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Speaking only for yourself, and not blaming or attributing your deep seated feelings to anyone other than?

yourself (take ownership here, people), what drives you to be ugly in your manner here and toward the president (if you are, that is)?


and yes, I realize it is a run on sentence.

21 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I don't have that problem and issue thank goodness. People actually get mad at me and hate me for calling them out. But I can take it, no biggie lol. People just need to be open and honest with themselves first and foremost. Like someone said in the other post, his teacher finally came out and said that the problems that he has with Obama is because Obama is black.Although you might can't stand someone like that teacher, you have to admit that he was being honest with himself and then with others. Racism is totally naked today. And most people can't hide it well or at all. To many, a Black man or half Black man was never suppose to become President of America. It just wasn't suppose to happen they think in their minds. To these type of people, a half Black man becoming the President has turned their regular world totally upside down. And they are lashing out about it.

  • 1 decade ago

    What your asking is impossible! My feelings are not about me being President! I am not the President, I did not get elected by 98% of blacks in America, and 48% of whites! I did not give trillions of tax payers money to two of the big three when that money should of gone to the tax payers. Each one getting $20,000.00 and it would of been cheaper! I did not condemn a white cop for doing his duty and lift a black man to victim status. I do not think making friends with America's enemies is a good thing! I would not just call miss west a jackazz, but would of called him for what he is!

    What your asking is impossible to do, because I am not the President!!

    Besides that I am not ugly in my manner here or towards the President, I just tells it as it sees it!!

  • 1 decade ago

    I am disrespectful of the president, but he started it. I spoke against his idea, he called me a liar. I used his words, he said I took them out of context. I played the whole video, and he said I misconstrued what he said. I don't what else to do but to call out the Moron of the Midway for what he is.

    My manner here towards my fellow YA'ers is simple, do unto others... If you want to have a respectful and intellectual debate, I would love to. If you're going to call me names, and try to make my beliefs look stupid, I will make you look like an idiot. I come here to debate the issues, but when I try I'm reported or cut off. I think I'm blocked on about 20 or 30 avatars. They won't even try to debate me anymore. And, what is even more disheartening, is this comes from the "intellectual" side of the debate.

    My side is supposed to be the dumb rednecks, we're not supposed to be able to put a sentence together, and yet our arguements are factual and logical. I ask simple questions, and wonder aloud... like why the citizens are held to one standard, but congress is held to another. And then I wonder why more people aren't asking these same questions. I also wonder how people can defend these actions.

    Source(s): Common sense... I am all about ownership, and I hope you can understand my perspective. Now, will you continue to defend a president that lies to your face? Are you ready to come to light side? Come to the light side... we have cookies!
  • I figure that giving a protest, giving my protest poster and dialogue in the form of some questions about the Healthcare Bill to the president, and getting the end of the line (30,000) people out of a protest crowd to clean up my trash after me is a good way to feel bad about our president. In fact I hope whomever gives D.C. a visit, the President included, enjoys the clean streets left behind after the protest. You need to understand that protesting means nothing bad toward the president, it's just a way of expressing how one feels, and it is, provided it is nonviolent, 100% constitutional, and 100% legal to do so! I am not ugly toward the president, although I do disagree with him. I actually write proposals to him and get involved in the protests against his policies.

    Most people who protest him don't want him to fail. Most want him to live up to being the transparent, man of the people that he promised, because that is really what we need right now to solve most of the nation's issues. If he really intends to be as serving to our desires, or as transparent, as he promised, then there is absolutely nothing to worry about on his part, because it's in his kind heart to do so all along. The protests and disagreements were simply bound to happen, with the occasional bad apple in the basket every now and then. The protests were bound to happen because of what Obama promised, and the hope of many that he will fulfill those promises.

    What you, who seem fairly new to the internet, need to realize, is that there are plenty of "trolls" out there. Internet trolls being people who post whatever offensive junk they can. Trolls don't care about the offensive, or non-credible content which they write, but enjoy making people such as yourself mad. When someone gives such non-credible ideas such as Obama being similar to Hitler, Obama is a manchurian candidate for terrorists, Obamabots, Obama bin Biden, or other name-calling, ignore such posters on the internet, because they are likely children or people without any reasoning whatsoever. You're more likely to find them on numerous discussion boards than rational people. Now, if someone wants to know or discuss potentially cutting, adding, or otherwise changing Obama's policies, that person shows some rationale, and could be worth talking to. But note that I said possibly. The internet discussion boards, as well as yahoo answers politics are among the least credible sources as they are full of internet trolls that give a twisted view of what otherwise rational people think. Be ready to ignore most of the irrational junk which the is given about Obama as a person, rather than an analysis of his own policies: it's likely to be incredibly rediculous.

    Source(s): I've used the internet for more than 10 years - trust me when I say that I've experienced most of the junk that there is to see around here.
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  • DAR
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Pretty much this:

    However, there is also his intentionally misleading the American people first during his campaign and now using the office of the presidency in an attempt to push through unpalatable policy which would cause even more outcry if half the country didn't think it must be good just because he said it is. I find people being 'cute' with hair splitting definitions while using soaring oratory to paint a very different picture from reality to be slimy.

    That makes me find our current president repulsive.

    However, I am only 'ugly' about him if by 'ugly' you mean expressing my opposition to his policies and my dislike of him.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I for one have not been ugly here. I am not hateful of the president. I AM however hateful of his policies, and his way of dealing with the citizens of this country who don't believe in him. That also goes for the entire Democrat leadership in DC, they are so hate filled for anyone who doesn't agree With them it's pitiful. They are the first though to point the finger of racism or hatred at someone else.

    All I want is for the government to leave me, and my money alone.

  • 1 decade ago

    I do my best to not be ugly towards the president, even though I very mcuh disagree with his policiies. The facts can be somewhat ugly but I do my best to present them with a certain degree of civility.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am not "ugly" toward the president. There is no requirement that I respect him or support his policies. I oppose them on the grounds that they are not best for America, and that they are not in agreement with the limited government and individual freedoms the Constitution was created to protect.

    If I am ugly, it is only an in-kind response to ugly questions and ugly comments and ugly smears (especially that I am "racist" for opposing the same policies I have always opposed).

  • 1 decade ago

    you need to qualify your question - what exactly do you mean by 'ugly'? Does pointing out the discrepancies of what I man has said and done equate to 'ugly'? Does questioning someone based on the organizations they are connected to, when that same person publicly stated we should judge him by the company he keeps, count as 'ugly'?

  • Politics are ugly. Gee I read that some where...I speak my opion and it may be ugly to you but not to others. So coming from me. What makes you think that things that are said about BO is ugly? Don't you think that what your asking is in the eye of the beholder??

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