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? asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

What do you think about this?

Apparently, the White House has taken aim at FOX News, accusing them of being biased against the current Administration and for telling blatant lies about Obama's policies and procedures. In his recent media blitz, Obama denied interviews with even the FOX News Network's most undeniably un-biased reporters. This is despite the Pew Foundation study that discovered that, during the Presidential campaign, the amount of positive and negative stories on the GOP candidate was equal to those on Obama; according to the same survey, the other media stations had more positive stories about Obama and more negative about McCain.

Obama's opposition to FOX News is being compared to Bush's feud with ABC's Dan Rathers which resulted from an untrue, slanderous story about the former President whereas Obama's issues started with Democrat's attacking of all things FOX News.

Do you think the current Administration is acting appropriately against FOX News? Should they be feuding with any news organization at all for such petty reasons? Is this even comparable to George W. Bush's clash with ABC over being slandered?

At the same time, Nancy Pelosi (always a beacon of wisdom and maturity) has, apparently, decided that the Florida Democrat who said that Republicans wanted anyone who got sick to "die quickly" does not need to apologize. This when Joe Wilson was punished for not apologizing to Congress after shouting "You lie!" at Obama during a televised Congressional address, despite the fact that Wilson had already had his apology accepted by Obama.

Pelosi said that there was no reason for the Florida Democrat to apologize despite his calling all Republicans "foot-dragging, knuckle-dragging Neanderthals", saying that everyone should apologize so no one will apologize ... or something along those lines.

With constant insults hurled at American citizens, don't you think apologies are in order? After comparing Americans to Nazis, calling them racists, accusing all TEA Party-goers of being un-American, and numerous other slurs ... doesn't it stand to reason that those chosen to represent us should apologize?

What are your views on either matter? Is it the right move for the Administration to continue their smear-campaign of FOX News or should they just let bygones be bygones? And should the Florida Democrat be called upon to apologize to all Republicans in the country? Should everyone who has ever insulted the American people be forced to say they're sorry?

Most importantly: Are you impressed with the behavior of those in power?

11 Answers

  • Bj N
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Watch Fox News and then watch CNN ot MSNBC. Look at the stories they cover. Just look. You will see CNN and MSNBC cover stupid things that local media would cover like woman winning 500 dollars at bingo. Fox Covers things that are realy news. Like Health Care, the fact that Obama was trying to get Chicago to get the Olympics because one lady in his staff owns a bunch of land in Chicago that has been condemed. They get the Olymics she sells her land makes a bunch of money HMM did not see that one on CNN. ACORN scandle. Didn't see that one on CNN or MSNBC untill after a week of Fox Covering it. I try to watch both but I just cant stand the Communist News Network or Markist Socialist News Bull Crap. I just cant watch it. Thats why the other networks have media advisers from every major branch of the Media except Fox News. They are the only ones reporting. They were just a critical of the Bush Administration.

    Source(s): I watch a lot of news
  • Bug
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    My view is that what passes for "public discourse" these days is so full of vitriol and dis-information that only the most egregious behavior gets recognized.

    We're not talking with each other. We're not having a "national dialogue" about the issues. We're not trying to solve these problems we all are facing.

    We're shouting past each other. We're lowering the standard of acceptable public behavior. We're teaching our children that the loudest in an argument wins.

    Nothing is "fair"; everything is biased. "Smear" is an acceptable tactic in debate. Facts are irrelevant when they don't conform to a belief. Compromise is a thing of the past.

    Both sides are guilty, and we're all doomed.

    Even the tone of your question proves this. The "constant insults hurled at American citizens" are coming from both sides of the aisle, yet you only talk about Pelosi and the Democrats. You don't mention the "smear-campaign" that Fox News has also waged against a certain segment of Americans; you don't mention how Republicans have also called Americans "fascists" or "socialists" or "communists". You don't mention how the right called our President a "terrorist".

    People, we ALL need to take a deep breath, collect ourselves, get our bearings, and focus on solving the multitude of problems that are going to sink our great nation if we don't come together and solve them.

    I'm not impressed with anyone's behavior. I weep for what our country has devolved and disintegrated into.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    FOX News is not really news. It's a 'house organ' for the Republican Party. Why should Obama dignify them with an interview when he knows as soon as the interview is over some Fox hack will tear apart everything he said in the most critical way possible? Fox has told lies about Obama, and continued telling these lies long after they were discredited. They obviously have an axe to grind. Why should Obama help them?

    As for the 'die quickly remark, just how is that different from the 'death panel' stories? Or the idea that passing a few regulations on the health insurance industry, and perhaps allowing people to choose to buy into Medicare is 'a government takeover of the health care industry'?

    Republicans are working hard to manufacture outrage. Anything any Democrat says can be pounced on by Republicans who pretend it's a horrible thing to say and demand an apology. I think the Republicans also have a lot to apologize for.

  • 1 decade ago

    He doesn't need to apologize. The truth hurts. Its so typical of the republicans to pick up on something like this and try to turn into a major thing. The republicans and some soon to be unseated (hopefully) democrats are the ones that are dragging their feet and causing the delay. The american people need a solution, so rather than them acting like little spoiled children they should be doing their jobs and bring some resolve. Face it what the Florida democrat said is not nearly as bad as calling a seated president a liar to his face. They messed up there. Now they are taking these comments and trying to compare the two. OHHH my goodness.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Obama is going after by name certain reporters, he is not doing interviews, he is refusing to come on the channel, all the democrats refused a foxnews debate.

    This is a one sided issue, only Obama is doing this.

    Rather was proven to be a liar, no one has proved foxnews to be a liar.

    This equalization of both sides is a lie liberals use, it's terrible.

    Obama is thrashing conservative press, the libs are threatening fairness type stuff against them.

    This is a one way street.

    You can't be honest and not hate obama's guts and everything he stand for. Anyone who thinks even the remotest decent thing about Obama is an idiot or a criminal.

  • 1 decade ago

    It sucks that there isn't a news outlet that you can trust anymore. It's not about reporting news it's about reporting your opinions about the news and presenting it in a way that you feel the viewer wants to hear it.

    You can't let bygones be bygones. I believe that people who lie should be held accountable for those lies no matter what network or party you represent.

    If you want the honest news about what's going on in American you have to read foreign news outlets. Just my opinion.

  • 1 decade ago

    FOX news reports what's going on in the world. CNN and the rest of them would rather report on Roman Pelanski and Jon & Kate. Obama has a problem with anyone that tells BOTH sides of a story.

  • 1 decade ago

    Glen Beck says worse than that every single day. No one should be apologizing. Politics is not for sissies. Wilson breached decorum and that's why he apologized, he interrupted the President while he was speaking. If he had called the President a liar on the House floor under any other circumstances, it wouldn't have even been reported.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think The White House and Fox News should stick their noses out of eachother's business.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The truth is, obama is scared to death of an American TV station

    The leader of the FREE WORLD is afraid of a TV station ?

    Obama's just a sad, weak, pathetic little man.

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