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  • Do You Regret Going to College?

    I often talk to others who have gone to college like myself and most of them say they regret it because it ended up being a waste of money and time. All they ended up with was huge debt and still are unable to get a job in their career field. Lots of people who didn't go to college still have solid careers in various fields. Do you regret going to college? Do you feel you could have done well without your degree?

  • how can I find my niche in life?

    I feel like I am mentally unstable. I know that this is part of growing up and finding yourself as an adult but I feel like I can not find my niche in life. I am grateful and blessed to have a job but it is part time and I make very little money. I am a college graduate with two degrees, a teacher's certification, and grad school courses. I am intelligent and did well in school, have a lot of experience yet I can't seem to be happy with being employed. Every job I get I find fault in it and begin to burn out after a month or two. This would be fine but I am a mother and I have responsibilities. My ultimate goal is to be a teacher and every time I feel like I am inching towards reaching that goal, something stalls. I have done everything I am supposed to do but I still feel like I can't get ahead. I am not fulfilled in my present place of employment. I am overworked, underpaid, under appreciated, and over qualified. I feel so confused because I feel like a failure. I am disappointed in myself. I get physically ill when I know I have to go to work. I sat in the parking lot at a restaurant on my lunch break yesterday contemplating not going to back to work. The money will come in handy for now but I need a change. Could there be something mentally wrong with me where I can't seem to want to work? I am an independent and driven person so why can't I seem to find the strength to want to work?

    1 AnswerMental Health1 decade ago
  • would you quit a good paying job that sucks to take one that makes you happy but pays less?

    Let's say you are fresh out of college and have found a good paying job in an industry where you have some experience. The job is easy and pays well but you have to work a lot of hours with pretentious jerks who show no gratitude. This job is also nowhere near the career you envisioned for yourself but pays well. After a few months the chance comes for you to take a job related to your ideal career, you have the opportunity to move up with the organization but it pays less than half of the terrible job. It's rewarding and could lead to your potential dream career. What do you do? Do you quit the terrible job and go the rewarding career and slum it until you get you big break there?

    3 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • How can I learn to be a less judgmental friend?

    My best friend and I have been friends for 18 years (since middle school). She is a very educated person but has no common sense. She makes really bad decisions with normal day to day things in particular the men she shows interest in. She meets a man one day, the next day she sleeps with them and then swears to me she is in love and begins talking babies and marriages. All of this before the guy even calls again (which they normally don't). She goes into these situations every 3 to 6 months. In the past I have always been the voice of reason but that has caused conflict in the friendship. How can I learn to be less judgmental? I am trying so hard to be supportive and listen but I get sick of hearing about failed situation after failed situation. She isn't even in relationships with these guys. They use her for sex but she creates these grand love affairs in her mind that never turn out that way. How can I be a friend to her but not hurt her feelings like I have done in the past? I have a family and she claims I don't understand her desires because she is lonely but really I just think she makes poor choices because she needs mental help. What can I do to help her?

    2 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • are more people "famous for being famous" or talented?

    In the age of reality television are more people "celebrities" now because of their craft and talent or simply because people know their name such as Kim Kardashian, Paris Hilton, the cast of Jersey Shore, etc.?

    3 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • Some tips for my first teaching interview?

    Tomorrow I am going on an interview for my first teaching position. I am not nervous (yet) but I am curious as to what they may ask. I have researched the school and its philosophy, its demographics, and history. I also have some sample questions from a teaching interview & resume workshop that I recently attended. But I am looking for some advice from anyone who has recently had an interview for a teaching position or maybe someone who does the interviewing. What kind of questions will they ask? What answers are best? I feel confident but I just want to make sure I am on the right track. One can never be too sure of themselves. Thanks.

    2 AnswersTeaching1 decade ago
  • I am starting a new career and need job reference help?

    I recently graduated from college and now I am beginning a new career.I have no experience but have been able to get some professional references but I am still short one or two. I have asked a few college professors and got some responses but I am still lacking professional references. I am kind of at a lost and don't know what to do. It's hard when you have little to no experience and they don't allow you to use personal references. I need some advice on what to do.

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • are professional networking sites like linkedin helpful?

    I am a recent college grad and I am seeking multiple ways to make my job search successful. I use personal networking,university career services, and direct contact with companies/schools I am interesting in working for but I am looking for another way to get myself noticed.I am NOT a fan of resume blasting(blindly sending out my resume), I hate job fairs, and I find a lot of online employment websites such as hotjobs and monster to be pointless.I have not yet resorted to walking in and going from place to place beginning for a position yet but my search may become that desperate if I am not working soon. Any suggestions on how I can get myself considered for a position? I know the job search can be long and exhausting especially this time of the year when so many people are entering the workforce after college. I am seeking a teaching position if this helps with suggestions.

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • how did you get your first teaching job?

    I am currently about to graduate with my second college degree and want to begin teaching this Fall. I have completed the state required exams as well as my teacher's certification prep courses. I do a lot of networking and talk to anyone I can that may be able to help me but so far I am still a little nervous about being able to land a job. I hate sending out resumes blindly and find job fairs fruitless. How can I get a teaching position with little to no experience? I have a strong educational background but no classroom experience. i know that I have to start somewhere and many teachers are first year with no experience. How did you land your first teaching job with little to no experience? What tips can you give to help me find a job?

    5 AnswersTeaching1 decade ago
  • Tatsunoko vs. Capcom?

    Do I need to purchase a special controller to play this on Nintendo Wii? I need to know before I go and buy it. I don't trust the people in the store because they're just trying to make a sale.

    4 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Whose your pick for the Super Bowl?

