men abusing physically women. We know that's wrong. Women abusing men, also wrong BUT the fine line presented itself was a women confronting a man and beginning to hit him. Some lady said its the mans duty as a man to walk away from it, maybe even report her to the cops but he really shouldn't because he is a man. A man felt that if a woman confronts a man in a physical nature, she should be dropped like a man would drop any other man or assailant in order to fight off his attacker no matter what their sex is.

I added to him that, I felt that women today are more aggressive and feel that they can be more freely confrontational with men hiding behind their sex when its convenient to them. My wifes eyes are buring through me as we speak. lol

Whats your take on this subject?


I have to add that during a confrontation, if the guy getting hit even lays a hand on the female, generally speaking there are those who will see this as an act of aggression. For a guy, its a lose lose situation.

Also if a guy is expected to defend his woman, is it right to expect the woman to defend her man in such a situation against a female? Oh, now shes really mad now. lol

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I hate people who use their gender as a shield. Stuff like, "Oh, I'm superior because I'm male," or, "I can get away with anything because I'm female." I think that's incredibly wrong. I recently had a similar discussion with my boyfriend and his friends. They all feel that it's wrong to hit a woman or do anything physically painful to a woman at all. If they were ever confronted physically by a woman, they all said that they wouldn't fight back, just try to pin her down. I kinda think that a woman should get the same treatment as a man if she's going to be agressive. Hiding behind gender is pretty cowardly and low, and as a woman myself I think that the treatment should be equal. Of course, with most women it wouldn't take as much force, so it would be a good idea to be more gentle when drop kicking a woman. XD

    More and more women seem to be using their gender as a shield or just as an excuse. I completely agree with you. It's nice to be chivalrous, but if a woman is being a ***** then someone should do something about it.

  • 1 decade ago

    Fighting sucks. And physical violence is never good. I've got a couple of guy friends who've been beat on by their girl. Guys in this situation don't have any good options. It they go to the cops, they look like a sissy. If they hit her back, then they're a woman beater.

    I don't think that its ok to actually punch her. But your probably gonna have to push her to get out of there. And that in my mind is fair.

    I agree that women are more confrontational, but as for hiding behind their sex for convenience.......If I'm in a situation where I'm so mad I'm gonna get physical, I'm thinking about doing some damage. I'm not thinking about what I'm gonna get away with because I'm a girl.

    Have fun sleeping on the couch tonight :-)

  • 1 decade ago

    abuse or assault laws do not differentiate between the sexes. so under the judicial eye, all are treated equally. we all know that is not always the case, and that one sex, and only because of their sex, can get preferential treatment in a court. with that said, whether it be a man hitting a woman, or a woman hitting a man, it is wrong. in your example, if a man is assaulted by a woman, he has every right to minimally protect himself. and he should call the police. the same holds true for a man hitting a woman. she also should defend herself, without incurring additional injury, and should call the police. i am not certain that women are more confrontational today. i think both sexes are guilty of that.

  • 1 decade ago

    Its the oldest double standard! The universal double standard! Anytime there is a physical "anything" between a man and woman, the man should:

    1. Win if its a non violent competition

    2. Not hit the woman if its a fight

    3. Pick up the heaviest load if working or help the woman with her load

    If this doesn't happen the man (universally) will be labeled weak. There can never be true equality between a man and woman.

    Source(s): Marriage and life
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I've punched the crap out of men and women for trying to hit me. If anyone raises their hands to me...I punch them hard!!! Women want to be treated equal and I agree in all aspects. If a person hits you and you don't fight back,,,they just will keep hitting you. The same goes for women. Nothing worse than a person that won't fight back.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think if a woman is physically abusing a man, he has every right to defend himself. Whether he reports it or not is up to him. I don't think if she slaps him he should beat her to a pulp...I think he should back off after he has defended himself. Same goes if a male hits a female. There is no excuse for violence period.

  • Gail
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    When physically confronted by a woman, a man should use only enough DEFENSIVE force as is necessary to get her to stop hitting him. Only if the man is so physically weak that he is in danger of being beaten unconscious by the woman should a man ever strike a woman. There are no exceptions to this rule.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I totally agree with you. It is NEVER ok for a man to be the aggressor and put his hands on a woman. Obviously that's wrong. But, if a woman was in my face screaming and punching or slapping or whatever, I believe I have the right to knock her teeth out.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well...statistically speaking women are abused more often than men. Also...if you get beat up by a girl you really fail. But it's true. Men and women should be judged equally for physical abuse.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    if your such a man you should be able to hold her back when shes trying to hit you. the reason men shouldnt hit women is because of the difference in strength. a mans body is made way dif. than a womans and has a lot more muscle mass anyway. hold her damn arms, unless shes a bodybuilder i guess.

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