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Why would racist Limbaugh have ever thought that the NFL would let him into their world?


whoa folks- did I even mention President Obama? Did you bother to read the link? In the past, Rush has referred to NFL owners as slave owners, etc...

29 Answers

  • Rick
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Whether he is racist or not the guy will do and say anything to stir controversy. This is how he creates his ratings which is how he makes money. The more controversy the more money. Why so many people (conservatives) don't see this I'll never understand.

  • 1 decade ago

    This is a very strange article. It begins by saying Limbaugh makes and honest living they concludes by saying he is to be punished for it. It claims he is racist or divisive. But, Conservatism is neither. It cannot be divisive, because, by definition, it defends traditional values and institutions. He never said the NFL owners were slave owners why would he or anyone say that? When was the last time you saw slaves being paid millions of dollars per year?

    This is what happens when people, including so called "journalists" rely on Wikipedia. It is loaded with false information about Rush Limbaugh particularly in the area of "quotes".

    So, one should ask this question; Why should Limbaugh be attacked for things he did not say?


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's amazing that mike vick can torture and slaughter dogs and be a convicted felon but still get a chance to make millions in the NFL, but since Rush is a very conservative public figure that some how disqualifies him from being an owner....doesn't that seem a little bass ackwards people???

    Source(s): B.S. Econ (Cornell '98)...and huge Dolphins fan
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If they cannot allow equal access to all citizens,then they should have all of their Govt Subsidies pulled immediately.Let the Billionaire Owners pay for their own Stadiums.

    I do think it's pathetic that Liberals have basically said that a Citizen should legally be able to be barred from engaging in a business transaction,because he does not agree with them politically.You guys are really exposing your Fascist tendencies since Comrade 0bama was Elected.

    Heil 0bama!!

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  • 1 decade ago

    So now that he questions obama he's a racist


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hey, he's already tricked a lot of people into believing he's not a racist. How hard could it be?

  • 1 decade ago

    You obviously have confused Rush Limbaugh with Jimmy the Greek...Rush has not said anything racist...poverty pimps Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton should try to help the downtrodden rather than score cheap publicity...Anyone who attributed inflammatory quotes to Limbaugh that he never said should pay the consequences...

  • ash
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I guess it comes down to a business decision, doesn't it. If the NFL is afraid of being boycotted by players and customers who think RL is a racist, they will make a free market business decision to keep him out of their league. Who could possibly object to that, cons??? The Sacred Free Market solves everything, right? And as long as government is not blocking the deal, it is no way censorship, right? LOL

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Sure. Thats an elite world exclusive to dog torturers, dope dealers, gang-bangers, drunk drivers, and wife abusers.

    The real question is; "Why would Rush sully his reputation by wanting to join them?"

    And as for Sharpton sticking his disturbing head in; two words: "Tawana Brawley."

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Why would racist Limbaugh have ever thought that the NFL would let him into their world?

    Look, yet another liberal calling Rush a racist with nothing other then some off color things to back it up.

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