    Who is going to take it all? I am going with the Jets and Saints with the Saints winning it all. GO Saints!

    14 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • How young is too young for a sleepover?

    My 7 yr old daughter got invited to a classmates sleepover. She initially was very excited and really wanted to attend. I was apprehensive and hesitated to call and RSVP. The little girl personally called me herself and asked if my daughter could attend. As I was about to called her mother and RSVP I got a call from my daughter's school saying she had gotten in trouble. The incident involved the little girl who is having the sleepover being mean to my daughter and my daughter defended herself. Now I fully understand that kids will be kids and I want to teach my daughter to work out conflicts on her own but I told her I no longer feel comfortable with her attending the sleepover with girls who really may not be her friends. It pains me to think my child is being mistreated. I know that kids can be vicious even at this age. This is her first year in attendance at this school (a private school) and she has days where she fits in fine and others where she has trouble. She left her old school after children picked on her for being the gifted & talented program. My daughter has said she was fine with not attending the sleepover anymore but I am confused as to whether I should allow her to go so that she can feel comfortable around the other kids or do I continue to protect my child and keep her at home? I am a over protected mother to an extent and I have had some issues with my daughter socially. She is mature and often doesn't fit in with children her own age. I would hate for her to attend the sleepover and not feel like she is wanted there. I couldn't deal with her having that heartache.

    11 AnswersGrade-Schooler1 decade ago
  • How can I get over lying to my best friend?

    My best friend and I have been best friends for 17 years (since we were 11). We have been through a lot together. Last year I decided to become celibate for religious and personal reasons. My boyfriend couldn't deal at the time so we broke up. My best friend supported me through it all and hates him because of some of the things he said to and about me after the break up. Well a few months later he came back,apologized, and decided that he wanted to become celibate too. It didn't work out for he and I being together and trying to practice celibacy so we separated again. She knew about it and again was super supportive. What she doesn't know is that since September he and I have been back together and have broken our celibacy vow together. We have been back seeing one another and sleeping together. I love my best friend and feel so bad about keeping a secret from her. I just hate how she reacts to things and that's why I didn't tell her in the beginning but now its gotten worse. I wanted to be able to talk to her and I hate keeping things from her. What should I do? How can I get pass lying to her? I keep thinking that if my boyfriend and I break up again it won't be a big deal but we are doing good this time and besides I just hate all the lying. Everyone else knows about him except her and he doesn't know that he is a secret. They don't hang out because they don't get along so I'm not worried about them seeing on another.

    1 AnswerFriends1 decade ago
  • Sisters who dont want to seperate. what do we do?

    I have two nieces, who are sisters, and have been raised by my mother and I. They are extremely close and do just about everything together. They share clothes, a room, basically their lives revolve around one another. They have also attended the same school since Pre-K and are in the same grade (they are only a few months apart). Both are smart girls but one is a little more studious and has better grades so the chances of them getting into the same high school is slim. We have tried to prepare them for the possibility of being seperated but that only induces tears and fits of rage. They are so upset and have vowed not to be seperated. How can we help them realize that seperation is not a bad thing and that they can make it through this? I am afraid that the seperation anxiety is so strong that they may do something drastic in order to stay together.

    2 AnswersAdolescent1 decade ago
  • If you erase a picture from a digital camera with a memory card...?

    does it erase from the memory card too? or is it just erased from the camera? I am wondering because I want to take a memory card from my digital camera to the store but I am wondering if previously erased pictures will be visible still because they are only erased from the camera not the card.

    2 AnswersCameras1 decade ago
  • President Obama plans to lift the "don't ask,don't tell" policy. Is this a good move?

    Is President Obama making this decision because he respects and values the contributions gays make to the military and the country or is because he is trying to win over gays? Will the lifting of this ban mean more problems for those who are openly gay? Is this a way to allow gays to be able to have freedom and not complain as much? Will this lead to more rights for gays such as a the right to marriage in all states? What do you think?

    8 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • what's wrong with kristen stewart?

    She always seems uncomfortable and weird during interviews. Like its beyond shy, it like something is wrong. I think she is a good actress but I was wondering does she suffer from sort of social phobia or disorder. Even on screen, in the few movies I've seen her in, she always has this awkwardness about her. Does anyone know what the deal is?

    7 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • Did Jordan do the right thing?

    I have been with Jordan all along and I was so happy that she has turned the game up in the last few competitions but she chose to take Natalie! Even though logically yes, she will probably get more votes than Natalie but I hate to see Natalie win anything. She doesn't deserve it at all.

    6 AnswersReality Television1 decade ago
  • whats your opinion of ABDC?

    First Fresh Crew and then Artistry in Motion get eliminated and in my opinion they were not the weakest crews on the show. Whats your opinion of this season of Americas Best Dance Crew and the judging? Do you think its fair and are the right dance teams going home?

    1 AnswerReality Television1 decade ago
  • curious about the possibility?

    I had unprotected sex on June 30th. My period was due the next day, July 1st. That day I began spotting and did so for four days. My periods are usually 7 days long and heavy from the 3rd day and on. I am pretty regular and took this to be my period. Well this month I am 11 days late. I don't believe a woman can get pregnant the day before her period is due but I could be wrong. If I would have gotten pregnant from that encounter, is still possible that I could had a period for July? I know its as simple as going to the doctor or buying a test but right I don't want to spend any unnecessary money. I am just wondering if anyone else has experienced this before and can give me some insight. I have had signs of my period for weeks now and nothing has come. I also know that my period symptoms are similar to my pregnancy symptoms since I do have a child already.I also spent last week out of town and was ill the entire time so maybe that's why my period is late? Thanks in advance to anyone who can share their similar thoughts

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago