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How should i apologize to my crush? Face to face or Phone, or Myspace?

When i interviewed my crush for an assignment a few weeks ago. I asked him too many personal questions. Now since it's been a few weeks, i want to apologize to him but i don't know how. I apologized to him twice over Myspace and the phone when i had to re-interview him. But that's that. I don't want to go up to him when he's talking to his friends. I cant catch him during the day because he's not in any of my classes -although we are in the same hallway during 1st. I cant catch him during then. I want to do this before Homecoming week-which is next week. I also don't know what to say to him, so what do i say to him (besides sorry). What do i do???. I also don't got the guts to go and talk to him either. Can someone help me??

10 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    My advice is to do it face to face. Send him a my space email telling him u would like to talk to him alone. Just go & catch him as soon as your 1st class is over before he joins his friends. Just tell him that u meant no harm by what happened & that you like to start over. Hope this helps & wish you the best of luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    Face to Face, always best way to go.

    Besides girls are different over internet.

    If you can't do Face to Face, do phone.

    Hope it helped man.

    Thanks for time.

    Also the war in Middle East is preety bad, just gonna let that out there.


    Source(s): sources = sources
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Wow you're in a lot of trouble. Apologize to him face to face! Say you're sorry you asked too many personal questions and say you'll never do it again.

  • 1 decade ago

    i think u should apoligize face to face u know that way ur crush knows u mean it because if u do text or myspace ur crush cant see ur feelings and i kno people like to see feelings when being apologized t0

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You've already apologized three times (once was one time too many if you ask me). If you apologize any more he's gonna take out a restraining order.

  • 1 decade ago

    Just garb him away from his friends Just say i need to tell you something and tell him your sorry try and get a hug outta him and hop fully he'll be ok! even tho they wont admit it boys love hugs just as much as girls and its a great way to be close without being to intimate :)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If you already said sorry then just leave it at that, you will annoy him if you keep apologizing. Just leave this in the past!

  • 1 decade ago

    i think you should apologize to him face to face

    when hes with his friends

    since theres no other way to get in contact

    with him

    just ask him to speak with him privately

    and when your finished

    its his choice to forgive you or not

    but he should be able to understand

    if not

    then hes useless..

    i hoped it helps

  • papaw
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Talk to him, face to face, on the phone, and see where it leads...

  • 1 decade ago

    face to face.

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