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Do You Think Most People Oppose Polyamory Because We Have No Positive Portrayals Of Such?

(For those who need a refresher on what polyamory is: )

I've been watching the web series "Family" ever since I found out about it a few days ago, and it's truly one of a kind- a happy sitcom revolving around a poly family that portrays it as happy, healthy, and normal. If anybody wants to see it:

But anyways, it made me start to wonder if positive, unbiased media exposure really is the key. Just as there was a lot of hatred and misunderstanding about GLBT people and the lives they lived before we started seeing them as regular people onscreen, I have a feeling the same thing goes for poly people.

So I'm asking you- what role do you think the media plays in your personal understanding or approval/disapproval of something? If you oppose polyamory, do you think watching "Family" would change your perceptions?

Thanks for your answers!


Zellparis- I bet you would! But after all our talk, I thought you'd know that I wanted to be in an MMF triad!

Update 2:

Why? Because it's quite fun! You gotta take a girl's needs into consideration, my friend.

Also, when I talk about polyamory, I'm not just talking about sex- I'm talking about love and commitment and sharing a home together.

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    sounds like promiscuity

    but with a conscience

    Source(s): hey, we both started our accounts on the same day!
  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, I think so.

    I am not polyamorous, and for a long time I had a very negative view of it because I was only familiar with polygamous cults like the one that got busted in Texas a couple years ago.

    When I finally met some polyamorous people and learned that polyamory isn't about domination, chauvinism, or other unsavory things... just love for more than one person... it completely changed my mind.

    So yes, I think that if people were exposed to the truth about polyamory and didn't think of it solely as a matter for misogynistic cults, there would be a lot more acceptance of polyamory.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I've always had a bad taste in my mouth when it came to polyamory but i'll watch this series and see if it changes my outlook.

    I do think the media plays a role in personal understanding and approval of something. I have been opposed to many things in the past but after understanding the reality behind it, i greatly approve of it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Most people oppose it because its counter to what we were socially trained to do an think. It takes a lot of either genitic predisposition ( like born gay or bi), or a lot of strong will to go against what society teaches.

    I think we all owe it to ourselves to consider and reconsider what is right for us. And what is right for someone just becoming an adult, and looking forward to family life, is possible different than what is right for someone who has finished raising children, and entering senior life.

    So, i think that people who are flexible, and can think for themselves, and are mature enough to consider other peoples needs and feelings, and be willing to place those slightly ahead of selfish ones, those people can explore and seek out different models of lifestyle.

    Examples of alternate lifestyles that have continued to be tried include, communal, like the Kibutz in Isreal. And the senior living lifestyle which has a lot less monogamy than one might expect. The college coed dorm lifestyle has some elements of polyamory. And lots of promiscuousness, that doesn;t work or older, more mature adults.

    There are good reasons why a single man could completely satisfy the needs of a younger woman, and a much older woman at the same time. Many older women value continuity and security a lot higher than a younger woman who places a high value on sex and virility.

    I think that the one size fits all media inhibits our thinking, and tries to put all of us in a single size box for how to live honorably. Its just not that necessary. To each his own, and we all should reserve the right to change our minds about what and how makes us happy.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I don't disapprove of it - I'm actually very intrigued by it.

    I am open to the idea, even though my current situation could never allow it.

    But, yes, I think you might be onto something. I think that positive examples in our society would certainly help to curtail some of the negative stigmas surrounding what I have seen as something very loving and positive.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Quite possibly. I'm not against polyamory, but I just don't think I could really handle more than one lover. But, hey, that's just me.

  • 1 decade ago

    i would love to add you to a harem of my hot wives

    Source(s): why would you want to sicken our good time with another guy? i know you have plenty of hot lesbians friends we can enjoy together, but believe it or not i have been in a 3som with another guy but we call it a gangbang because we did not touch each other now if you're down for that then let's do this
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