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folke k asked in EnvironmentGlobal Warming · 1 decade ago

Global warming will lower sea level rise?

There is a really smart scientist (in some ways, may be financially) who has shown that there is nothing to worry about.

I have only one tiny problem. The same scientist has shown that there is no global warming at all.

So, what shall i believe? When there is no global warming, but cooling, the sea level will rise......i shall drown......

when there is global warming, the sea level will fall, but i will burn....

Please help !!!!!!!!!


Did anyone of the answerers read the article in the link?

Of course, it seems some did, but no one made a clear statement. Singer writes here:

"Water will freeze when you put it into the microwave, and it will boile when you put it into your fridge......"

Ok, may be a little exaggerated, but this is the quintessence of this little paper.

What shall i say, James E got a direct hit...

"Interesting piece and it explains why they have been reporting record glacier growth on both Antartica and Greenland. This is why scientific studies are so important as they correct the natural errors of..."

Difficult to make a choice for best answer, but......

3. place for Dana because of his links, something you do not find from F. Singer

2. place for Paul for his comment to James Answer.

And the winner is....Mike M

I like the Irony in your answer

21 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Repeat after me

    "I must not look for accurate scientific information from"

    and James E, there's something wrong with you...really

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Evidently you do not follow the science in this area, or you would know the answer. If you are one of those who prefer to deny scientific evidence, don't read any further. Immediately after 9/11 (destruction of the WTC towers in New York City), most commercial flights were grounded. Some scientists realized this was a great opportunity to see what effect the jet contrails had on the Earth. To their surprise, the average global temperature increased. The contrails had been artificailly lowering the Earth's temperature while the co2 increase was elevating it. We have now passed the point at which cloud cover, artificial or natural, is going to make much difference. Once the Gulf Stream changes, which it will in a matter of months to a year, the warming effects will be both ineluctable and obvious even to Bush and the corporate protectors in both parties in the US. Too late!

  • 1 decade ago

    Do not worry about the rise of sea levels, there is already a plan in-work to run a pipe from the Pacific Ocean to Death Valley, any rise in sea level will run down the pipe and into Death Valley (its the low spot in California remember ?).

    This action has shown in computer models to solve the sea rise problems as some sea water will percolate down into the fresh water reserves and some will evaporate into clouds to fall later as rain.

    Now this has been discussed with all the nations on the world and all countries that have areas that are lower then sea level is on-board today, a few other nations are working on pumps to pump water into all areas that have shown to hold water.

    So the sea rise is no longer a problem, so don't let the global warming extremist use that to scare you into buy some more stupid light bulbs or electric cars !

  • 1 decade ago

    The seas will rise 200 feet in the last week of 2012 when earth changes it's equatorial spin axis. It does this every 12,900 years. It does it because it's core is basically just a giant magnetic motor that spins at a different rate. Scientists on the news were willing to admit it's been slowing down about that amount of time, but you don't see the rest of the story. It gets sped up during a period of 1 year, and the magnetic hot spots like magnets inside a motor will have to reset since they've worn out, just like an old magnetic motor. Only permanent magnets like neodymium don't wear out. Earth is ferrous however. There is a youtube video on this;

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  • 1 decade ago

    Oh global warming lowers the sea level? Well this is a news for me...i believed global warming melts polar ice and sea level increases....

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Our world goes through rises and falls in temperature with the sun.

    Maunder Minimum's and Maximums. ( I think that's how you spell it).

    This gives us the ice ages and the warming.

    It may be possible that we are in the middle of a warming period. But it will not be the end of the world. It's is a cycle that happens, it's just longer than a human's life so nobody recognizes that it has happened before.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    What one individual scientist says or a few say,is of no consequence. The consensus among scientists is that AGW is real and is a threat to humanity.

  • 1 decade ago

    no because global warming is the temperature of the atmosphere in the earth, when the heat temperature goes high the iceberg in antartica will be dissolve and become water. and sea water will high.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think there is good evidence that the sea level rises after an ice age recedes and we hope it will continue to do so, but the rate of rise is now very slow. I wouldn't worry too much about it.

  • 1 decade ago

    SEPP is a political organization. Fred Singer is a fringe skeptic who has worked for the tobacco industry disputing smoking's link to lung cancer.

    Scientific opinion on climate change:

  • 1 decade ago

    Let's hear from a sea level expert:

    "Dr. Mörner was president of the International Union for Quaternary Research’s (INQUA) Commission on Sea-Level Changes and Coastal Evolution (1999-2003). Its research proved that the catastrophic predictions of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), based on computer models of the effects of global warming, are “nonsense.”

    You really have to ask yourself if the IPCC has exaggerated sea level rise in it's report to that extent, what other effects of global warming has it exaggerated? Hurricanes? Drought? Floods? Disease? Mass extinction?

    To mobilize people to do something about global warming, and that's assuming: a) man is mostly causing it and, b) there is something we can do about it, then the IPCC (and whoever else) needs to paint a very bad picture about the effects of global warming. That is, they need to scare people. It used to work for me, it doesn't any more.

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