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Have extremists ruined satire on the internets?

Poe's law, in case you did not know, is the idea that, no matter HOw absurd you make a piece of satire, the odds are someone, somewhere, will agree with it, and thus it is impossible on the internet to tell satire and wild, wacky ideas apart.

Is that why no one got my joke?;_ylt=ApirK...

I made it as lovingly obvious as possible that it was satirical in nature (satirizing, of course, the idea that the US government should ban homosexual marriages because they are unbiblical). Have crazy extremists ruined satire for the rest of us?

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes, I agree. I think the internet is generally not an adequate medium for satire, especially since so much nuance is lost through printed text. I think the problem with your question was that you laid out a linear connection between your factual basis (the biblical verse) and your proposed conclusion (that interreligious marriage should be banned). Your reasoning was clear and concise enough that one could easily confuse your satire for sincerity, even as unreasonable as you might have felt the proposal was. I guess you can take it as a compliment that your question was too coherent to be taken as satire.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don't think they've ruined it but it does make satire more challenging. It is difficult to play the devil's advocate because a large percentage of the populace thinks you're actually advocating for the devil.

    It's like what a fundamentalist (Christian variety) said about the Simpsons cartoon show: "I don't understand a lot of the humor but that Flanders fellow makes a lot of sense!"

    [Ref: "funwithfundies" website.]

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm afraid so, and boy do extremists love to express themselves!

    The scary part is the content of your question is actually mild by true extremist standards. So you just looked like another hate-filled fundamentalists deluding himself into thinking he was being inspired by love (of some weird kind). These people make furies seem normal.

    However, your proper use of grammar and spelling was a tell-tale sign that perhaps, you had received a proper education and that therefore, you couldn't possibly hold on to such an inconsistent worldview.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Satire, especially dry satire, requires human body and voice ques to be understood.

    In a posted text format like Yahoo!Answers it is ESPECIALLY important to use emoticons and emote-outs to let people know how you intended your questions/statements.

    If you do not, you must live with the consequences... *que cheesy dramatic music*

    Source(s): Non-Abrahamic Theist
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  • 1 decade ago

    That would be the reason.

    I started off doing satire. It's not worth it. If your fellow atheists aren't calling you a monster, the fundamentalists are calling you a visionary. Takes all the fun out of it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I discovered long ago that if you mean something to be taken in jest on the internet (especially R&S) you have to point that fact out, otherwise you get people who are totally clueless to your intent. Lot of folks here take everything they read to heart, thinking that since they are being serious everyone else must be. I admit, too, that sometimes it's difficult to read between the lines on here.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Satire is only effective with intelligent people.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Imma let you finish, but Fundies have some of the best satire evar!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's sad when you're not sure if someone's being sarcastic or not because you've known people who are that crazy.

    That extra line you threw in there "obviously the source of all natural disasters" should have made it a little more obvious, but... then again. xP

  • Reese
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    You see kevin...People do not even know what the meaning of Satire is anymore...O lord george Gorden Byron...

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