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Do you believe in the accuracy of the Bible?

If so, then please explain to me where did the light come from in the first 3 days of creation - according to Genesis, God said "let there be light" on the first day (and apparently that happened according to the book) and yet he didn't create the stars until day 4 (FYI, in case of any doubt, the Sun is a star).



Hence the question, what was giving off the light prior to day 4?

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Okay, Malutka you've got an interesting question there. I rarely asnwer here in R&S. It is because I get an eyesore from the tons of thumb-down on even answering the question. Type a single letter and surely you still get a thumb-down. It's like swimming naked in the Amazon river with your gut open. Waaaah! Piranhas everywhere! Hahaha!

    The early universe was so hot. So hot that everything is ionized and that hydrogen and helium atoms are so excited they cannot collapse. It was not until 300,000 years later that stars can form. UV glow is some form of "light" our eyes cannot perceive hence due to the extremely hot temperature. Oops, I winded my prior sentence wrong but I believe you will understand it. And then came a time when stars can form. Most of them Population III stars, stars between 60-500 times as massive as the sun. They are massive due to the low metallicity and abundance of material in a tiny crowded universe. These stars are short lived. However, stars may not be the first to form after all, another source of light maybe. Immediately after the cooling, the largest and most massive concentrations of matter collapsed. They should turn into stars but some are so massive, like over a thousand solar masses, that they collapsed directly into black holes - massive ones. These became the foundation of the first galaxies. These may become intermediate mass black holes (IMBH) and then some into supermassive black holes (SMBH). Some IMBH's may have coalesced to form SMBH's. We are no there yet.., Okay, so as you may know the giant molecular clouds of the early crowded universe is not "object-like" I mean they are not clumped together like stars. Black holes of any size when swallowing gas and dust must eat the same way. That is, matter must fall into an accretion disk due to "drag". Here it goes. Do you know quasars and Seyfert objects? Optically, they may be the brightest objects we know. They are supermassive black holes in the centers of galaxies. They are bright in any of the EM spectrum and we noticed them optically at the first place. Research ULIRG's, too. You may find out that some galaxies glow in the infrared band due to the activity of the SMBH, so much more in the early universe. Now we're talking of light in every band here. Astronomers theorize that SMBH may have formed first before the stars and this is seen thru the evidence of many quasars in the early and distant universe. Quasars are all very far. That is all I can share and it is all up to you to decide.

    Clear skies to you and everyone!

  • 1 decade ago

    the bible(s) were written by peoplle from handed down recollection and none were around for the creation of the world, and you have to remember that things back then didn't mean the same thing as now. In my mind when God said "let there be light" he was saying let there be light, not "I'm making a star and the sun and they will give off light". He merely gave a command. Nothing back then had to come from anything. Just read the story with an open need to question what was giving off light.

    When today people journal and then put out a book do you ask them questions why this and why that? Heck no, it's their story, it's their life, they had no reason to give details, nor are you privy to that. So why pick on the bible when those who wrote it were journaling. The bible is not something people have to believe word for word, or is it in the apostles creed or anything one promises at their baptism and it's nothing wherein you swear that your religion is "based on" or your belief is "based on" so why do people continue to try to pick at it as though they are trying to diminish christians, catholics, jews? haha there is no diminishing in this regard.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    LOL. you're kidding, suited? The Bible is crammed with fake claims, and that they are approximately issues quite suitable to the story (life of god, life after dying, souls, Jesus' resurrection, etc.). there are a number of authentic statements interior the Bible besides, yet that doesn't mean that we could continually additionally settle for the for sure fake ones. ==================== "Isaiah describes a woman giving start formerly going into hard artwork, and he speaks of a u . s . a . being born in one day. This properly describes what happened on would 14, 1948 - while the Jews declared independence for Israel as a united and sovereign u . s . a . for the 1st time in 2900 years" Oh solid lord. have you ever no shame? No honesty? it may well be a substantial stretch to assert you're basically flawed. it is all too glaring which you're basically mendacity, and have not have been given any shame by any ability in doing so.

