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Wiccans, are we obligated to cast spells for anyone who asks because we are "into peace and helping others"?

And I'm curious as to what your definition of "help" is?

Got an email from someone who indicated they were attempting to learn to cast spells on their own and not having any luck. And the request was made "I was wondering if you could cast spells for me or aid me"...."If you could help cast spells and assist me. All would be appreciated. Thank You."

Um, okay, mind you - I have no idea what kind of spells this person wants - nowhere in the email did it say.

So I respond with some book recommendations to help asker learn magic from the beginning, the witchvox link to local shops where asker may find classes and further info and resources, expressed that I don't just cast spells for strangers over the internet, but would try to answer more specific questions if the asker had them.

Fair enough, I thought.

Then I get a response email basically chewing me out about refusing to help a "stranger" - harping on the "stranger" part. Like every friend you made started out as a stranger, and what if doctors refused to treat patients because they were "strangers", etc. (yeah, the difference there is, the doctors are getting paid to do a job!) The asker is apparently astonished that I would not blindly agree to cast spells because he/she "thought that Wiccan religion was very into peace and helping others as much as they could so I assumed that you could help me with my problems."

The tone of the rest of the email was basically a sarcastic tell-off because I did *nothing* to "help", and the asker is sure that people have helped me in my life through times of need. (Well yes, but then I never wandered up to a stranger and demanded help or made an unreasonable request either!)

*Sigh. I'm not offended or upset really, just a little irked that I took the time to respond to the email, providing educational resources and the offer to answer further questions. Waste of my time it seems.

Maybe I've got the definition of "help" incorrect? What say you Wiccans on such matters?


Some great answers and points made so far. Thank you all. I guess I'm just in a "Monday mood" too. ;)

Update 2:

Oh yeah - response to my pointing out that I was trying to help by offering resources and to answer more specific questions. And I asked if this person had ever heard the saying "give a man a fish and he eats for a day, teach a man to fish and he eats for life". And once again I pointed out that this person was not specific about their intentions:

"I would NEVER ask for a spell to harm someone. I guess. You're NOT really helpful. It's NOT that you're doing what someone just says for you to do. You would he helping someone in a great matter. Giving me details ISN'T going to help if it is hard for me to cast these spells. That's why I came to you for help. But you denied me. Well, there's NO more need for communication. I am NOT demanding anyhting, I'm just pissed on how you're ranting about other things that does NOT go with what I asked for. There are MANY people who help with issue. Since, you're NOT the one. GoodBye. "

Update 3:

And last email after viewing my question:

"You're question asked was ridiculous. I was NOT being selfish. You were. I do NOT care what they have had to say I was just mad at the fact that you acted as if me being a stranger was wrong."

WOW - someone forgot their medication today.

Update 4:

Now see dear, the details you posted here would have been more helpful in your original request! How could anyone know if they were able to help you when you didn't freaking specify what you needed help with!?

16 - that explains a lot. If you're going to approach adults for help, try behaving like a rational adult and don't throw a temper tantrum when you don't get things *your* way.

Update 5:

Nancy - the thing is - several of us tried to politely but honestly help this asker - but the asker didn't get the answers he wanted or someone to do all the work for him and threw a temper tantrum. What happened to respecting one's elders? My High Priestess would never have let me get away with talking to her like this teen has spoken to us - she would certainly have put me in my place, and has on occasion when I've stepped out of line - though I've never behaved as ridiculous with my Wiccan elders. I've *worked* my way along my path, through my priestess degrees, and deserve a tad more respect. You are welcome to put your time and energy into casting spells for this person if you wish and dealing with the consequences. I'm curious though, how this asker's Mom would feel about her 16 year old soliciting such help from strangers on the internet.

"stranger" - a person with whom one is unacquainted (Merriam Webster) This is NOT an insult - it is a simple fact.

28 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    That sounds like one of those people who thinks anyone who has something they don't is obligated to share with them. It's one of those "the world owes me" people. I don't deal well with people like that. You did help them. You gave them recommendations and suggestions so they could help their own self.

    I define help as providing assistance to those that want and need it. My own personal ethics dictate that I only help others within the confines of what is ethical. Sometimes people want help that others aren't comfortable giving - for a variety of reasons. That is fair. I wouldn't give a family member money to feed their meth addiction. They might think I'm being selfish but I would find it damaging to assist them in something dangerously unhealthy.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm not Wiccan, I'm Pagan but I don't think you'll mind if I answer anyways. ;)

    I read this and found it kind of odd...I certainly hope that the person who emailed me over the weekend wasn't the same person who emailed you...otherwise I can look forward to a nasty email back.

    Mine said:

    *Hello, I am in need of some serious Spell casting. Would you be willing to cast a few spells for me? Thank You.*

    When I got it, I thought to myself "Seriously?" For one thing, approaching this from the flipside, I wouldn't want to openly be on the receiving end of spellwork from a stranger. This person doesn't know me, why would they willingly want my energy directed at them without knowing what I'm about.

