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Why do people keep saying Obama is forcing his policies on people?

He campaigned on Health care reform, and he was elected by a majority of the people.

Up until five weeks ago, the country was about divided on the issue, and since all the lies have begun from Conservative radio and Palin, the approval numbers have dropped, but those people who actually belive the lies, well, they don't count in real life, but they are counted in polls.

But seriously, Obama was elected to enact health care reform and to ditch Iraq... why they confusion?


Not Obama's fault we had to do the bail outs... and they worked, depsite what you may think, but we never sunk to the Great Depression... and BTW - the policies were that of Bush appointees, and actually begun under Bush.

*** and it hasn;t even been a year... we will be out of Iraq and we will have health care reform.

Update 2:

Pointing out a typo doesn't answer the question.

Update 3:

Angelina - What in the world are you talking about? You think the GOP didn;t have investigators all over his background? What part of the conspiracy about his background are you actually subscribing to?

Update 4:

vicsikix - Ummm, yeah Obama did campaign on health care. Perhaps all you heard was change and hope because you don;t read newspapers or watch the news, and get your news from talk radio (which is not news... or it would be called NEWS radio)

Update 5:

Mr. 1911A - I acknowledged that current polls have over 50% opposing the bill. But I am also know how the media works, and when you have people in certain positions of influence ie: Palin, Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity, Savage who have no problem telling outright lies or inferring towards untruths, people do take that literally. Even Rep. Wilson was misinformed about the bill (likely didn't read it) when he screamed You Lie to the President regarding coverage f illegal aliens, depsite the fact that there are very clear provisions that state it does not extend to illegal aliens. (Then again, anyone can walk into an emergency room anywhere in the country and recieve care today)

Either way, as we were reminded every day of the previous administration, the Presidency is not a popularity contest. We live in a Democratic Republic, not a straight democracy.

Update 6:

Veritas et Aequitas - Umm... yes I do have a clue what its going to do to our economy in the short and long run... and trust me, its a hell of a lot prettier than if we hadn't stepped in with bail out money. I don;t like giving money to corporations at all, but in this instance... we saved our asses.

Update 7:

DAR - you are a perfect example of the type of misinformed person I am talking about... He never once said that you had to buy into the government option. Its encouraged to keep your private insurance actually.

Update 8:

DAR - enacting a bill like this does not require the majority's you speak of. Its not a Constitutional ammendment.

Update 9:

fredfox1... - if you think umeployment and the economy are bouncing back on their own, and not because of the stimulus, then you don't have the slightest concept of market economies.

Fact of the matter is, the stimulus is not directly responsible fro anything except AVOIDING THE COMPLETE AND TOTAL FAILURE OF THE AMERICAN ECONOMIC SYSTEM

Update 10:

Gov is a Front for the Mob - You obviously know what youre talking about. The mob though is just another puppet in the show... but you are right in pointing out that Bush Sr, is still one of the most powerful men in the world. But this whole discussion will take me in a whoel other tangent. Most people still believe that the figure heads in their government are actually calling the shots, but once in a while they will pass some great social legislation. Health care reform is good for the country. A healthy population that is not on the brink of one operation from bankruptcy makes this a stronger country.

Update 11:

Virgod - Oh please enlighten me... what exactly has the government seized that was yours? People are opposed to us owning parts of the banks or part of GM? Perhaps we should have let them fail, and then watch as all us descend into poverty. The government hasn;t taken anything of yours. In fact, the only government seizure of private property is the local eminent domain laws seizing property for economic development. When it comes to the Supreme Court, who votes in favor of seizing private property to transfer to another private party? Yeah that would be the conservative majority. So, yeah thats not socialism, but thats not capitalism either. Thats just fascist. btw - this was a 2005 case

Update 12:

Virgod - you refer to the banks and the auto companies as if they were yours, or ours in the collective sense (which would be socialism). But they weren't. And he didn;t sezie control of them, he made sure the government got ownership for their investment, as would any other investor, be they private citizen, corporation or municipality.

Update 13:

1911A - As it stands today Illegal immigrants are required to receive care when they enter a hospital, as is anyone else who enters. However, when it comes time to pay, will they have an insurance card? No. But they don;t have one now either. So it doesn't change anything actually. The issue isn't health care for illegals, because honestly nothing will change for them. They will not be eligible for the insurance program though, and so like today, they will relegated to receiving even basic treatment through emergency rooms.

People with insurance can go to a doctor.

Have you ever gone to the emergency room for something minor?

Its usually not even worth the hassle. But you won;'t see illegals showing up at a general practioner's office for a check up and then getting over on the government insurance.

Dude you really have no clue how anything works do you?

