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I'm agnostic. You cannot prove/disprove any god. But tell me this - -?

I did read a quote once that said "Anyone who does not believe in god obviously has never owned a cat".

The Egyptians believed that cats were gods. I have 2 that KNOW they are goddesses. I do all the work and they lay around, only pay attention to me when they feel like it. But I love 'em, & I think it works both ways (not that a cat will ever admit that to a lowly human).

So, any thoughts?


Question was, what do people feel about the quote on owning a cat/believing in a god?

For Mojack - You cannot disprove

god(s)/goddesses. You can cast doubt on the validity of the christian god based on available data, granted, but there are hundreds (at least) of gods we have created over the years and to be truly atheist, you would have to disprove all of them. I'm too lazy todo that.

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'm agnostic except when it comes to cats. I've kept several and yes, they are manifestations of Bastet, the Egyptian Cat Goddess. They do exactly what they want, when they want, yet they still manage to charm the pants off softies like me.

    On the credit side they can be very affectionate and comforting when they want to be. Many's the time I've preferred the company of a cat to fellow humans, when the humans are getting me down.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Any thoughts about cats you mean ?

    Because I do not understand your point.

    Cats are what they are, they are cats. They do whatever they want to do, and thats it.

    There are some cultures, which praised animals, and others used animals as sacrifice to god.

    But whats the point. Just that religion is dumb.

    Also, I do not agree, that you can not disproof god. Maybe not god directly, but you sure can debunk all the arguments FOR a god as wrong, and that is worth much.

    You take the bible and disproof, that the earth was created 6000 years ago. You can basically disproof the whole creation section, because nature science, evolution, biology, chemistry, cosmology, physics, etc....all have PROOF of how things are in the real world, and not in fantasy pixy land.

    So think again about your neutral position, because there is no good neutral position in fact.

  • CC
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    The question is not so much whether you can prove or disprove any god, but whether you believe in them or not.

    If you believe in god/s, you are a theist.

    If you do not believe in god/s, you are an atheist.

    If a cat (or a person) believes it is a god (or goddess), does it make it true?

    Source(s): An atheist perspective.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    agnostic doesn't mean a no belief in god it only means a no belief in religion. Just because you don't believe in religion doesn't necessarily mean you don't believe in god.

    you think egyptians made that saying up? Who believed cats were gods before them?

    By cat how do you know they meant today's domestic cats? maybe they meant tigers? do you do all your work and lay around tigers and do they pay attention to you only when they feel like it?

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  • Any thoughts? No sorry, none, I'm shocked atm.

    @elwood blues: yeah I'm an atheist except for when it comes to Flying spaghetti monster, lol.

    but hey people are free to believe what they want.

  • 1 decade ago

    If I cannot prove to you that there is a God, then it simply means you are not open to the evidence.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Why be "agnostic" about things that cannot be proven, when the default state is non-belief?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Any thoughts on what? I'm not sure what you're asking...

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