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Spiritually Pondering...What would YOU do if you saw an accident happen on the highway?!?

MY son was hit by a truck Friday afternoon...He was riding his new Schwinn...the truck went off the road & crashed into him...he was hurt really bad....blood everywhere...a terrible head gash...

NO ONE STOPPED!!! He could not even remember the numbers to call for 911...after several minutes he called me...I called the Police..

James spent 4 days in the Hospital with a concussion & assorted broken bones & bruises...

My Faith in people is all but gone because of what happened to him....Isn't their a Law about this exact thing???

Would YOU stop or call the Police?!?!?


The truck got away...hit & run...!!!

33 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    That's terrible! I hope your son recovers well.

    If I could safely stop and help -- of course I would. If not, I'd be on the phone with 911 immediately. It could be my son lying there.

    I must admit it's not spiritual for me though (atheist). It's about doing what should be done.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Kerilyn, that's just awful! I am so sorry that your son (and you) had to endure injury and anguish. People can be so cruel. Not only that, to leave him lay without administering aid ... What if he had been gravely injured? What the hell goes through people's heads at times? I hope everything is OK for him now, and that he makes a speedy recovery.

    I've never come upon an accident until emergency personnel had already arrived at the scene, but if I should, I would certainly stop. Wait -- I take that back. There is a sign not 500 feet from my house that read "Aggressive driver high crash area." That is because in the 14 years I have lived here there have been at least a dozen accidents -- people drive like maniacs

    I am usually one of the first to call 911 as soon as I hear the screeching of tires and crunching of metal ... My neighbors and I all have it on speed dial. Fortunately, none of the accidents have been serious, but there *was* an elderly lady whose wrist was broken by her air bag. I brought her into my house, gave her some water, applied ice to her wrist and called for her husband to meet her. By the time I'd finished speaking with him the medics had arrived, but she refused to go with them, preferring instead to have her husband drive her to the hospital.

    Kerilyn, please don't allow what happened to sour your image of mankind. There are good people out there ... I'm sorry, I don't know what else to say, other than I'm glad James will be OK ... I'm so sorry this happened. Only the best to both of you.

    (((((((Kerilyn and James))))))))

  • 1 decade ago

    I am so sorry to hear what happened to your son. I would have called 911 AND stopped but if i had seen who did it, i would have tailed him to get a plate number after calling 911. I am not a doctor but a human voice and touch...some assurance, may have been just what the doctor ordered. Its a sign of the times...the end of days of this rotten old system. There still are good Samaritans out there. (Luke 10:29-37) The law now protects a good Samaritan who offers help to a victim. But unfortunately none happened by when your son was hit. The bible states the road is narrow to salvation and few are finding it but the road is broad leading off to destruction and many are finding it. Proof God's word is true is what happened to James. One of the few wasn't there for him.

    Source(s): Bible Matt 7:13,14
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I stop.... unless there is already obvious help there... as I drive 150+ miles a day... and at one time up to 600 a day...I have seen many accidents... and it is not uncommon for a whole lot of traffic to go by before any one stops... I have literally turned my truck across four lanes of traffic to slow down traffic so others trying to get to an accident could cross... I carry a well stocked First aid pack and have used it several times... I was the third at a major truck accident... and older couple in a motor home stopped just before me... over a hundred cars went on by before anyone else stopped...

    I was hit by a car as a child... and I lay on the street... literally across the street from my school... while car after car slowed to look but did not stop... the car that hit me took off.... I was not seriously injured... but a 7yr old bleeding in the street was just a curiosity to passerbys.....

    that is why I stop when I know I can help

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  • 1 decade ago

    I'm so very sorry that happened to your son. I hope he recovers easily and quickly and I hope the catch the idiot who did that.

    I have stopped for accidents. I used to live off a busy highway and there were several wrecks that we got to before anyone else. I guess I was just raised that way. I remember many times when we had to sit on the side of the road for an hour or more while my dad fixed someone's car or something. I think a lot of people would stop.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hi there !

    I am sorry to hear that. I hope he is well now!

    I always stop and call .i am a construction worker and have a safety vest in my truck at all times.I will Flag traffic while waiting for the police and EMT's.

    Some are afraid they might become the accident themselves if they move to action.Some are afraid to become involved,either because they figure some one else will call 911 or they don't want to be involved.

    It is to bad when I see people like those.

    Just to let YOU know.....We are not all like that.

    Peace and prosperity to your heart Dear Friend my Fellow Human!


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I too am sorry for your son and hope he has a speedy and total recovery.

    I also would have stopped of course, but I'm not sure just how much help I would have been since I know little about emergency medical aid.

    I might just have made the injuries worse rather than better.

    But I would definitely have stayed with him, made the 911 call, and comforted him until help arrived.

    I would have also called you to alert you to the situation.

    Past that, I'm sorry to say there would have been little more I could have done.

  • 42
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    So I assume the truck didn't stop after the driver hit your son?

    In that case, I'd keep driving ... right behind the truck, get its license number, call 911, and report a hit-and-run. And, of course, also let them know there was an injured bicyclist.

    That way, hopefully, your son would get medical help *and* the lowlife driver would be brought to justice.

    People suck, for the most part.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have and always will stop, render what aid I can, call 911 and stay until police or ambulance arrives. I have seen a bicyclist hit by a motorist and shatter the windshield, and another accident occur right in front of me (picture car going backwards & sideways 100 ft. in front of you on 70 mph freeway, slamming into the median) and I stopped immediately to assist and help until police arrived. I am sorry to hear no one stopped to aid your son, had I been there, I would have. I hope they catch they perpetrator before he hurts someone else.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    My father was in the same type of accident when he was 20 years old. He was riding his bike on a country road when a car hit him so hard, it split his skull open. The guy could have easily kept driving, as there were no witnesses and because it was nighttime on a very secluded road, my father definitely would have died on the roadside. So if the dude hadn't stopped, I wouldn't be typing this right now.

    I've never had much faith in people, darling, so I'm not surprised at your story. Disgusted and angry, yes, but not surprised. People suck.

    I hope your son has a speedy recovery!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Get to a safe spot to park my car call 911 and check on the accident.

    I have done this before and i was even in the wreck. The guy that hit us slammed into a street sign an clipped a motorcycle before rear ending us at 100 MPH crossing 6 lanes of traffic an crashing into a barricade that stopped him.

    I found that i was fine, so was my driver and my other passengers. we got to the shoulder and went back to help the cyclist. We called 911 for the guy that hit us as he wa across 6 lanes of highway traffic we could not personal help him. we all made it out with no serious injury

    I actually was just in an accident, sideswiped by a truck taking his exit to early. On one stopped.

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