24 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    As John Stewart said, they confuse "tyranny" with "losing."

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You got a point there I'll give you that. This here government has been a front for organized crime for decades. We've seen a bunch of their front men and old Barry is the best one yet IMHO. He's an idealist and I'm sure he didn't sign up for so much corruption. His hands are tied up tight to corpo-thugs and I feel kind of sorry for him. He can't MOVE at all man. Even if he is closer to socialism than anarchy, he's a helluva lot better than the Boss's son before him.

    Beck tells the truth about too much for his own good, but they'll get rid of him if he points his fat finger at the criminal war dealers on the right. These guys are the Bosses of ALL Bosses and they won't let that story out of the bag without a fight LMAO I don't think he's got the guts to really be a whistle blower, but he's doing a helluva job squeaking a little.

  • 5 years ago

    Those who do not like America had been round for many years. He did not create that. There used to be a film 'Ugly American' positioned out years in the past. No nation wishes us up of their trade simply as we do not desire to have them moment guessing us. At least he's bringing the troops dwelling and no longer sending them again 2 or 3 instances to stick a different yr or so and he is not establishing any wars both. He does not must do a factor or say something to preserve persons speakme approximately Romney. Romney does that for himself.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I agree with Captain Bathrobe and you. Most of these guys answering are conservatives. They probably would believe every thing they hear from Glen Beck and Fox News. I bet they think that Obama wants to kill their grandmothers. The conservatives resort to trying to get people mad. Obama and the democrats are trying to fix a problem. The conservatives want stuff to stay the same. Immagen if Obama let GM die. How many jobs will be lost? How would have that affected our economy? Obama should forget about bipartinship and just kick butt.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    First off, Obama campaigned on over 500 promises, healthcare reform was only one of them. Another of his promises were limits on how quickly you should pass a bill in congress; Obama broke that with the Porkulus and almost did it again trying to ram Obamacare through congress back before august recess and before campaigning again for healthcare reform while in office.

    Please show me where the bail outs have worked... unemployment rates, the economy has been bouncing back of it's own ability not because of some money dumped on democrats special interest ventures.

    Oh, and Obama campaigned a complete end of the war, and not just end but success.

  • DAR
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Because electing Obama with 52% of the vote doesn't change the Constitution which requires a 3/4 majority of the states to approve an amendment.


    LOL! Health reform he campaigned on, saying there would NOT be a requirement that all purchase his form of insurance. He reneged on that, didn't he? And brought in someone from Wellpoint to draft the senate and Baucus plans, the latter supposedly 'his'. Was that what ANYONE voted for?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because they believe everything they are told by Beck, Rush,Hannity and of course the court jester herself Sarah Palin...Even Bill O' Reilly thinks the public option would be a good thing.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sure, he was voted in by the majority, but I don't think a lot of people really understood who they were voting for. It's called the bandwagon. People buy into crap from both sides, but I think the people who are angriest right now are people who didn't vote for him. And by the way, before the election, the health care was discussed but there was no bill, and he still has not withdrawn from Iraq.

  • virgod
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Broo, not true... barry soTUro, aka hussein obama, promised "change" and "hope" - NOT marxist-fascist overtake by his government of our PROPERTY (as he did with failed bailouts and "stimulus", with banks, with auto industry, quadrupling America's debt), and our health (i.e., life from cradle to grave, which he is out to control). One of his mouthpieces - just as filthy rich and just as arrogant - sphincter pelosi, cried crocodile tears today about "political violence" coming... LOL... you don't remember that the same nazi-kgb tactics were used during anti-war protests of the 1960th, when left wing dispatched their "agents provocateurs", posed as right wing - to instigate violence. NO ONE BUT hussein obama's THUGS initiated violence during tea parties and town hall meetings... NO ONE... pelosi , who calls those who oppose her and her "fuhrer" - "fascists" and "nazis" - IS a fascist and a nazi... We the People SEE through her feeble minded attempts... and we will NOT allow it to happen. We want Capitalism and sound moral values that are foundation of America. We do NOT want barry hussein's socialism-fascism, and we will NOT allow it. That's what you will have to accept. GOD BLESS AMERICA - LAND OF THE FREE AND THE BRAVE!

  • 1 decade ago

    Just because he was elected doesn't mean we have to sit back and let him do anything he wants. We don't have to roll over and be quiet while he enacts unpopular policies. Contrary to popular liberal belief, this is not a dictatorship. Obama is not the King. This is America, we still have a voice. At least for now................

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    As it passes, you'll realize what is really happening.

    Its impetus is neither Republican nor Democrat.

    It will have enormous impacts on the People.

    Positive impacts?

    Well, at least as positive as Johnson's welfare push.


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