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Lv 7
? asked in Social SciencePsychology · 1 decade ago

Any Advice? Opinions on this?

Hello I need your advice and I am hoping that you can give it to me.

Here is my situation I was seeing a Man from Answers! I broke it off with him due to the way he treated me in our relationship.i am over with him so thats not the problem

Now one of my recent contacts that i removed now.that I Thought was my friend and confided in & knew how he treated me ended up adding him as a contact she has done this in the past to me also.and with other males on Answers looking for a s/o and all.I am deeply hurt and feel betrayed not just by him but mostly by her.

Do you have any advice on this?


she also went back and told him everything i said to her

25 Answers

  • Dena
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The best advice I can give you and I mean this sincerely is that you don't need to meet anyone from answers or the internet. Very unsafe. Even though right now you may be feeling hurt or rejection, just move on and don't look back. Too many nice people out in the world, don't rely on the internet.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'll have to agree with Badness, Pitybluesboy, Lolita, & Just Evolve. I might speak to the friend just to make sure that she knows how you feel if she's clueless, but I seriously doubt that she is, so maybe I wouldn't. Most likely, I'd cease contact with both of them & Y!A is certainly not the place to be looking for any kind of serious relationship. It's really not made for that kind of thing & personally, I'd be looking elsewhere for a S/O & protecting my heart & emotions around here.

    Don't get me wrong. There are good people out & about & I've made some wonderful friends here that have become friends offline too, but that takes a long time & in cases, years to come to that kind of trust to make contact in person.

    Best advice: Take this place with a grain of salt & a lot of laughter. Don't let anything or anyone around this joint have sway over your personal happiness.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Questions: 1. Should they look into getting a child of a race that looks like them? (preferably of course) or not? They definately plan on letting the child/children know they are adopted, however, for strangers,etc. It may be easier to look similar-ish? The look thing is really based on personal preference. I am the same race as my adoptive parents, but I look NOTHING like them. I did look like one of my adopted sisters though. I actually found it easier not to look like my adopted family because then people were less shocked when I did tell them I was adopted, versus when I told them I wasn't blood-related to the one sister I did look like. This would depend on the family though, and how they felt about it. 2. How much does adoption usually end up costing? Depends on the type of adoption. Private and International adoption is usually in excess of $10 000 dollars. Adoption through foster care or social services is either very minimal (as in lawyer fees and home visit fee) to free to even where the government pays you a monthly stipend for the child until they are 18. This monthly amount is tiny, usually only a few hundred dollars, and usually only for hard to place children. 3. Where is the best country to adopt from? Or anything like that? They are hoping for babies, and maybe a sibset, twins, or toddler, baby. something like that. Are there any risky countries? Anything they should be aware of? Countries in Central and South America have been known to have some baby brokerage things going on. Other than that all countries are essentially "risky" not because of the adoption process, but because adoption can be risky. Children don't always find it easy to bond, and there are often medical problems involved. I would say over 90% of adopted children (even adopted newborns) experience abandonment issues. All of these things CAN be worked through, but as with challenges that occur with biological children, these difficulties can be heartbreaking, time consuming, expensive and may seem impossible to work through.

  • Dizz
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Star Fairy ,

    As in real life , or here , i think the betrayal from a sister hurts worse than any betrayal from a man .

    I have in two years been so utterly blessed with the sisters i have met here .

    each one has become such an important part of my life & we talk often many times a day on our REAL lives .

    I can not imagine even one single chance of them NOT being there for me & i for them .

    You have a right to feel hurt & betrayed & know that it happens anywhere , not just here .

    This answer is for all my WARRIOR SISTERS

    I LOVE YOU , ladies . D :)

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Here is my advice and it's the same as always my friend.

    In no way do i mean to sound like i am talking down to you but I see a pattern here of abuse and that is because you tend to allow your feelings to get personally involved with others at yahoo.

    It's nice that you can make great friends here but as far as finding Mr. Right, I doubt seriously that will ever happen here at Answers..

    It just seems that people who hurt you should remain away from you as they continue the same pattern over and over.

    You cannot make a wolf into a sheep by changing the wool that they wear.

    The same goes for people.

    The hurt you once and they will continue to do so.

    She will continue to be his contact as they are like a soap opera that you need not be in my friend.

    Get rid of them both. Move on and keep that lesson to heart and please try not to get attached in a romantic way to anyone here at yahoo answers.

    Focus on getting your education and working for your independence and stop being a welcome sign and doormat for losers who have nothing better to do then to hurt you.

    Unless your into the abuse then i suggest you shut and lock the door, bolt the window and forget about them but not what they have done to you.

    Your better than that.

  • 1 decade ago

    unfortunately all you can do is move on. Some of the answers are right in that there are wonderful people on here, but at the same time there are people on here who could give a $h!t less about you or anyone else on here. I think the only thing to do is to block them. If you know them outside of answers, then i wouldnt avoid them, but i wouldnt go out of my way to continue speaking to them. Wish i had some better advice than this.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I can only say this. Yahoo Answers is like the real World.There are good people,then there are scoundrels. I say forget it and move on. This place is supposed to be entertaining. You seem like a genuine person and a great Contact,and don't deserve this.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    So basically this 'friend' is being a little b****?

    Hell with both of them! They aren't worth the time. People on Y!A often are not trustworthy, so it is perhaps best to forgo relationships on here. I'd suggest blocking the pair of them.

    It is sad, how little some people respect others. It is my sincere hope that you feel better soon.

    Source(s): WWHMJD? HE WOULD ROCK!!! Thou shalt turn thy music UP!
  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I agree with what BADNESS, Pitybluesboy, and Lolita all said....the internet is not the place to "make friends and meet partners". Find someone in your day to day life that you can actually get to know. You can't have a meaningful relationship on the internet.

    Sounds very childish to me this whole "I blocked him, she added him". You have better things to worry about.

  • She is obviously not a good friend to have done this to you. I would not even bother with her anymore. It's one thing to make him a contact but to then tell him everything u told her is just plain wrong & a betrayal whether it's online or offline. If she has done this before she will do it again. My suggestion is to rid of her & block her. Sorry this happened to you & hope everything turns ut ok.

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