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A question for Christians.?

I'm christian. But just right now I got very angry thinking about hell. God puts people in hell because they refuse to believe his word... but hell is terrible. ETERNAL suffering. What if you were raised to be a Buddhist...? Half the time they devote their life to their religion & in some ways I seem to think that they are more devoted to their beliefs. (I'm not trying to start a war here or anything) but can someone enlighten me on this?

Why should all people who don't believe in Jesus burn in an eternal blaze... do they really deserve that harsh of a treatment... really?

I just had a memory of my 4th grade teacher (i went to private school)

We were reading a book & at the end a little boy dies. A character in the book said that God would have sent him to heaven but the teacher said that realistically God could have sent him either way.....

Please I don't want to argue I just want someone to make sense of this for me.


I really didn't expect so many responses. Wow. I feel like when I ask I truly receive..! Pretty much all of this I found helpful so thank u for your thoughts. Keep me in your prayers.

to answer ones question

-im 18

-i forget the name of the book but it was a car accident. Its a vague memory.

-it affected me but it didn't scar me. It just makes me question things

Btw, the person who deleted there answer who's avatar was a man winking. I was going to pick u as best answer. lol

god bless all of you.

btw "fireball" I am a "REAL" christian.

see u in heaven ;]

34 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You aren't punished for not believing in Jesus. You are saved for believing in Jesus.

    According to the general Christian doctrine, everyone deserves Hell, for our sins are great and numerous, but God's mercy is that we are given a choice whether or not we wish to live with God. If you don't live with God in this life you wont be forced to live it after. If you do you will walk with God.

    However the legitimacy of Hell and to whether it exists or just a metaphor for life without God (for id rather face fiery pits than life without God) is a different discussion for a different question. Some say those who bound themselves to the world will die with the world where those who free their soul through God will be free of the world and have eternal life. John 3:16 says those who believe will have eternal life. Wouldnt that imply that those who don't won't have eternal life? Why would he say eternal life if all are given eternal life?

    Check out John 12:46 and 1 John 2:2.

    Source(s): The Holy Bible
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Heather Those are some good points you bring up but Im not a god believer but I will say this if there is a god what kind of god is this in the first place that would even think of casting something it made in a lake of fire to suffer for eternity. that is just flat out peer evil. I would not even do that and im not a god. rather i made it or not. So by these godic people christianity there proving that this god they worship is evil by saying you ll go to hell if you don't repent to his irritant ways. They prove the atheist more right than they even are aware of. another point is that if this god is in total control then why is everything out of control beside the 9-11 wouldn't Even been able to happen if he is so almighty. could it been that he choose for those innocent people to die in his so called will that's why he let it happen. then if he is in control then this shouldn't have happen and if he decided to let it happen then he is more evil that other ever thought of. This is not a blame game statement saying its the gods fault its a logical outlook as to why it was allowed to happen. since he is supposed to be so powerfull and can do anything well why not stop the tragedy. If he is so weak he cant control people or events then this means he is not almighty in the first place. people have free will true but if they is powerfull then he would not let it happen in some sort of way but it appears something didn't care if its is a god. I know godic people will say god works in myerious ways not int he way we like for it to be. thats there favorit punch line excuesand

    I say to this is myerious way as in what let innocent people die thats the almighty plan or decsion? what the heck.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hell is not an exact place as you think of it. You see, after death, God gives the uncreated light to everyone. If you prepared for God and was a god Christian, then its heaven for you, but if you choose to reject God then its like hell for you. (See, its not so much Adam and Eve took the fruit in the garden, but that they didn't repent an lied about it later, same in our lives.)

    So what about people who did not know of God? Well, I am not God, but from what I've heard and know, He 'judges them on their on own accord' (how well they obeyed Buddaism, etc.)

    Also, your teacher was really mean to say a thing like that to a 4th grader, look how old you are now, and it still scares/affects you. The boy (what book was that?) or a baby that was dead before birth WOULD go to heaven, since it hadn't committed any sins, or had anything to repent for. And God wouldn't just send a child to hell if it didn't even have a chance in life, God is not an unjust or unfair God.

    Source(s): Orthodox Christian teachings. Hoped I helped because it was good to answer. God bless everyone!
  • 1 decade ago

    Again, God does not send anyone to hell. They go because they refuse to accept Jesus as their Savior. Now people who have never heard the message of Jesus can't be held responsible for something they don't know about. My personal opinion is they will go to heaven.

