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Lv 6
? asked in HealthOther - Health & Beauty · 1 decade ago

iinfo from anyone with tinnitus or laybrinthitis, how to cope or any solutions, thanks.?

friend suffering with labyrinthitis [balance problems] for more than 6 months, any self help solutions appreaciated.thanks.

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I had Labyrinthitis earlier this year...was awful..caused by an inflammation deep within ear canal I believe. It should clear up within 12 weeks according to all the information I found online.Was prescribed medication which didn`t suit me so I just coped with it on a day to day basis.If there is no sign of it going after 12 weeks then your friend should go to doctor as there can be other serious underlying things going on which really should be checked out. Good luck..

  • 5 years ago


    Source(s): Cure tinnitus 100%...
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago


    Source(s): BREAKTHROUGH in Tinnitus Research
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    hiya huni

    1.tinnitus is ringing in the ears and this is terrible it can come and go or it will be there constantly there is no cure for tinnitus and usually people with this suffer from headaches you could try EAR OPI i am a spa therapist and i do many ear opis on people with tinnitus and i have seen many people say it helps.

    2. labrinthitis is also very bad there is some movements i do as a therapist which is said to help i will give u this information but this can last for a very long time no one nos how long but try balancing as below...


    1- lay down on a bed

    2- hold ur mate head in your hands

    3-move the head to 1 side then the other do this 3 times

    4-move head up and down 3 times

    5-gently sit up

    5-have an ice cold glass of water

    6.repeat movements 3 to 4 times a day

    move the head gently tho

    good luck xx

    Source(s): im a spa therapist and quilfied in many things xx
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    As the biggest symptom of labyrinthitis is vertigo, you may try this natural remedies which can provide symptomatic relief of dizziness and nausea associated with vertigo and improve inner ear balance. Herbal remedies containing homeopathic ingredients may be taken at the first sign of symptoms and are safe to use for people of all ages.

    Homeopathic ingredients such as Cocculus indicus, Lobelia inflata and Gelsemium have proven to highly effective in relieving the symptoms of dizziness, weakness, fainting, fatigue, headaches and emotional upsets. In addition, Bryonia alba may be beneficial for headaches, and for individuals who perspire where the slightest movement may be disturbing.

    About tinnitus, you may read & get info from the links below along with more details on vertigo.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Have you tried Tinnitus Miracle system? Get right here : . This could undoubtedly assist person!

  • 1 decade ago

    Labyrinthitis is a nasty condition which can persist for many months. There's a good website for your friend:

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