    Also, a few spells? Damn, I guess people think that you can just wiggle your nose and *poof* it's done.

    I understand why you are irked, I would be too. My response was a lot shorter. I just basically said that I don't randomly cast spells for strangers on the internet and if someone was in the need of serious help or healing then I would do an energy sending but that's it.

    When it comes to *helping* others, not everyone has the same opinion on it. IMO, helping people doesn't mean you do what they say when they want you to and it doesn't mean being at a stranger's beck and call. As a matter of fact, there are times when you help someone that makes you a co-dependent and an enabler.

    This person you spoke with was obviously expecting a very particular response for you and when they didn't get it, they couldn't see past that expectation to see that you were offering them something better....something empowering.

    I hope it was not a waste of your time, maybe at some point this person will reflect back on it and actually visit the site but you might never know.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm often asked to do spells. I don't like to because it's not always effective. A spells success is determined by the intent of the person casting the spell. Often I don't care enough about someone elses issue to muster up enough intent and desire to make the spell work. Also it can be dangerous to help someone who may want to harm others. Sometimes I will give people that ask simple knot spells or candle spells to do themselves but never for anything serious. Usually they are just confidence, luck, or prosperity spells. Most important thing to remember is to never "help" anyone with ill intentions. Someone that desperate is likely to want a spell for the wrong reasons.

    Source(s): I've been a solitary witch for almost 10 years.
  • Wow, been there! I remember in junior high, when I had just started my spiritual path and studying, some people would ask me to put a "hex" on someone they didn't like. Each time, I had to explain that I would never put a "hex" on someone, and that I was not comfortable casting spells for anyone yet.

    It wasn't until high school that they stopped. Some were curious and would ask questions, but no one asked me to cast for them.

    The only thing recently is someone contacted me via my website and asked for advice. Really, he just needed someone to talk to who didn't know him. It was a complex, very personal problem, and I was happy to sort of counsel him. Of course, he asked very nicely and in earnest. Being empathic, I could sense his need was real.

    Anyway, just my two bits' worth. Lots of good answers I've seen here, and I wanted to say that I agree. No one is obligated to cast for anyone else. If that person were serious about studying Wicca, or any path for that matter, s/he would have asked politely for help, rather than demand that you perform.

    Peace, love, and blessed be!

    Source(s): Eclectic Polytheist, Hellenic Pagan, Wiccan for over 15 years
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  • 1 decade ago

    "Wiccans, are we obligated to cast spells for anyone who asks because we are "into peace and helping others"?"

    -I will say no. Speaking as a Witch who was a former Wiccan I'll say this. A Witch goes by the individual situation. We are not obliged to do anything we don't want to or goes against our PERSONAL comfort. We are NOT held under some ridiculous rule that says we HAVE to help everyone and anyone every time they ask. It's up to us as individuals to make up our own minds. Where in Wicca or Witchcraft does it state that all Wiccans are "Into peace and helping others", or that we must drop all things and obligitorily "help" another? I have studied Wicca for a few years, and had yet come to this noted line...perhaps I hadn't studied far enough. As for the email, I got this one too, but I didn't answer it, as I noticed it late at night and was too tired to answer. However, thanks to this enlightening question by the wonderful Crystal Clear (:D) I now know the intentions of the asker and will NOT be answering this person's request (though I probably would have done the exact same thing as Crystal Clear).

    I will say this to the asker of the (emailed) question:

    Witches are not obliged to cast spells for another. If one requests a spell cast, the one must provide the necessary materials for that Witch to cast the spell (IF he or she agrees to do it). If the Witch says no, you must accept that. You have a LOT to learn about Wicca and Witchcraft.

    Wicca does NOT focus solely on spells. They focus on communion with their deities. If you believe Wicca is about spells, then you are in the wrong belief system. I suggest you study a LOT further, before you do anything regarding spells, as that is why your spells are not working. You do not know WHAT a spell is, HOW a spell works, nor how to conduct yourself during spells. One who has studied will know that spells are a more advanced form of Witchcraft (something not all Wiccans do). If you want to cast spells, study properly, or none of your spells will work for you...and begging another Witch to cast them for you only shows your immaturity towards the craft, and the need for more proper study.

    Just some advice from a practicing (former Wiccan) Witch

    ETA: ahh, lovely. Because this Bukka didn't get what he wanted, he resorts to posting BS to make himself look good. Quite the opposite will take place, and reputation will continue to fall.

    You want to earn the respect of others, do not post misinformation. It make you look the fool.

    ETA: PrairieCrow - Thanks for c&p the response from Bukka, as now he has replaced his whine with a nonesensical site.

    This is EXACTLY Why I always recommend people wait until they're 18 before seriously deciding to practice Wicca or Witchcraft, as when you're a child (and I properly refer this person to a child, as per his temper tantrum) you don't understand what it is you're looking for yet.

    Source(s): Practicing Witch of 8 years.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Eh, you are not obligated to do anything for random internet people.