    There is an age of innocence from birth to hearing about Jesus and making an informed decision to reject Him. After the willful rejection a person will go to hell unless they change.

    Your teacher was wrong. All children go to heaven even those that are murdered from abortion.

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  • 1 decade ago

    No one really has to worry about hell.

    That is until I die.

    Then I'm going to create a whole new hell. No more fire and brimstone.

    That sh*t is lame. I'm way meaner.

    Fortunately God knows this and has placed me under supervised arrest.

    Not that I really want Hell, but so many humans do.

    Why do humans think of so many evil things?

    Do you not believe that those things will become real?

    There in lies humans predicament you think of so many evil things yet you want heavenly things.

    As 2012 approaches this will have to change.

    This world will have to become more heavenly oriented or pay the price for your transgressions.

    A new universe is about to be created, it can be the heaven you want or the hell you deserve.

    Humanity's choices are tilting the balance to the latter, yet it's not too late for you to change.

    As the new Devil you should heed my warning. You don't want the Hell I can create.

    I could be crazy. God knows I'm not.

  • 1 decade ago

    Psalms 44:21 Shall not God search this out? for he knoweth the secrets of the heart.

    God knows the hearts of people & the amount of knowledge each has received. He will not condemn people to hell who have not been given the knowledge of Jesus & salvation. When they die, they will be given the truth & an opportunity to accept it or deny it.

    Luke 12:46 The lord of that servant will come in a day when he looketh not for him, and at an hour when he is not aware, and will cut him in sunder, and will appoint him his portion with the unbelievers.

    12:47 And that servant, which knew his lord's will, and prepared not himself, neither did according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes.

    But in modern times of today . . . it's hard to live your life & never hear about God. Remember, there is a difference between knowledge & belief.

  • 1 decade ago

    god doesnt want to put anyone in hell why do u think god punishes false teachers more than the listeners? i understand what ur saying though i thought about this myself many of times but how i think of it is god sent his favorite angel to hell....thats like lighting on fire your most favorite possesion u have and he did that because he disobeyed him yes i know its a sad situation since a few will see heaven and i know i cant tell u something u would probibly want to hear but just be glad for your sake you were born the way u were with the teachings u were tought about the father and jesus the christ

    god bless

  • 1 decade ago

    Above everything, God is fair. All of his children will have a chance to hear his word and make the choice as to accept it or reject it. After we die here on Earth, our judgement isn't immediate. Judgement happens at the resurrection when we are reunited with our bodies. In the mean time, our spirit goes to a place where we can continue to learn about God and his plan for us, His children. Sometimes, this place is referred to as a "prison" for the spirits of people who haven't yet had the chance to understand the Savior's teachings. Christ himself went to visit these spirits after he was crucified; 1 Peter 3:19, " By which also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison", and 1 Peter 4:6 says "For this cause was the gospel preached also to them that are dead". These are both from the King James Bible.

    God in his fairness has provided a way for EVERYONE to hear his plan and choose what they want to do about it. This is true for people who die in infancy as well as for people who just didn't have the chance here on Earth.

    Hope that helps.

  • Peter
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Hell means death as well.

    The righteous and redeemed of the Lord go to heaven. Think on the good things...

    To us in Christ we should realize what a privledge it is to be in Christ.

    The harsh form of hell reserved for the devil and his angels...

    I have heard this debate about infants, kids that are uncommitted to Christ Jesus. Can they be saved? Are they going to receive eternal life through Jesus Christ.?

    I hope the Lord has mercy on them.

    I just want to point out how many times we worry, become concerbned with our own saklvation. Is that true? Yes.

    Can a child have limited faith in Christ and believ in his name to be saved? Yes

    Source(s): Your teacher has a good point. I believ the Lord takes some people home at any age for a good reawson in his infinite wisdom. Perhaps their lives would be corrupted if they stayed as mortals.
  • 1 decade ago

    First of all, not all Chrisitans believe in teaching of fiery hell. The teaching of fiery hell is not Biblical.

    An earthly father cannot even put the hand of child on fire if the child sinned against him, even it is a serious sin. Are earthly fathers better and more merciful than God who is perfect? Definitely not!

    Law of various countries prohibit torturing convicted criminals, because they value life of a criminal as well as his dignity whatever crime he has committed. Are earthly rulers better or have more sense of justice than God who is perfect? Definitely not!

    For more biblical discussions about hell, please take time to visit the link below:

    What Really Is Hell?

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