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  • How do i help a wobbly stray kitten?

    I began feeding the stray cats around my apartment building a few months ago. I developed relationships with most of them and was able to take some to a local no kill shelter. The last cat had two kittens, probably 8 weeks old or so, but I can't get near them so I didn't want to take her. Four days ago, mama cat disappeared (presumably trapped and taken to the shelter by my landlord) and I've continued to feed the kittens but have made no progress in befriending them. Today, one of the kittens is really wobbly and uncoordinated; he appears to be unable to walk straight and keeps tilting to the side and losing his balance. I am unable to catch him as he still has enough speed to get away or duck just out of reach and cannot be lured by food. I'm worried but don't know what to do as I cannot even get close enough to check him over. All the local vet will tell me is that they'd need me to bring him in and pay $250 to even take a look at him or to take him to the shelter. What do I do?

    2 AnswersCats8 years ago
  • How is genital herpes transmitted?

    Is genital herpes just passed through an exchange of fluids or can it be passed by mere penetration?

    If the female partner was clean and the male had the herpes virus, could he transmit it without any exchange of fluids?

    Also, vice versa, if the female partner had herpes, does the male have to ejaculate in order to be infected?

    Odd question, I know. I'm just curious. Haha.

    Thanks for your answers.

    7 AnswersSTDs1 decade ago
  • Is the Obama Administration really acting without bias towards FOX News?

    CNN anchor Campbell Brown, it seems, has called Obama's bluff. He has made it apparent that he does not believe the Administration's claims to only oppose FOX News because they are "biased".

    In fact, he has called them out on not shunning MSNBC for their bias against conservatives.

    If CNN isn't falling for Obama's B.S., why should everyone else?

    So, what is this really about? Does the Obama Administration hate FOX News because the organization is "biased"? Or do they oppose FOX News because FOX disagrees with them?

    For more information, read this article:

    8 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Am I Reacting Strangely?

    Okay, so Friday afternoon I was coming home from college and I got into a wreck. Basically, I was going south on a green light. A Prius was going north on the green light. Someone ran their red light and hit the Prius and slammed it into me. I was the only one hurt -- and not even badly enough to go to the hospital -- but my car was totalled.

    I almost started driving away because my car was still running but then I realized that was illegal so I stopped and just sat there with my foot on the brake. Then a guy who witnessed the wreck started talking to me but I couldn't hear him so I turned off my car because my radio was too loud. He said I was bleeding -- which I could tell already -- but that the cops were coming and I shouldn't move.

    Then I looked at the other two cars and saw how destroyed they were and I was like, "Oh, sh!t. I hope they didn't f#ck up my car." The guy looked at it and said that it looked like I was going to get a new car.

    So I climbed out and looked at the other two cars. Then, when I saw my car, I burst into tears. It's demolished. After I turned it off, it would never turn on again and everything's broken.

    I still wanted to drive it, though. Now, my parents are making me drive their cars to get to school and I'm terrified of driving their cars. I feel like I would be fine if my car was still driveable but it's not so that's not an option. Plus, weirdly enough, I cry every time I look at my car or even think about it.

    It's not that I was hurt or anything. It's not even that the wreck frightened me all that much. It's entirely because my car is gone. Forever.

    And I loved my car.

    So ... is it normal to be this attached to a car? Why am I reacting like this? Does anyone have any idea how to get over this over-emotional behavior?

    I'm driving an SUV now, which runs fine but is, obviously, way different than my station wagon. I picked out my car. I learned to drive with my car. I chose my car to be my personal vehicle even though it was our "crappiest" car. So ... how should I deal with this?

    Am I insane?

    1 AnswerPsychology1 decade ago
  • What do you think about this?

    Apparently, the White House has taken aim at FOX News, accusing them of being biased against the current Administration and for telling blatant lies about Obama's policies and procedures. In his recent media blitz, Obama denied interviews with even the FOX News Network's most undeniably un-biased reporters. This is despite the Pew Foundation study that discovered that, during the Presidential campaign, the amount of positive and negative stories on the GOP candidate was equal to those on Obama; according to the same survey, the other media stations had more positive stories about Obama and more negative about McCain.

    Obama's opposition to FOX News is being compared to Bush's feud with ABC's Dan Rathers which resulted from an untrue, slanderous story about the former President whereas Obama's issues started with Democrat's attacking of all things FOX News.

    Do you think the current Administration is acting appropriately against FOX News? Should they be feuding with any news organization at all for such petty reasons? Is this even comparable to George W. Bush's clash with ABC over being slandered?

    At the same time, Nancy Pelosi (always a beacon of wisdom and maturity) has, apparently, decided that the Florida Democrat who said that Republicans wanted anyone who got sick to "die quickly" does not need to apologize. This when Joe Wilson was punished for not apologizing to Congress after shouting "You lie!" at Obama during a televised Congressional address, despite the fact that Wilson had already had his apology accepted by Obama.

    Pelosi said that there was no reason for the Florida Democrat to apologize despite his calling all Republicans "foot-dragging, knuckle-dragging Neanderthals", saying that everyone should apologize so no one will apologize ... or something along those lines.

    With constant insults hurled at American citizens, don't you think apologies are in order? After comparing Americans to Nazis, calling them racists, accusing all TEA Party-goers of being un-American, and numerous other slurs ... doesn't it stand to reason that those chosen to represent us should apologize?

    What are your views on either matter? Is it the right move for the Administration to continue their smear-campaign of FOX News or should they just let bygones be bygones? And should the Florida Democrat be called upon to apologize to all Republicans in the country? Should everyone who has ever insulted the American people be forced to say they're sorry?

    Most importantly: Are you impressed with the behavior of those in power?

    11 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Too confusing: My friend's ex-bf, me, and my other friend...?

    My friend broke up with her boyfriend because she thought he was too controlling. After they broke up, he refused to leave her alone so she asked me to distract him from her because she knew he'd started talking to me right after they broke up. So, just for the heck of it, I agreed.

    Before long, however, it became more than just an entertaining project, me and my friend's ex actually became friends. Then, I developed feelings for him but I fought them because I would never do that to my friend. But, eventually, he asked me about it and I, being a generally honest person, told him that I liked him but didn't want to. His ex, meanwhile, said she didn't care what we did. He said he understood and was cool with it and that he actually liked me back.

    But the problem was, he always talks crap about my other friend, K. Whenever I would try to make him knock it off, he'd get all mad. So I invited K to hang out with us a couple of times so she could stand up for herself. They already texted each other fairly often anyway so it made sense to me.

    Now, however, he always makes excuses and doesn't hang out with me. We make plans to kick it and he never shows up or even tell me he's not going to come. Then, he'll say he's going to take a nap or he's losing service and stop texting me. The problem with that is K is my best friend and I'm with her most of the time so I'm perfectly aware that he continues to text her after he starts to "take a nap" or "loses service." Also, he's always telling me how busy he is and then making plans with her, which she then tells me about. K is a good friend, she always wants to make sure that, if she does hang out with him, I won't be jealous. And I'm not really, I know she's not going to go after him or anything, but it's frustrating. Plus, when he makes plans with her and then can't make it, he calls ahead and lets her know; with me, I never find out til he hasn't shown up.

    I am so frustrated. I don't know what to do or say and I don't care if K hangs out with him because I trust her and she's a good friend. But I honestly have no idea what to do about him.

    He's always the one who starts conversations with me but then makes excuses to stop talking to me.

    What do I do?

    3 AnswersFriends1 decade ago