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President Obama plans to lift the "don't ask,don't tell" policy. Is this a good move?

Is President Obama making this decision because he respects and values the contributions gays make to the military and the country or is because he is trying to win over gays? Will the lifting of this ban mean more problems for those who are openly gay? Is this a way to allow gays to be able to have freedom and not complain as much? Will this lead to more rights for gays such as a the right to marriage in all states? What do you think?

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It needs to be lifted and will work out just fine. Other nations have open gays in their military and have no problems. I think a lot of people think there will be gay guys showing affection in the military if this comes to be but that in not true. Gays will have the same guidelines as men and women do in the military and would not be able to hold hands, hug or anything like that while on duty or in uniform so even the gay haters would should not have problems. The way things are is discrimination plane and simple.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't understand why gays have the need to announce they are gay. People don't go around announcing they are straight. It would make a recruiter wonder if a gay man or woman was joining up to meet potential partners if they had such a need to say they were gay.

    Marriage is between a man and a woman and is a sacrament of the church. People should not be called married unless they were wed in church since somehow this means to some people that it is keeping them from being treated equally. People, whether straight or gay, not wed in church should be civilly united, not married.

    How is not asking a person's sexual preference taking away their freedom?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think that I won't say the G word I will say Willing people are surrounded by us and I was raised that that way was wrong but when I see people like that, I don't discriminate against them because I understand everyone thinks differently then I do but I think it was because the government constitutionally can't do that to people, even though the government sneakily does, they have done a lot for the US and they know they can only go so far with the Willing people, they know they are supported by so many people and the government is more scandalous than stupid, our new president is trying to do things without causing controversy, I agree with you! Hopefully it won't lead further, they can always go to another country and get married, the Government doesn't want to send the message that it is okay!

    Source(s): me and MY wonderful brain
  • 1 decade ago

    not a good thing in canada women who breastfeed in public and gays have lots the same respect, in america I find ppl can't embrace something as small as this, this will lead to ppl condeming each other unless ppl can embrace this it'll be fine, btw I like obama....but the highest freakin award in the world??? the nobel peace prize? come on

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  • 1 decade ago

    I don't care if they fight in the service or not, so the don't ask, don't tell policy is okay. It is fine to lift it, it is the gays that are going to have to worry about their souls at death

  • ICU
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I think this political used car salesman will do anything to gain popularity. He hasn't shown any decision based on the well being of this country. Folks, we screwed up, we put a politician as leader of our country. Run for the hills!

    Source(s): Watching this whole circus!
  • Anna3
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I think it's a good move.. Being Gay is nothing new, there are MANY gay people in the world now. Who cares what they like.. they're fighting for out country for crying out loud!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    the gays are gonna get basically bullied by the other army members

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