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Have Americans abandoned the principles of liberty?

Both of America's political parties used to advocate personal liberty, yet today neither one does. They both support draconian limits on personal liberty as evidenced by the bipartisan support for the Patriot Act, and I'm wondering if it's just the politicians who oppose freedom, or do the American people actually believe that freedom is no longer a good idea?


Paula, the problem with that is that now most Americans are classified as terrorists. Anyone who commits a misdemeanor, gun owners, veterans, liberatarians, Ron Paul supporters and many other are now classified as potential terrorists by the DHS, and can be subjected to warrantless searches, imprisonment without charges, and many other injustices reserved for so-called terrorists.

Update 2:

Perfect storm- I'm a Ron Paul supporter, so the government classifies me as a potential terrorist. I live in fear of my government coming and snatching me away in the night. I consider it a serious attack on my liberty.

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    not at all ! welcome to the velvet revolution..

  • Liz
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Yup. I'm a potential terrorist under the unconstitutional patriot act. The hysteria which was force fed to the entire country has had its intended result. We are afraid that "they" are coming to get us. And we believe that some of US are THEY... it is the mentality of cavemen and kindergartners.

    I am: A gun owner.

    With a police record.

    Including "rioting" during the first gulf war. (we were marching and not a thing more)

    That makes me a potential terrorist I guess.

    We did this once before in the forties and fifties. You know.. everybody was a disloyal un-american Communist.. They are attacking harmless organizations like ACORN, They are attacking David Frigging Letterman for love of pete.. All because he poked a little fun a Palin.

    Senator.... have you NO decency left sir!?

  • 1 decade ago

    this is a great question.

    I would like to add as proof of what you are you notice even more and more americans today even decry the notion of democracy. Just the other day, I read a question on here where several people actually said that democracy sucks..that its a bad idea to allow the majority of the people in the country help guide the direction of the country. weird..isnt it?? when you consider how many american soldiers have died in past wars like ww2 to help defend democracy.

    But our country has changed....a whole lot...its not the same freedom loving morally principled country defender of the downtrodden and bastion of liberty and fair play that it was just a generation ago.

  • 1 decade ago

    The American people actually have no choice any more over their own destiny, as the almighty federal government has all but removed personal freedom, and personal choice.

    Our so-called elected representative no longer represent us, but cater to and abide by the wishes of their particular party bosses.

    This is no longer a government "of the people", so wake up to that fact, and remember as I do, this is exactly how Hitler started.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think we got the Patriot Act from our fading generations dated ways and old fears. Those who gives up essential liberties for a-little temporary safety don`t deserve freedom, something like that from Ben Franklin. Old people would of gave Bush the absolute power of a king just to "feel" safe from the birth of the terrorist.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Have Americans abandoned the principles of liberty?


    How has the Patriot act effected your personall freedoms?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes, I think americans, especially on the right, are kind of tired of the inconveniences of freedom, such as due process of law, etc....

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Some of us do, sadly there are many who will sell their freedom for some government hand outs.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    mick t - did you ever read the Patriot Act, and examine the statutes it modified?

    I did.

    Basically all it did was take existing statutes aimed at investigating organized crime (e.g., the MAFIA) and made them apply to terrorists.

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