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Is Uzair(pbuh) a Prophet? Uzair(pbuh) is mentioned in the Quraan, Chapter: 9 (Al-Taubah), Verse: 30?

Read a Question from last week and I ignorantly replied that Uzair is not mentioned in the Quran, but I went and looked and did find Uzair in the Quraan.

I ask Allah(swt) forgiveness for my ignorance.

But my question is, Is Uzair a Prophet?


Ok, If he was then of these who is not a Prophet in the Quran? Or is there 26 mentioned and not 25?

Adam, Idris, Nuh, Hud, Saleh, Ibrahim, Ismail, Ishaaq,Lut, Ya'qub, Yusuf, Ayyub, Shuaib, Musa, Harun, Zulkifl, Ilias, Al-yasa, Daud, Sulaiman, Uzair, Yunus, Zakariyya, yahya, Eisa, Muhammad

which of those are not a Prophet? Or are they all Prophets?

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Uzair was a priest from the children of Haroon Alaihissalaam.

    The Jews took him for son of Allah.

    When the Jews killed the Prophets Allah raised the Tawraat, from their minds and their hearts, and the books were burried by the priests. Uzair, who was a priest, went out searching for it, Jiraaiil Alaihissalaam met him and asked where are you going, he said seeking knowledge, and Jib raa iil taught him the Tawraat. He returned and taught the tawraat to the people. But when they find the original Tawraat burried, they compared and found it to be without contradiction, so they said, it is because Uzair is the son of Allah.

    And this is what Allah says in the verse 9:31 they took Uzair the priest for son of Allah.

    9:30. And the Jews say, `Ezra is the son of ALLAH,' and the Christians say, `the Messiah is the son of ALLAH;' that is what they say with their mouths. They only imitate the saying of those who disbelieved before them. ALLAH's curse be on them ! How they are turned away.

    31. They have taken their priest and their monks for lords besides ALLAH. And so have they taken the Messiah, son of Mary. And they were not commanded but to worship the One God. There is no God but HE. Holy is HE far above what they associate with Him !

  • Shah
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    He has NOT been mentioned as either a Nabi or a Rasool.

    Therefore my own conclusion is that he is NEITHER of them.

    The Jews however regard him a lot as he reproduced the Torah that was lost during the first destruction of the temple.


    There are two terms used in the Quran: Nabi and Rasool

    They are NOT interchangeable !

    As per Organized Islam a Nabi is the one who preaches a message to a nation. While a Rasool is the one who brings a new book (sharia) and preaches it to a nation. Thus as per Organized Islam:

    Rasool = Book + Nabi (preaching a message).

    On the other hand as per Quran a Rasool is the one who preaches a message, while a Nabi is the one who brings a book (scripture). Ref. 3:81

    From the list that you have produced: As per my findings:

    Adam is NOT mentioned as either a Rasool or a Nabi.

    Idrees is mentioned as a Nabi and a saint.

    Noah is a Nabi + Rasool.

    Hood is a Rasool

    Saleh is a Rasool

    Ibrahim is a Nabi + Rasool

    Ismail is a Nabi + Rasool

    Ishaq is a Nabi

    Yaqub is a Nabi

    Yusuf (I need to check).

    Musa (Moses) is a Nabi + Rasool

    Haroon is a Nabi + Rasool

    I need to check from my list. But if you search the Quran you can find out.

    However there Ezra is not mentioned either as a Rasool or a Nabi.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Ezra (5th-4th century BC, Babylon and Jerusalem) was a religious leader of the Jews who returned from exile in Babylon, and a reformer who reconstituted the Jewish community on the basis of the Torah (Law, or the regulations of the first five books of the Old Testament). This monumental work of Ezra helped to make Judaism a religion in which law was central, that enabled the Jews to survive as a community when they were dispersed all over the world. Ezra has with some justice been called the father of Judaism since his efforts did much to give Jewish religion the form that was to characterize it for centuries after the specific form the Jewish religion took after the Babylonian Exile. So important was he in the eyes of his people that later tradition regarded him as no less than a second Moses (upon him be peace)."

  • 1 decade ago

    Al-Haafiz ibn Katheer (may Allaah have mercy on him) said in al-Bidaayah wa’l-Nihaayah: “The well known view is that ‘Uzayr was one of the Prophets of the Children of Israel.”

    The Jews said that ‘Uzayr is a son of Allaah, and the Christians said that the Messiah was a son of Allaah. ‘Uzayr was a righteous man from among the Children of Israel, who was venerated by the Jews. It was said that the reason why he was venerated was that he had memorized the Tawraat (Torah), so the Jews, or some of them, exaggerated about him and claimed that he was a son of Allaah. So Allaah condemned them for that and told them that by saying this they were doing the same as the mushrikeen who said that the angels were daughters of Allaah. The Christians also spoke ill of Allaah when they said that the Messiah was a son of Allaah; by doing so they resembled the Jews and mushrikeen. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

    “And the Jews say: ‘Uzair (Ezra) is the son of Allaah, and the Christians say: Messiah is the son of Allaah. That is their saying with their mouths, resembling the saying of those who disbelieved aforetime. Allaah’s Curse be on them, how they are deluded away from the truth!” [al-Tawbah 9:30]

    See Tafseer Ibn Katheer, the second part of his tafseer of Soorat al-Tawbah; Tafseer Ibn Jareer; Tafseer al-Qurtubi.


