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Muslims, in light of the conviction that ...?

Christians and Jews have changed the word of god, what gives you the assurance or a guarantee that Mohammad wasn't the one who altered that word? After all, Christians and Jews are equally convinced that theirs is the right book. Or, since it's pretty much the same god the three of you worship, would it mean that your god makes mistakes or can't make up his mind and thus changes his "revelations" from time to time?

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Mohammad took 23 long years to get his revelation from Allah; Allah could not give it in a day, a week, a year, or even 10 years. He took 23 years! Now, just have a look at Quran and then read Bible, you will know where Mohammad got his resources from. If there is any religion that is built up on falsehood, Islam stands first.

  • 1 decade ago

    I believe your first statement is wrong in that you say christians and jews have "changed the word of god". Judeasm came first and Islam and Catholicism fell from that (dropped some of the parts of the then bible) and then christians came from catholicism, therefore it couldn't ever be christians and jews changinging the word of god, and too Judeasm uses the Old Testament wherein Catholicism uses the main part of the bible after the birth of Christ. With that in mind I don't believe anyone can answer your question. God didn't make any mistake, people do.

  • 1 decade ago

    May I Ask You Something..Who is Prophet Mohammad?The answer.He also a Creature Not God.The God created prophet Muhammad because,God want Muhammad to tell to us about Itself--Worship to God,not to him and or not other creature.Who is that God?Say it Allah.Only One..As a Human We're require to know how to makes different shape between God and Creature...If we say Creature is God,we're in Trouble...May I ask You,Who Created Jesus?Why you're Pray and Worship to Jesus,why not to Creator Of Jesus.Why?Muslim Pray and Worship Only To Allah..One..

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    God made it a responsibility on the Jews and Christians to preserve their scripture and teach it to their people [the Children of Israel i.e. Jews], whereas with the Qur'an He promised to preserve it, but that we should convey it to mankind - since it is for all the people for all times.

    We don't believe the Prophets Moses and Jesus changed their scripture, but the people did after them.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    you changes the word of the god you must know that

    Comparison Study of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam Religion


    The wisdom behind the distortion of the Gospel


    what gives you the assurance or a guarantee that Mohammad wasn't the one who altered that word?

    1-what gives you the assurance or a guarantee that jusus pbuh wasn't the one who altered that word?

    2-did you know how is Mohammad pbuh?

    Prophet Mohammed was the most influential man in History. Even a non-Muslim wrote a book called the 100 most influential men in History, and Prophet Mohammed was #1. Prophet Jesus was #3

    now it may be Prophet Mohammed was alair ??

    suer no

    read these


    Michael Hart said in his book The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History (p. 13), where he put Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) at the head of his list of one hundred:

    I chose Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) to be top of this list … because Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was the only man in history who was supremely successful on both the religious and secular levels.


    The Englishman George Bernard Shaw wrote a book called Muhammad, which was burned by the British authorities. He said:

    The world is in the utmost need of a man with the mentality of Muhammad.

    Medieval ecclesiastics, either through ignorance of bigotry, painted Mohammadanism in the darkest colors. They were in fact; trained to hate both the man Muhammad and his to them was anti-Christ. But I have studied his life, and found him to be extraordinary. I have reached the conclusion that he was never an enemy to Christianity. He must be called the Saviour of Humanity. I believe that if a man like him were to assume the dictatorship of the modern world, he would succeed in solving its problems in a way that would bring it much needed peace and happiness.


    Annie Besant said:

    It is impossible for anyone who studies the life and character of the great Prophet of Arabia, who knows how he taught and how he lived, to feel anything but reverence for that mighty Prophet, one of the great messengers of the Supreme.


    The Austrian Schabrak said:

    Mankind may be proud of having a man like Muhammad among them, for despite being illiterate he was able more than ten centuries ago to introduce legislation that we Europeans would be the happiest ever if we could produce something of equally high quality.


    Dr. Zwemer (a Canadian Orientalist):

    Muhammad was an able reformer, eloquent and well spoken, courageous and daring, a great thinker. We cannot attribute to him anything that contradicts these qualities. This Qur’aan that he brought and his history bear witness to the truth of these claims.


    The English philosopher Thomas Carlyle, the Nobel Prize winner, says in his book Heroes:

    It is very shameful for any individual in this era to listen to what is said about the religion of Islam being a fabrication and Muhammad being a treacherous fabricator. Throughout his life we see him holding firm beliefs, sincere in resolve, generous and kind, compassionate, pious, virtuous, very serious. In spite of that, he was easy-going, cheerful, friendly, and even sometimes light-hearted. He was just, sincere in intention, smart, chivalrous, and quick-witted, as if he carried in his heart the lamps of every dark night, filled with light; a naturally great man who never studied in school or at the hand of a teacher, because he had no need of that.


    Goethe, the German poet, said:

    We Europeans with all our concepts and ideas have not yet attained that which Muhammad attained, and no one will ever surpass him. I searched in history for the loftiest example for man to follow, and I found it in the Prophet Muhammad. Thus the truth must prevail and become supreme, because Muhammad succeeded in subjugating the whole world by means of the message of Divine Oneness.


    if you need to know more you can emailing me

    or go to

    # Society & Culture >

    # Holidays >

    # Ramadan

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Then, when the sacred months have passed, slay the idolaters wherever ye find them, and take them (captive), and besiege them, and prepare for them each ambush.

    Lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.

    allah asks to beat your wife,

    an eye for an eye, a slave for a slave,

    kill the infidels,

    slay the idolaters,

    prostrate and smell each others butts

  • a greek and jewish hybrid product by ROMAN MAESTRO?

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