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Sarah Palin. In or out? Will she make a run?

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I have never, ever seen someone, who when she opens her mouth, she puts her foot into it.

    Sarah Palin was and never will be a viable candidate for anything, ever again.

    Thanks to Katie Couric's interview of Sarah Palin last Fall, we know that the former Vice-Presidential nominee is no History genius.

    She asked the Governor if there was any US Supreme Court decision in history that she disagreed with. Couric was met with dead silence from the Governor.

    Off the top of my head, I can name, at least, two decisions I disagree with...the infamous Dred Scott decision of 1857 and the Plessy vs. Ferguson decision of 1893 which any High School student should know!

    Couric asked Palin a more simple question, 'What magazines or newspapers do you read on a daily basis?' Again, Couric was met with deafening silence from Palin.

    Is it any wonder that it took Palin six years in six different colleges to get her degree? She may share the same birthday as the 'Wizard of Menlo Park' Thomas A. Edison (Feb 11), but she is more like a character from the 'Wizard of Oz,' the Scarecrow -- who desperately needed a brain.

    If Palin's rambling, incoherent resignation speech was ever used in a college 'public speaking' class, the student would be not only laughed out of the class, but possibly even the entire school! No wonder she had to attend six different colleges!

    In her resignation speech, she attributed a quote to General Douglas MacArthur, by saying "We are not retreating, we are advancing in a different direction." Well, I hate to break it to you, Sarah, but General MacArthur did not say that. It was Major General Oliver Prince Smith.'

    One time, the following question was posed to Ms. Palin: "Are you offended by the words 'Under God' in the Pledge of Allegiance?" Palin replied, "Not on your life. If it was good enough for the Founding Fathers, it's good enough for me, and I'll fight in defense of our Pledge of Allegiance."

    Well, I hate to break it to you, Sarah, but the Pledge of Allegiance was written nearly 120 years after the Founding Fathers met in Philadelphia. Furthermore, the words 'Under God' were not added until 1954!

    Sarah Palin prides herself in being a 'fiscal conservative.' Well, when she was the Mayor of Wasila, she renovated the Mayor's office to the tune of $50,000 without consulting the City Council for the expenditure.

    “I told her it was against the law to make such a large expenditure [$50,000 to renovate her office] without the council taking a vote. She said, 'I'm the mayor, I can do whatever I want until the courts tell me I can't.” - Nick Carney, former Wasilla council member who mentored Palin.

    Furthermore, during her term as Mayor of Wasila, taxes went up 33% and spending went up 38%. Does that sound like a 'fiscal conservative?'

    The more I see of Sarah Palin, the better Dan Quayle (Mr. Potato-Head) looks to me. We had to put up with him for 4 years (1989-93), but, thankfully, we only had 311 days of 'Bailin' Palin' aka 'The Barracuda.' I can not imagine the thought of having to endure her for four years, and knowing that she was one 73 year old heartbeat away from the presidency.

    Finally, Palin is quick to point out that the ethics suits that have been brought against her and dismissed. But, she conveniently forgets the fact that in October, 2008, during the heat of the Presidential campaign, Governor Palin was found GUILTY -- read my lips -- GUILTY of abuse of powers in pushing for the firing of an Alaskan state trooper who was once married to her sister. Guilty by a bipartisan panel of the Alaska State legislature. Yet, she is the same one who brags about that fact that she rooted out corruption in state politics, and bucked the old boy system. Tell me, if I was her sister's new boyfriend or new husband, would I have a cushy state job? 'You Bet'cha I would!'

    Let us all hope that Sarah Palin takes her now tarnished beauty pageant crown and walk off the national stage, because she is definitely 'Not (a) Ready for Prime Time Player.'

    Source(s): Palin quotes on record Presidential Also-Rans and Running Mates, 1789-1996 by Leslie H. Southwick, McFarland Publishers, 1998
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The purported facts that Governor Palin did not know if Africa was a continent or a country, nor did she know the members of the NAFTA agreement alone should cause us all to stop and wonder about the sanity of those who elicited and selected Sarah Palin as the Republican Vice Presidential Candidate.

    Even more importantly, if the Republican Party knew of her ignorance, as sources have admitted they did, and still presented her to this nation as a viable candidate for the Vice Presidency and be willing to place her "a heart beat away from the Presidency," we then move beyond the realm of questioning their sanity into the realm of questioning their legitimacy as a viable political party in total.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Sarah Falin is the stupidest woman I've ever seen in my life..She would make GW Bush look like a rocket scientist...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    In, and out. Nailin Palin 2 is coming to a store near you.

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  • Doug B
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Out. People were walking out of her speech in Hong Kong, and it is obvious that she is a lightweight.

  • wolf
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Maybe. She would be a good clown. And the country and the world would have much fun and laughter during her campaign.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think she will, and it will be the best thing she could possibly do for us Democrats! Run, Sarah, run!

  • 1 decade ago

    Make a run from another job or make a run for another job

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Sarah who?

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Out, the last time she was seen she was running to the "out house".

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