    Allaahu alim, how many Prophets are being called by name in the Kitaab. Some claim about Dzoel-Qarnain was also a prophet, others claim agian about that Loeqmaan. And other have doubts about Al Khidr.

    The point should be that they all said: La ilaha illAllaah.

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  • 1 decade ago

    He was more of a messenger than a prophet and he was sent to the israelites and he was followed by Musa (pbuh) who couldn't understand why he had done those deeds so i guess at the same time a mentor for Musa (pbuh) and he was a miracle at the same time, When Allah had him and his donkey dead and resurrected after i guess 300 years to find that everything was returned to it's previous form.

  • 4 years ago

    Who Is Uzair

  • marne
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    islam is one deen one sect and maximum of all it prospers simply by rationalism. to comprehend approximately shia sunni dialogue we muslims have below one p.c. who think of rationally. it rather is rational to think of that we ought to study the temper of the cherished fathima as, to renowned what destiny awaited ummath after Rasool saww. different halves of the prophet have been mom of all believers. yet Fathima AS would be chief of all the wemen in any respect circumstances. this is time independant. So Fathima is a lot extra advantageous than ummul mumineen. might Allah save this planet earth from the ignorant ones.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Al-Haafiz ibn Katheer (may Allaah have mercy on him) said in al-Bidaayah wa âl-Nihaayah:

    The well known view is that Uzayr was one of the Prophets of the Children of Israel....................

    The scholarly differences as to whether Uzayr was actually a Prophet or not are well known.

    Shaykh Abd al-Kareem al-Khudayr

    Story of Uzair/Ezra

    Uzair (AS) “Ezra” – Part 1:

    Uzair (AS) is one of Allah’s (SWT) Prophets who came after Musa (AS) (Moses), Dawud (AS) (David), and Solaiman (AS) (Solomon).

    so i guess he is,also he is referred as a prophet everywhere on the net when searching.

  • 1 decade ago


    1. Ibn Kathir: Story of Prophet Adam (pbuh)

    2. Ibn Kathir: Story of Prophet Idris/Enoch (pbuh)

    3. Ibn Kathir: Story of Prophet Nuh/Noah (pbuh)

    4. Ibn Kathir: Story of Prophet Hud (pbuh)

    5. Ibn Kathir: Story of Prophet Salih (pbuh)

    6. Ibn Kathir: Story of Prophet Ibrahim/Abraham (pbuh)

    7. Ibn Kathir: Story of Prophet Ismail/Ishmael (pbuh)

    8 & 9. Ibn Kathir: Story of Prophets Ishaq/Isaac and Yaqub/Jacob (pbut)

    10. Ibn Kathir: Story of Prophet Lut/Lot (pbuh)

    11. Ibn Kathir: Story of Prophet Shuaib (pbuh)

    12. Ibn Kathir: Story of Prophet Yusuf/Joseph (pbuh)

    13. Ibn Kathir: Story of Prophet Ayoub/Job (pbuh)

    14. Ibn Kathir: Story of Prophet Dhul-Kifl (pbuh)

    15. Ibn Kathir: Story of Prophet Yunus/Jonah (pbuh)

    16 & 17. Ibn Kathir: Story of Prophet Musa/Moses and Haroon/Aaron (pbut)

    18. Ibn Kathir: Story of Prophet Hizqeel/Ezekiel (pbuh)

    19. Ibn Kathir: Story of Prophet Elyas/Elisha (pbuh)

    20. Ibn Kathir: Story of Prophet Shammil/Samuel (pbuh)

    21. Ibn Kathir: Story of Prophet Dawud/David (pbuh)

    22. Ibn Kathir: Story of Prophet Sulaiman/Solomon (pbuh)

    23. Ibn Kathir: Story of Prophet Isaiah (pbuh)

    24. Ibn Kathir: Story of Prophet Aramaya/Jeremiah (pbuh)

    25. Ibn Kathir: Story of Daniel (pbuh)

    26. Ibn Kathir: Story of Uzair/Ezra

    27 & 28. Ibn Kathir: Story of Prophet Zakariyah/Zechariah and Yahya/John (pbut)

    29. Ibn Kathir: Story of Prophet Isa/Jesus (pbuh)

    EDIT: if u see wiki u'll notice that they do not mention Prophet Aramaya/Jeremiah (pbuh) or Prophet Shammil/Samuel (pbuh) and they make Dhul-Kifl & Ezekiel as one person that's why the count is 26 prophets

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes his name is Ezra in english.

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