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Why do we have to choose between finding God and having money?

must we be in poverty to enjoy God, Is misery part of the package?

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Many people who now have wealth can not give it up. They need to accumulate it and keep it close. Seekers, on the other hand have

    gone without things and developed a poverty consciousness.

    It is delightful to have all life flow through you. Money and God will

    not feel separate but balanced.

    Pray: I am willing to accept and receive all the bounty the universe wants to give me...

    Be ready to receive - and then experience the joy of giving.

    There is nothing like it.

    Source(s): Bartholomew quotes "From the heart of a gentle brother" by Mary-Margaret Moore
  • 1 decade ago

    No, but there are two basic reasons that God is the God of poverty.

    Scripture says (Luke 16:10) that what you do with what you have determines how much you should have - at least as far as God is concerned.

    Click on the link, because verse 13 of that same chapter of Luke says that you cannot serve both God and money - it's either one or the other. That's not to say that you have to choose between either, but that (in conjunction with passages such as Matthew 6:33 - second link) search for God and his ways first, and he will see to it that you have what you need.

    But that's just it, too - have what you NEED. If you faithfully give away what you DON'T need, then God will see to it that you get more, because he knows that the excess is going to be used for other people, such as the widows and orphans.

    While you do not need to "choose" between God and money, if you are not in fact using your money in a Godly fashion (such as by hoarding it, or "saving for a rainy day"), then you have in essence CHOSEN money - not God, because you can't have it both ways.

    *** ADDENDUM ***

    This is just the Biblical theory, by the way. In actuality, it does not work not because the Bible says that it won't work, but because, when push comes to shove, even those who claim to rely on the Bible still cling to the ways of the world.

    Witness just how many "Christians" support the "war on terror," and say that we must use our worldy might to force the terrorists into submission, rather than rely on God's might and love the terrorists into submission.

    It's the same way with money. If EVERYONE actually lived what they profess, then NO ONE would be in poverty.

  • We do not have to choose between finding God and having money. There are many true christians who are very well off, yet love God too.

    What it is actually saying is the love of money is the danger. If we concentrate on getting rich then how can we make room to find our Creator?

    However, there are also millions of people who are in poverty materially, yet happy because they have a hope for the future.

    Likewise, there are many who are not poverty stricken and yet make great changes so that they can focus on worshipping their Creator.

  • 1 decade ago

    You don't have to choose between the two. You just have to be careful that what you have does not take you away from God. That you don't love money more than God. What you have is what God gave you and how you use it will determine whether God blesses you with more or less. Honor God with your first fruits. A way to do this is by tithing to your church and/or giving to people who need help. Good luck.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The answers are no, and no.

    There is no virtue in poverty, and yet misery does not always accompany poverty.

    Contentment is a choice. Happiness is a state of mind.

    It IS possible to be godly and rich, and it is also possible to be poor and happy.

    And, wealth does not always bring happiness.

  • 1 decade ago

    When God created us we were given free will. He wants to be loved freely and doesn't believe in forcing you too. Satan's problem was he wanted man to be under his control due to his jealousy and man to have a mind pre-programed to love and serve god. Its your choice to choose earthly treasures as your salvation. Most people ask why about free will. Its only an excuse we give ourselves to not love GOD the way we should. We are given a choice to recieve our reward in heaven or earth.

    This should help you get a better picture. Say u give a homeless person a twenty dollar bill, you later brag to your friends or family members that you did. The praise you recieve from them is the reward you have chosen to recieve which is earthly. In contrary if you keep silent about your good deed, not saying don't encurage others too do good things, then you will recieve that reward in heaven which is worth the wait.

    We as humans are naturally impatient and seek solutions that give immediate results that aren't always the best solution. You wonder why people always complain that God doesn't help them, they expect god to give them an answer within their set time span. Wrong way to think! Gods time line doesn't work like ours. You will get your blessing in due time.

    Anyway, God wants you to have money and be happy with it. The thing is Idolizing money and valuing money over your relationship with GOD is the problem. Money should only be a accessory to you life not the controlling factor of your life. God will provide for you if you worship him faithfully. :) (Their is no Sacrafice without suffering)

  • Buddha
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Christians that did not have to choose:

    Pastor Melissa Scott

    Ken Copeland

    Jessie Duplantis

    John Haggie

    Robert Tilton

    Casey Treet

    Benny Hinn

    and so many others.

    None of them gave up a cent to follow Christ.

    They got filthy rich off of pimping out god.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    No one says that you have to live in poverty to serve God, just that this is the highest calling.

    With a goal of putting aside worldly distractions and focusing on the spiritual. Money and material possessions make this "otherworldliness" difficult. We know from the LIves of the Saints that Kings and Queens have become Saints - it is certainly not impossible to inherit the Kingdom despite having the burden of worldly wealth.

    However if you disbelieve that a rich man can enter into the Kingdom... read Matthew 19:23-26 (King James Version)

    23Then said Jesus unto his disciples, Verily I say unto you, That a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven.

    24And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.

    25When his disciples heard it, they were exceedingly amazed, saying, Who then can be saved?

    26But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.

    Source(s): Orthodox Christian
  • Katie
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I think it was something along the lines of..

    'it is much easier for a camel to get thru the eye of a needle than for a rich man to inherit the kingdom of god'

    One of Jesus' messages, but I think thats because money has a tendancy to distract.

    Thumbs down fairy again... I feel loved

  • 1 decade ago

    Jesus said: Man must not live on bread alone but on every utterance that come forth from Jehovah's mouth.

    Without Almighty providing life for all of us, money would be worthless.

    Jesus was God Son and he was not materially rich.

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