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Lv 5
Libby asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Why are conservatives so easily indoctrinated? Is it their religious upbringing?

I am just perplexed as to how hate radio and the half truths spewed from commentators can be so easily believed by people and have wondered if the way intonations are made and the vocabulary used to describe certain things is very similar to how preachers use their vocabulary while giving sermons?

38 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Not all conservatives are like this of course, but I know what you mean...haha.

    I think it's just in some peoples' mentality (or lack thereof) to be natural followers. Being brainwashed requires no effort. Being ignorant requires no effort. Actually taking time to question your religion and your politics takes self-esteem and effort, and for some people it's just to hard to get out of their pathetic little bubbles they call life.

    Just look at how they respond with offense, because like the other things mentioned, being angry is also effortless.

  • 1 decade ago

    Why are liberals so easily indoctrinated? Is it their crypto-religious upbringing?

    I am just perplexed as to how hate radio and the half truths spewed from liberally-biased commentators can be so easily believed by people and have wondered if the way intonations are made and the vocabulary used to describe certain things is very similar to how preachers use their vocabulary while giving sermons, even though liberals don't recognize their rhetoric has all the elements of a religious rite?

  • 1 decade ago

    Easily indoctrinated? Most people start out liberal. Think about it. When you're a kid, your government (i.e. parents) takes care of everything for you; food, shelter, clothing, transportation. You can have any political belief you want because you are completely sheltered from ramifications of those beliefs. You don't have to pay a cent for anything. Your parents pay for it.

    It isn't until after college many conservatives are born. It takes that long to see the world as it is. Even at that, it's a gradual event. Questions stick in your mind from conservatives that get you frustrated because you don't have an answer for them. At first, your political ego's defense is to just turn the radio/TV station. But the questions still linger. Eventually, you find yourself listening more and more because you can't find the answers that you WANT to hear anywhere else. You slowly come to the conclusion that what you want to believe isn't true and conservatism has fresh, real answers. This path is not quick, is not easy and is definitely not indoctrination. It's a long thoughtful and logical journey.

    In order to have hate radio, hate must be present. Do not confuse criticism with hate. Your political self-esteem wants you to believe it's hate as a self-defense measure. After all, who needs to consider a different point of view if it is hateful. There, you're safe. Listen for this "hate" you've been told about yourself. When you don't find it, ask yourself why?

    Interesting comment about preachers' intonations and vocabulary. Do you mean like when President Obama speaks? Could he have also learned that from Reverend Wright? He was there for 20 years. He must have learned something from him.

    See? Questions, pesky questions, that's all.

  • 1 decade ago

    I would ask why liberals are so easily misled in return, my fellow citizen. Some things have gone on lately that I sit and shake my head and wonder how people can possibly continue to defend certain things and issues.

    I have truly come to the conclusion that there are people who live with control of the left or right brain, much like the terminology "left and right" that they use for politics, I think some people just think differently.

    Did you ever notice that roughly 50% of the population, on any given day, supports or is against Obama and his comrades?

    You can take a family, for example, and this family could be completely divided in terms of beliefs, yet the members of this family have had the same basic upbringing.

    I do not consider what I hear on certain radio stations to be any more "half truth" than what I hear when I tune in to MSNBC, for example. Or, in their case, it is to completely ignore certain things and add their own slant and half truths to the equation.

    I really resent the implication that religion has anything to do with these things. I have Faith, but that doesn't make me any more easily led than those who blindly follow Obama.

    So, what some consider truth another considers a lie, but maybe it depends on your body and what side of the brain you function with?

    I will never understand.

    This is why I strongly feel that we need a moderate as our next president, someone who doesn't lean quite so far to the left or right, I'm tired of the bipartisan situation we have. We are constantly fighting with each other and it seems no one is truly happy anymore.

    I am tired of the fight, but stand firm in my believes.

    Source(s): Registered Independent
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  • bwlobo
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Indoctrinated.... if you call "go against the flow"of politically correct, liberal thinking dogma that is taught from public schools to universities; read in all the major newspapers and magazines and mainstream TV..... that is what conservatives have to put up with in order to make their own views known. This is not indoctrination, this is free thinking.

    I am just perplexed as to how liberals can be so mind-numbed into thinking that everyone must think like themselves or else they must be religious kooks.

    Pastors, priests, and rabbis all would say "The truth shall set you free".

    That is just common sense. Many religious concepts are common sense. So, in many ways, if you are a common sense person, you enjoy finding the truth about many things other than politics.

    Source(s): bwlobo
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    And what about us conservatives that do not listen to the radio programs or watch TV and are not religious and have superb educations? How about the ones who were liberal and became conservative living in a liberal state?

    You generalize and really don't understand the issues. Personally, I see much more indoctrination of the liberals and having been there and done that I think I have a decent perspective on the matter. You are very closed minded and should stop listening to the liberal indoctrination.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Surely you jest ! Perhaps we conservatives watch FOX news (the number one news station by the way) because its reports aren't edited for objectionable content. And by objectionable I mean "not so good for Obama".

    FOX reported on Van Jones and ACORN weeks ago. These news stories are HUGE. And yet, your mindless news channels are just now getting around to reporting it. Kind of old news by this time.

    When was the last time that you heard someone say "OMG did you see Charlie Gibson's news cast last night".

    But you go on believing your edited, censored and mindless news, honey. It's probably much prettier in your world.

  • webned
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I would be surprised if their religous upbringing could be blamed. Folks have preconceived notions and they will cling to anything that seems to reinforce those notions, especially when logic and common sense tell them their notions can't possibly be true.

  • 1 decade ago

    While we're on the subject of indoctrination - you seem to be parroting the "reports" of MSNBC. Hate radio? I listen to everything - left, right, and center (Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, C-Span, Olberman, etc.) and I know that these claims are meticulous mis-characterizations.

    Sorry - but if you don't actually listen for yourself to what you claim as hate radio, then you are just as indoctrinated as the people you are criticizing.

  • John V
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Serious people do not consider the lies and vulgar xenophobia spewed from AM talk radio

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