  • 1 decade ago

    Um, I don't want to sound rude or offensive but I believe in all books from God and Prophets as I am a Muslim, but there is major proof that the words of the Bible have been distorted by mankind. And now you may ask, well then if God let the words of the Bible be distorted why didn't the Qurans words get distorted? Well the answer is, the Quran is the last revelation, if it WERE to get distorted, then the people in the future generations would say they were left to learn from a distorted book, and so God can't misjudge them for what they did because that would be unjust. But now there are no excuses, the truth has been brought, the moon has been split, and God is the most Exalted, the Most Merciful.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes I believe it is accurate, But we have to have the Holy Ghost to Understand it, The scriptures & story you just mentioned I have already dealt with that, But I will again for you, When God said let there be light & the evening & the morning was the first day Then again it speaks about the 3rd day, You have to see that in God's mind he had what I call a blueprint or you can use the word a Thought, Let me ask you when Was Jesus Slain, was it 2000 yrs ago or sooner. Rev.13:8 It say that The Lamb (Jesus Was slain when, (Before the Foundation of the world) Yet that thought in Gods mind came to pass 2000 yrs ago. So concerning the 1st day & the 3rd day we are looking at Gods thought in the first day, & his actual creation in the 3rd day.

  • tatu
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    LOL. you're kidding, surprising? The Bible is full of fake claims, and that they are approximately issues quite imperative to the tale (existence of god, existence after loss of life, souls, Jesus' resurrection, and so on.). there are lots of actual statements in the Bible besides, yet that does no longer mean that we would desire to continuously additionally settle for the needless to say fake ones. ==================== "Isaiah describes a woman giving start earlier going into exertions, and he speaks of a rustic being born in one day. This properly describes what occurred on would 14, 1948 - while the Jews declared independence for Israel as a united and sovereign u . s . a . for the 1st time in 2900 years" Oh solid lord. have you ever no shame? No honesty? it would be a super stretch to assert you're in simple terms improper. it is all too glaring which you're in simple terms mendacity, and haven't any shame by any skill in doing so.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The bible, is written by humans. God did not write it. And, if God is God, when he commands, there will be light. It can be assumed that God made day and night a system only later, after completing his creation.

  • 1 decade ago

    A good quote to help answer this question comes from Dan Brown's book: The Da Vinci code -

    "The Bible did not arrive by fax from heaven…The Bible is the product of man, my dear. Not of God. The Bible did not fall magically from the clouds. Man created it as a historical record of tumultuous times, and it has evolved through countless translations, additions, and revisions. History has never had a definitive version of the book."

    I do believe that the Bible has accuracies to it but that it has been edited by man to fit the needs of the time... And so to do all religious texts , LynnR - You suggest the Quran is firmly the truth again this goes back to my main point that it was man who wrote the Quran:

    "Almost universally, independent scholars studying the Qur'an and Hadith, have concluded that the Islamic scripture was not revealed to just one man, but was a compilation of later redactions and editions formulated by a group of men, over the course of a few hundred years. The Qur'an which we read today is not that which was in existence in the mid-seventh century, but is a product of the eighth and ninth centuries. It was not conceived in Mecca or Medina, but in Baghdad. It was then and there that Islam took on its identity and became a religion. Consequently, the formative stage of Islam was not within the lifetime of Muhammad but evolved over a period of 300 years." This is the opinion of renowned scholars and professors of Islam, history, Arabic and many other fields. Among them - Dr. John Wansbrough, American historian who taught at London University's School of Oriental and African Studies; Professor Joseph Schacht, professor of Arabic and Islam at Columbia University in New York and a leading Western scholar of Islamic law; Dr. Patricia Crone, a scholar, author and historiographer of early Islamic history working at the Institute for Advance Study; R. Stephen Humphreys, professor of history and Islamic studies at the University of California at Santa Barbara; and Professor Andrew Rippin, professor of history and specialist in Islamic studies at the University of Victoria, B.C., Canada

  • 1 decade ago

    ok the sun is a star because man labeled it as a star or said it was. Now God is all powerful, if he said let there be light then there is light. Im so you can't mix science with God.

  • your question forward an impression of the birth of earth before Sun.

    regardless whether the light was created in the first or fourth day of the creation. Is earth the center of our universe?

    Oh by the way should it be the birth of religion that give life to natural philosophy or the birth of natural philosophy give life to religion?

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