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What does "elect" mean?

In theological terms, what does "elect" mean as in "solitary and elect"? Serious answer, please.

12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The term "elect" Biblically refers to that special company of people selected by God to inherit eternal life. I have not seen the word connected with "solitary" in the context of the Bible, so I would suggest this has a peculiar meaning to the author, if you are finding this in a theological writing, which must be determined by works of the author, or any other source he cites.

  • Milk Christians believe that any believer is an elect.

    Meat, or steak Christians, might believe the elect are a relatively small group of people, who during the First Earth Age, pleased God. They therefore are given assignments on Earth in this the Second Earth Age, as their eternal destiny was previously situated. See Arnold Murray for an interesting take on this. Moses, John the Baptist, Paul, Joseph (OT) were elect. (Milk leaders despise this teaching, as they probably are not of the elect and cannot see.)

    If this interests you, you could also study "In That Day Teachings" of Reno, NV.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The elect are those whom God chose, whom God foresaw would both trust in His Son AND who would endure or persevere in the faith given them until the end of their physical life, or the return of Jesus.

    the Calvinistic definition of election claims that individuals have absolutely nothing to do with God's electing them. We have already looked at 1 Pet. 1:1-2 which proves that God does use His foreknowledge in choosing the elect. Calvinists also claim that God's election is irrevocable - that it cannot be altered in any way - that the elect have absolutely nothing to say regarding retaining their election. This is half true, but would be a fully true statement if stated that the truly elect will choose to remain elected! Please closely examine 2 Pet. 1:10, which says, "Therefore, brethren, be even more diligent to make your call and election sure, for if you do these things [listed in 1 Pet. 1:5-7] you will never stumble; for so an entrance will be supplied to you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ." Peter's command is all about the saint exercising his will in response to God's mercy.

    Only God knows who the truly elect are, and the truly elect will have assurance of their salvation until the Lord comes back or they go to be with the Lord. How can you be sure you are one of the truly elect? By continually giving your whole heart to Jesus - by seeking the Lord with all that is in you - by loving the Father and believing in Jesus in your heart which will produce the fruit of serving them.

  • 7 years ago

    I was interested in the question because I am going to be elevated in ministry to Evangelist Elect and was wondering what the word meant in context. I know that it does not mean that every one is going to hell that is not pre chosen by God because that would make my calling of no effect. Christianity is not a Calvinistic religion where Hell and heaven are predestined to certain people.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The term "elect" means the righteous remnant that God has reserved to Himself. Generally it represents 1/3 of the people involved, whether that be the ancient Israelites or the entire world.

    I'm not certain what you mean by solitary.

  • 1 decade ago

    not sure where HT gets the 1/3 number from, but other than that he is basically correct.

    Essentially the elect are those who are true believers or what we call the "invisible church," and the "bride of Christ." Just because one might go to church or be "religious" in some say, doesn't make him a true believer. Only God knows who the true believers are and who aren't. This is why we call it the "invisible church."

  • Peter
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    FromIsrael being the chosen people of zgod to the believers of God chosen from the world, appointed heirs of salvation or elect of God. His appointees through Christ.

    In other wards they are not the elect of the world Voted in a democratic means.

    The passage refers to abtichrist wanting to deceive the elect of God. He does so all the timne to the world. They go for his lies, deception and falsehoods.

    So the enemy wills to dperform false signs and wonders that will never dupe the Spirit of God nor thea ngels of God nor his believrs and followers of Christ.

    Likened perhaps to the magicians of Egypt performing miracles wher Moses and AAron did greater signs in the name of the God of Israel.


  • Karl
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    God calls many and a few of those are chosen and fewer are the elect, which are special ones God has a purpose for. God will not tell more me about this, so you will have to ask him yourself.

    take care.

  • 1 decade ago

    "Elect" is a nice way of saying that while God is sending most of humanity to hell, he decided to save a tiny number of them for purely arbitrary reasons.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    ἐκλεκτός (eklektos) -to select or choose

    Source(s): Strongs Hebrew and Greek dictionary: G1588
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