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Huliganjetta asked in HealthOptical · 1 decade ago

Started getting floaters in my left eye, help!?

About 3 weeks ago I started to get a few floaters in my left eye. Had these before when I was pregnant along with flashing and a migraine, but haven't had problems since (That was 3 years ago)

I figured these would go away on their own, but they seem to be getting worse and starting to get more of them. They are very distracting and actually makes me nauseous. My right eye is fine, no floaters, just my left eye.

What causes these or what can I do to make them go away?!

(I don't have insurance and currently can't afford to see a Dr.)


6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    What you are describing is a migraine with a preceding aura.

    Occasionally it may occur simultaneously with the headache. The most common auras are flashing, brightly colored lights in a zigzag pattern, usually starting in the middle of the visual field and progressing outward and a blind spot in the visual field.

    It is not unusual to be nauseated right before the headache.

    There are several things that trigger migraines, such as sleep deprivation, oversleeping, fasting, not eating on time, wines, chocolates, some cheeses, MSG, aspartame(artificial sweetener found in diet drinks), cured meats (like ham, hot dogs, bacon, etc). Bright lights can also trigger a headache. So you should make a note of what you had to eat or what you might have done right before the onset of your symptoms to be able to pinpoint the triggers of your migraines. Avoiding the triggers will eliminate the migraines.

    To help with the headache, it's best to take a migraine tablet such as Excedrin Migraine or similar which contains Acetaminophen, Aspirin, and Caffeine and/or find a dark room and sleep it off.

    Source(s): Ophthalmic Technician.
  • 5 years ago


    Source(s): #1 Eye Floaters Treatment :
  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    I'm 53 and had developed eye floaters about 4 or 5 years ago. The doctors told me that they're harmless, but whoever has had them knows how annoying they are. They also said that I could have them "burned off" with laser surgery, but there was no way I was going to "burn" anything off my eyes! So I kind of accepted that my floaters were there to stay.

    Then I came across this system, and seeing that you were offering a full money back guarantee, I figured I had nothing to lose well I was wrong - I did lose my floaters!! Oh my god I still can't believe my floaters are gone and my vision is as pristine as it was 5 years ago!

    Getting rid of eye floaters without the high costs & dangers of laser treatments?

  • sash
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I have "floaters" most of the time. I also have problems with migraines. I wear sunglasses anytime I'm in the sun, I also avoid any bright lights while inside, they seem to make the floaters worse. I just had my eyes checks and everything was normal. They could have something to do with the migraines. There are silent migraines, you get all the symptoms except the headache.

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  • idk what you can do, that happens to me like once or twice a yr and im only 14. it started like 2 yrs ago when i was 12. except the floaters are in both eyes till the point where they are like blinding me. then i star feeling the migraine coming and then i end up throwing up. ugh i hate it so much. ive never went to the doctor for it though. try taking excedrin migraine, it worked very well for me:). i hope i helped :)

    Source(s): experience
  • 1 decade ago

    we cn not know what is happening without performing ocular examination, especially posterior segment examination. floaters is sensation of flying particle in eye, usually can happen in liquefied vitreous (in older person, high myopia, or trauma), u need to check possibility of hypercholestrolemia (i have seen one patient with cholesterol crystal in here eye).

    i suggest u have an ocular examination

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