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Gwennie B

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Folks who have blocked me (hence if I don't answer these questions, it's because I can't!): * Danny (;_ylt=Amw6aZn9PMC8JQ3xwGDj5xHq1KIX;_ylv=3?show=Vnd8wfhNaa ) * Liberal Atheist ( ) * I ♥ hearts! ( ) * Incubus ( ) * FAUST ( )

  • Carlos Mencia Sketch "Rent-A-Butch"?

    If anybody can find it, there's ten points in it for ya . . .

    IMDB tells me that Pamela Porter starred in the sketch in Season 2, Episode 12, but I've watched it on the Comedy Central site and it doesn't seem to be there. If anybody could locate it, you'd be a hero!

    For those not in the know, it featured Mencia listing all the uses you could have for renting a butch woman- the bit I remember was in renting a butch woman to clean the pool instead of a young pool boy (so the wife wouldn't cheat), but then the wife ends up passionately kissing said butch woman.

    Anybody know what I'm talking about?!?

    1 AnswerComedy10 years ago
  • Do You Think Most People Oppose Polyamory Because We Have No Positive Portrayals Of Such?

    (For those who need a refresher on what polyamory is: )

    I've been watching the web series "Family" ever since I found out about it a few days ago, and it's truly one of a kind- a happy sitcom revolving around a poly family that portrays it as happy, healthy, and normal. If anybody wants to see it:

    But anyways, it made me start to wonder if positive, unbiased media exposure really is the key. Just as there was a lot of hatred and misunderstanding about GLBT people and the lives they lived before we started seeing them as regular people onscreen, I have a feeling the same thing goes for poly people.

    So I'm asking you- what role do you think the media plays in your personal understanding or approval/disapproval of something? If you oppose polyamory, do you think watching "Family" would change your perceptions?

    Thanks for your answers!

  • NOFX's Song About Tegan & Sara?

    Thoughts? I'm curious as to what Tegan & Sara fans thought/think of it.

  • What's The Best Ingredient For Exfoliating (in Homemade Soap)?

    I'd like to add a little bit of exfoliation and scrub to my everyday bars (instead of purchasing exfoliating soap), but I'm not sure what is best- finely ground oatmeal? Cornmeal? Sea Salt?

    It's going to be used for my body, not face. Any help?

    3 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • What Celebrities Do You Think Offer Up The Most Manflesh?

    There are certain female celebrities who are definitely known for doing a lot of smokin' hot, partial-nudity, lots-of-flesh-on-display photo shoots.

    But I was curious- does the same exist for male celebrities? Are there certain fellas who never fail to deliver a little bit of "manflesh" for the cameras? (And I'm talking about photoshoots, not Matthew Mcconaughey-esque shirtless paparazzi shots, or stills from film and TV).

    You can probably find one or two "shirtless sexy pose" shots for most male celebrities, but I'm curious as to who you think has the most, or a larger-than-average repertoire of skin-baring photography.

    Thanks, ya'll!

  • What's The Best Way To Make Wheat/Whole Wheat Breads & Baked Goods Light and Airy?

    One of my biggest pet peeves with homemade wheat and whole wheat breads, muffins, etc. is how dense and moist (like, moist in a bad way) they are. How do you get less dense, heavy, results?

    1 AnswerCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Is There A Way To Find Out The Website From Which You Saved An Image?

    There are several pictures I have on my computer that I want to use in another context, only to realize that I don't know where I pulled them from, and can't seem to locate them again. Is a web address for the JPEG stored somewhere on my computer? Any way to find out?


    4 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Who Is This Comedian? Anybody Know?

    It was on Comedy Central a while ago, maybe last year or this year, and he was white and a little bit older, with glasses (I think). I think he was wearing a black suit.

    He talked about having a young girlfriend and how stressful that was, about being with a woman who wanted him to choke her in bed, about moving from the city out to a farm, and had a great joke about how he didn't know what he was doing during cunnilingus, that it was like drinking his Starbucks coffee while driving and trying to find that little hole to sip from- all fumbling.

    Thank you so much for your help!

    3 AnswersComedy1 decade ago
  • When Transcribing Lyrics, How Do You Handle When Two People Are Each Singing Different Lyrics Simultaneously?

    Like during a duet, when one of the singers is singing one set of lyrics and the other breaks in singing a different one.

    How would you indicate that in written lyrics?

    1 AnswerLyrics1 decade ago
  • Is Demetri Martin Homophobic?

    (Asking again because my last answer got no replies. Not a single one! Hey, why don't people answer my questions?).

    I've been going back and forth on this topic ever since I read this great article:

    Then reading the comments on this post yesterday, I got all conflicted again:

    Part of me understands what they're saying- I hate the way the media shapes our understanding of straight men who play gay roles, overemphasizing the "OMG!" factor that says that playing a gay role- with physical intimacy onscreen especially- is supposed to somehow be the most insurmountable task facing a straight actor. I hate that questions (and even what the actors just naturally divulge) tend less towards talking deeply about their characters and portraying them, and more on "But how was it like for you to- gasp!- kiss a dude?". I get that.

    But on the other hand, did Demetri really say anything so wrong? He expressed surprise about playing a role different than what he had envisioned. It was not, or at least he didn't make it seem, like a "Eww! I've got to kiss a guy!" moment, but rather one where you realize you're going to have to go into uncharted acting territory (for him, at least), something for which he has no reference in his personal life to drawn on, and which is simply unfamiliar to him. He talked about how weird it was to kiss a relative unknown man with his girlfriend right there.