    It sounds to me as if the person assumed that Wiccans and spells are like Christians and prayer; by that I mean online you'll notice a lot of Christians will post that they will pray for someone who is a total stranger. Perhaps they don't realize what actually goes into a magic ritual or something?

    You DID help them though, you gave them information and resources by which they could learn. If they didn't want to take what you offered, then that is their loss.


    Edit: BukkaCapri, there could be any number of reasons your spells don't work, it could also be that what you are trying to do with magic simply isn't possible [In the case of illness medical treatment is more effective than magic spells.] Magic ritual is mostly about focusing your own Will, changing reality to conform to your Will. Other people can't do it for you as they don't have power over your Will.

    What you really need is a frame of mind, think of the last time you really wanted something. To set a record for yourself, to change, to get something you thought was perhaps out of your reach. Remember the frame of mind you were in. The determination, the total concentration on that one goal, every fiber, every cell moving forwards to grasp it. That would be what you need for your magic rituals and perhaps what you are missing.

    Source(s): Not a Wiccan. I'm Asatru.
  • 1 decade ago

    I can only speak from a non Wiccan perspective. i would never help someone in that way i did not meet up with and chat too at the very least, and i have not been asked. I have been asked to send 'healing' and various things like that from time to time..or to 'light a candle for me', and i see no harm in lighting a blessing candle for someone i know or care for, but i don't do spell work for myself unless it is really necessary, and certainly wouldn't for a stranger, sorry if that seems unfair, but you get all sorts of odd stuff online these days..

    Source(s): and i might add..i dont know that i am 'into peace and light'..not that i am not a kind person..but that is not how i veiw my is not like that, all peace and light and love.
  • 1 decade ago

    I got the same question from the same guy, and I was going to answer it the same way that you did, or at least in a similar way, but I decided to see what kind of person this guy was and checked his page. No information, but the most recent question that he answered was this one. I'm just going to block him now because I really don't want to deal with this crap. I think that the answer you gave was a good one and what any serious Wiccan probably would have answered. You saved me the trouble of emailing this guy and receiving a similar response, so thanks for posting this. I really don't want to deal with Christian trolls, which is what he is based on his answer above. I hope he stops bothering you and anyone else that he's emailed so far.

    Venus Bless

    Source(s): Solitary Eclectic Wiccan witch
  • 1 decade ago

    I got the same email, and just shrugged and deleted it.

    I don't owe any help to spell-beggars who are too lazy to do their own damned research and work. And it annoys me when people presume that I HAVE to aid them just because I'm a Wiccan.

    "No time for self-entitled twits" appears to be my motto of the week...

    ETA: *watches Bukka-san flip out when he doesn't get the OMG RESPECT! he SO clearly deserves, hurling insults the way a monkey flings its own poo and obviously hoping to terrify us with his threats... NOT!*

    In case he decides to delete his answer, it goes as follows: "Well. Obviously if you feel that helping is DEMANDING. Then I guess Wiccans are as Evil as people say. You guys DON'T! know the difference and feel as I was being rude. Hmm . . . Well I've notice that your responses are just as RUDE as you assumed mine to be. That's why you all will be HATED! As I've asked many people. Wiccans are DEVIL WORSHIPPERS! So, I guess that means that most of your replies will be ridiculous. I'm 16 but trust and believe I'm smarter then most. If you can explain to me how I was very rude. I'll agree. But until, I believe that I am NOT and so do many people. You guys must NOT understand much."

    Yep, he's a... well, you know. I had that vibe from his email and now it's been confirmed. Good to know my instincts are still sharp as a tack.

    ETA yet again: And now he posts a hatemongering piece of nonsense. This sort of behavior is more typical of someone with Borderline Personality Disorder (the all-or-nothing thinking, the notion that people/groups are either all good or all bad) than a rational adult human being. It would be funny if it wasn't so sad.

    Source(s): Wiccan for 16 years
  • Rai A
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Wow wot a bunfight...

    Amassing what a little respect can achieve.... shame the person's not shown any.

    Personally (& that's all I can say) is I've only had one situation where someone was deliberately try to manipulate me into "spiritually" helping them. I then had a most unpleasant 2 hour discussion to him about how his actions COULD be considered stalking & harassing his Ex/my friend. [Didn't start on how he had been trying to get to her again through manipulating me.]

    The "Obligation" was to respond to his asking for help - meaning I felt obliged to talk to someone I'd prefer not to deal with. To me, spells/rituals are always a last resort.

    Having said that the few times I've been specifically asked for spells, I've helped them to write/preform one themselves.

    IF someone was having problems preforming the spell, then I'd might suggest they look for a alternative style. I have a friend who's a History buff - & because of his specific interest I encouraged him to do rune work. Something that's just not my cuppa tea.

    [Later: BukkaCapri/Nancy You preach at us, claiming innocence and yet you print this piece of hate-mongering.

    Any wonder why people get up tight.]


    Source(s): Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    not every Wiccan cast spells but if we do it is mainly to help us become a better person in this world or to ask the world to help things in our favor. Basically a prayer but with more action.

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