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is it possible my son is gifted?

im really not trying to jump the gun here... i know lots of parents think their children are the smartest or the fastest... so maybe this is normal.

he knew the whole alphabet and could count to 10 by the time he was 13 months ( maybe slightly earlier, it was his cousins birthday and thats my marker for remembering.) he has an amazing memory, a friend of our comes to visit only once a year and stays for a week at a time. every time he is coming he remembers "uncle jeff". or if i tell him something or went to the zoo 3 months later he will remember in detail. we just got a piano, and he was playing around with it for about a week or so. all of a sudden he starts basically playing one of his favorite songs one note at a time, the right timing, and mostly the right notes. i know we never tried to teach him this song... he was crawling everywhere and cruising by 5 months, and his first steps were at 10 months.

what do you think? my son is 3/12...

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago

    The part that really strikes me as out of the ordinary is the piano thing. That shows some kind of gift if you ask me. I have never known a child to start playing a song from not even being taught. I would look further into that. My daughter, who is bright, but I wouldn't really consider her particularly gifted has that amazing memory your son has for people and events. Sometimes it shocks me. But my doc says it has to do the way she is organizing her world. She remembers because it plays an important role in her development of spatial relations, time, and relationships. Which made total sense to me. And it does sound like he is quick with the learning the alphabet and moving around, but that might just be on par with normal development. I do say that the piano thing is abnormal for a three-year-old and it might be something to watch. He sounds incredibly intelligent, even if he is not gifted specifically. And I would take that any day of the week...I bet he is funny too. Seems to me that the smart kids are always a crack-up.

  • 1 decade ago

    The only one who can give you a definitive answer is a child psychologist who administers an IQ test. They are willing to come to your house to make it less intimidating for the kids. If he scores high enough he can qualify for gifted programs. Good luck.


    I have no idea why someone would thumbs this down when it's true. My IQ was tested when I was your son's age. It's the *only* accurate way of knowing. Albert Einstein didn't speak or read until he was nearly five, and yet we know he was gifted, and other children who appear to be gifted have average intelligence and are just precocious. Since most that age haven't taken standardized yet, it's extremely difficult to know for certain without having the IQ test administered.

    Why speculate when you can get real answers?

  • 1 decade ago

    It sounds good, but rather than me telling you, I'll give you some links that have, within their sites, lists of characteristics by age you can look at. Continue to enrich your son at the highest level he will respond to or be interested in. That goes for any child.

    Good luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    oh wow thats impressive. abc's and counting by 13 months? wow. good from him! my daughter is 27 months and just learned them, and can count to 20. But Id day he's pretty special. Encourage him more! Dont let it all go to waste!

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    This could be his peak lol. It might not get any better from here. Ever parent thinks their child his gifted. But yes it is possible. And if he is do not put loads of pressure on him!

  • 1 decade ago

    i dont know wat 3/12 means but he does sound uber smart and a deff a fast learner. the music thing is amazing. but at the same time he might just have a VERY good memory. just because you have a good memory doesnt mean your SMART just means you can remember wat u ate for breakfast on the 10th day of school 2 yrs ago.

    lol either way he does sound gifted.

  • early signs of autism get him checked out

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