    I'm just not reading any homophobia here (Shaq, however, is a different story). So I'm curious- how do others feel? If a straight man expresses anything other than "I loved it!" when it comes to playing a gay role and being physically intimate with men, does that make him homophobic? Is there more nuance to it that I'm missing out on?

    Thanks for your input!

  • Lifetime Movie About The Mother W/ Nude Pictures Of Her Kids- Accused Of Abuse?

    Argh, I can't remember or find it via Google but I know somebody here will know what I'm talking about. She had some pictures of her kids naked and when another mother found out, they freaked. I'm sure it's based on a true story.

    1 AnswerMovies1 decade ago
  • Would You Save Tamari For Certain Dishes (Instead Of Soy Sauce), Or Just Use Them Interchangeably?

    I've heard some sources that say that the two are almost identical in flavor, but others say that it is thicker, darker, and richer than soy sauce, and has a more complex, smooth flavor, along with being less salty.

    So- is there a noticeable difference? Are certain dishes better suited with one or the other, do you think? I have both in my cupboard but have yet to open the tamari.

    2 AnswersEthnic Cuisine1 decade ago
  • Does It Seem Like Most Answers Regarding . . .?

    Does it seem like most answers regarding questions about attraction to non-standard gender expressions (like butch women or feminine men) are unfairly glossed over?

    For example- so many times, when someone asks that question we've heard a thousand times over "Why do lesbians date girls that look like guys?", so many answers jump to either scream "No they don't!" or "Not all do." without ever actually saying why some DO in fact, do so, or you get an answer like "It's not all about the outside, you can love her for who she is inside.".

    I don't know . . . part of me thinks that is very dismissive and that, in a way, it serves to reinforce traditional norms, even by well meaning LGBT folks.

    I don't know if I'm making much sense. I just get a little angry when someone answers such a question with "Just because someone dresses in traditionally-male or female clothes doesn't make that person masculine or feminine.". Yes, that's true. But it also completely ignores the fact that butch/femme dynamics *do* exist, that there are masculine women out there that look masculine, and whose partners love them for it. Or when people talk about loving a butch woman or a femme man for the inside . . . doesn't that subtly denigrate the outside, by implying that it could never be sexually or aesthetically pleasing on its own? When someone asks why lesbians like women, answers rarely fall on "You fall in love with who's on the inside.", but instead they extol all the wonders of women. So why not when it comes to butches? Why the double standard?

    Eh . . . this could be a completely incoherent morning ramble, but I'm curious for your thoughts.

  • What Is This Song? It's KILLING me!?

    It's a rock song, sounds like it's from the late 90's, early 00's. It's relatively fast (a.k.a. not a ballad), at least in the chorus, and when I say rock, I mean a more alternative/grunge rock a la Nirvana, not any screamo stuff.

    The only bit I know is the start of the chorus, and it sounds like "I've got my head in my hands" or some variation thereof- maybe "I've got my hands on my head" . "I've got my [something] on/in my [something]", at the very least.

    I know that's incredibly vague, but I'm banking that it'll spark someone who knows what song I'm talking about. I've already Googled a bit, and it's not Reamonn, Birds of Tokyo, As We Fight, or The Expendables. I seriously feel like it's a well-known song of the 90's or so, something you'd hear on the radio and nothing too obscure.

    So, if anybody can help me out, I'd be much obliged. Thanks!

    4 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • Is It Weird That Transphobia Hurts Me A Million Times More Than Homophobia?

    It's a trend I've been noticing for a while now . . . I'm bisexual, and I'm not trans- not transgender, not transsexual, no real gender variance at all, really. I have far more GLB friends than I do trans friends (at least in real life). Everything would seem to suggest that I'd be much more offended and hurt by homophobia or biphobia.

    And yet that stuff slides off my back and I don't care about it. It's the transphobia that lingers with me, makes me feel sick to my stomach when I read or hear it, that just HURTS in a deep, emotional way.

    I don't get it. It's not like I'm an amazingly empathetic person . . . so I don't know if it's that maybe I feel transphobia is more pervasive and politically correct (and thus a bigger load to bear), or if I feel that transpeople have a harder time than GLB folks, or if I get hurt when GLB or GLB-friendly people somewhat betray me by shattering my vision of us all being respectful of one another's identities.

    I don't know . . . is there anybody else out there like me? Any other theories?

  • LGBT: What Do You Think Of My Story? Can I Get Some Constructive Criticism?

    I wrote it a long time ago and only now came back and re-read it . . .part of me still likes it, and part of me thinks it's far too melodramatic and obviously too rushed and lacking a "real" story; it's more of an intro, I guess.

    Still, I'm curious as to your thoughts!


    (No worries about the site; it's not sexual).

  • LGBT: What's Your Ultimate "I Gotta Dance When It Comes On" Song? Who Wants To Have A Funky Gay Party?

    I'm in a silly mood and I can barely stand still to this song:

    So what is your absolute gotta move it song? Post as many as you can think of!

  • Are There Any Books/Anthologies In The "Dark Erotica" Genre That Don't Feature Fantasy/Supernatural Elements?

    I love those dark, moody, atmospheric, erotically-charged or outright explicit tales . . . but they always seem to turn to vampires, ghosts, demons, and so on to accomplish that.

    Does anybody know books or stories that look at the dark side of HUMANS in an erotic context?

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago