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How do you get over a long term relationship?

I'm so heartbroken and devastated.

My boyfriend and I of 4 years just decided it was best to end things. We've lived together for 2 years and have had a long, loving, fun and joyful relationship. Seldom fought. Great times.

I am 30 and he is 31 now.

But the second I seriously brought up our future, marriage and family, he turned Stone Cold and does not want that (he says doesn't want it at all) now. He won't talk to me and acts like everything is totally and completely fine.

I have to find a new home, I have 2 cats from this relationship, not to mention financial stuff.

I'm falling apart and need some good ole advice on how to move on?


Thanks so much....


13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I feel for you. You will fall in love again. Getting over it is something that happens with time. It will fade but probably never completely go away. CUT OFF ALL CONTACT. Contact will just keep the wound open. Keep busy. Socialize. As soon as you decide your happy on your own you'll probably meet your next great love. :)

  • Maxi
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    As you say you both decided to end things........or was it he wanted to end things and you agreed?

    You are 30 years old and as far as he was concerned before you wanted to get married and move forward everything was OK and in his eyes it was, why would he want to get married when he had everything but the bit of paper.

    Many people have to move on, with 2 cats, financial 'stuff' and a broken relationship and heart and you need to, just to find out what you really want, who you really are............once you do you will also learn that you can be a whole person without having to compromise your feelings, beliefs, time and energy on someone else to make you feel I said many people do, at least you have not got children and are 20 years older. Start looking at this as a new start, your glass is more than half full and he wasn't the one for you, he may be just around the corner and if this hadn't happened you may never have been in a position to find the love of your life...........

    Sending you hugs, know it isn't easy and I am not trying to trivialise your situation or feelings

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm so sorry, but, honestly, if after 4 years of being together he acts that way when you bring up your future together and lets you know he isn't interested, he's obviously not the one for you. You're only 30, you have time to find a man who wants the same things you do and will show you a level of commitment. Move on, knowing you're making the right choice and leave him to break someone else's heart. Good luck, and I hope I helped.

  • 1 decade ago

    It's quite hard, I'm going through something similar. There is no sure fire method to getting over such a situation. What do I do? I look toward the future. Realize that there are 7 billion people on this planet. I try to have fun, think about the reasons we broke up. It's so hard but sometimes it's just the way it has to be.

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    relies upon on the guy. After my divorce I decrease than no circumstances needed a protracted term courting. i needed to go searching at what I had ignored. I dated umm some yet finally made a option to this factor basically one and we've been at the same time happening 6 years and married.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well I dated this guy for 2 years and he cheated on me and I really didn't see that coming. We broke up about two months ago and even though a part of me loves him, but I can see that I'm better off. You need to put yourself first and realize that you deserve a guy that will give you everything you want and when the right one comes along he will. It helped me to get mad about the situation and reflect on the bad times of our relationship. Also, set aside personal goals that you want to achieve for yourself. Plus lots of breakup music :)

  • 1 decade ago

    Honestly, you should go out and get some strange. Yours still young, go out on some dates. Don't stand still so to speak, make moves. Everthing will be O.K. in the end. If Everthing is not O.K., it is not the end.

    Source(s): Never let the fear of striking out stand in your way.- Herman "Babe" Ruth.
  • John h
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    time is all it takes

    good luck

    i have been married for 24 years when you find the right person you will know i know it is hard but there is a tomorrow just keep your chin up

    ((go to the beach like i did))

  • 1 decade ago

    surround yourself with friends as a distraction and try to meet new people also not for a serious relationship but just to have fun with to help u get over your past relationship

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    just keep in mind happier times are ahead. keep busy as much as you can....go out with friends. every day that passes will be better and better...before you know it, you will notice that you are becoming happier, that great smile is back on your face , and everyone will notice it as well.

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