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  • How do you depress the pin to remove an ignition cylinder on a ford focus?

    I had to drill out my ignition cylinder because my key would not turn. I'm now trying to replace the ignition cylinder (the key turns now) but I can't seem to depress the tab! I've used a bunch of things but the tab is metal and won't seem to budge! Any suggestions? Thanks!

    3 AnswersFord1 decade ago
  • How do you replace an ignition cylinder if the key won't turn?

    I have a 2000 Ford Focus SE. I'm trying to replace the ignition cylinder because my key will not turn. Everything I have looked up on how to change it says that you have to turn the key to a certain position in order to pop the old one out, but there is no way I can do that because my key will not budge! Is there another way to get the ignition cylinder out without having to take it to a mechanic?

    Thank you!

    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • I didn't work in 2008, so what do I put for my AGI on my 2009 taxes?

    I'm filing my taxes online and it's asking for my AGI from the previous year. I didn't work in 2008. They said if it isn't correct the IRS will not accept my return. What do I put for my AGI?

    3 AnswersUnited States1 decade ago
  • What do you do when someone you care about is in trouble and you have evidence?

    Someone I know came to my house and had bruises and cuts all over her. She told me to take pics just in case something else happened. She told me her bf who lives with her did this and he also broke her windshield on her car. She said "do NOT tell anyone" and told me that she wasn't going to work for a few days and that she had to buy a new phone because he broke hers, again.

    What do I do? I don't want to get involved because I have a family and this guy is BIG and I don't want to get hurt too. and she will know if I tell anyone because I'm the only person she told!

    Any advice is appreciated, I'm really scared for her.

    4 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Left chicken in crockpot for 2 hours and forgot to plug it it still ok to cook and eat?

    I was making some chicken for a crockpot recipe. Recipe said to brown both sides of the chicken then place all the pieces in the crockpot and cook on low for 5-6 hours. I left the house for 2 hours, came home and realized I forgot to plug the damn thing in. Is it ok to cook still or should I toss it? The chicken is cooked about halfway through.

    9 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • How do I dye my hair brown when I have bleach blonde streaks in my hair?

    My cousin is a cosmetologist and she dyed my hair for me back in October. She did a bunch of blonde chunks and streaks. It looked ok back then, but she said she'd fix it the next weekend because there were a few spots she needed to touch up...well, it's now almost Christmas and she hasn't fixed it yet and my roots are over 2 inches. She told me she was going to today and she flaked for the 8th time...

    So I think I gave her plenty of time to do this, and I can't afford to go anywhere else, so I just want to go back to my natural color or maybe a little lighter (natural color is dark auburn)

    Will the color look different on the bleached strands than my natural color? Will it fade?

    Any help is appreciated!

    Thanks :)

    4 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • Tragus piercings...has anyone had these done?

    Considering getting my tragus pierced on both ears but I have a few questions and hoping to find some people who have had it pierced.

    On a scale of 1-10, 1 being no pain and 10 being child birth, how bad did it hurt?

    How long does it take to heal?

    Would you consider it worse than a lip or nose piercing? (I have one of each and don't remember them being that painful but it's been almost 7 years since I had them done)

    How much does 1 cost and was the jewelry included in the price?

    Should I do one or both in the same sitting?

    Any other info would be greatly appreciated, thank you.

    5 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago
  • How long does uncooked ground hamburger last in the refrigerator?

    Bought 1lb of Hamburger that says sell by dec 1st. I have had it in the refrigerator since then and it's now dec 6th. It still looks ok, just slightly brown on the top of the meat. Is it still ok to cook and eat?


    7 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • How long do uncooked artichokes last in the refrigerator?

    I bought 2 artichokes 10 days ago. They were fresh when I bought them and I have had them in the refrigerator in the vegetable drawer since then. They still look fine, just a little brown on a few pieces, and I cut off those pieces. Are they still ok to cook and eat? How can I tell if they're still ok?


    1 AnswerOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • Started getting floaters in my left eye, help!?

    About 3 weeks ago I started to get a few floaters in my left eye. Had these before when I was pregnant along with flashing and a migraine, but haven't had problems since (That was 3 years ago)

    I figured these would go away on their own, but they seem to be getting worse and starting to get more of them. They are very distracting and actually makes me nauseous. My right eye is fine, no floaters, just my left eye.

    What causes these or what can I do to make them go away?!

    (I don't have insurance and currently can't afford to see a Dr.)


    6 AnswersOptical1 decade ago
  • What is a a good side dish to go with roasted honey lemon chicken?

    I'm roasting a whole chicken with lemon and honey. What is a good side dish (or more that one side dish) to go with it?

    Thanks :)

    2 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Don't bring sand to the beach....what does this mean?

    I'm in a relationship and I was at my cousins party last weekend. There was a guy there who was hitting on me, but I told him I had a man and a kid, so I just danced with him, nothing more. Well, he asked me to go to a his soccer game next weekend. My cousin's parents will be there. He said they're going out for drinks after with a bunch of people and I should go. Then he said "just don't bring sand to the beach if ya know what i mean"

    is that refering to my man or my cousin who introduced us? I'm so confused...

    2 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • Kenmore Vacuum not sucking and brush not rolling, help!?

    My father inlaw let me borrow his vacuum. He told me he replaced the bag for me before he brought it over. I turned it on and hot air is blowing out the front, this is no suction and the brush is not rolling. Help!

    How do I fix this? What could be the problem?


    Kenmore Whispertone

    Powerpath system

    12.0 amps

    (Older vacuum, has a bag in it)

    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Is a Casio Exilim EX-Z29 Compatible with an 8gb Memory card?

    Just got a new camera. It's 10.1 Mega pixels, but not the best camera I've ever had...just cheap and I needed something for an upcoming trip I'm taking. The box instructions doesn't tel me what size memory card is compatible with this camera, does anyone know? Thank you

    1 AnswerCameras1 decade ago
  • Question about Autism in toddlers?

    Lately I've been very worried about my son. He is going to be 3 in December.

    -He doesn't talk much (only says about 10 words or so) and they aren't very clear. He used to say other words, but hasn't said them in a while, or he changes the pronunciation, like "Car" is now "Carday" and "Train" is now "Ken" Only my husband and I understand what he's trying to say and he says things twice a lot...

    (momma, dadda, papa, no no, eat eat, all gone, oh no!, owwie, kitty, please, i love you)

    and he points or grabs our hand and takes us to what he wants, instead of asking. and he gets really upset when we don't know what he wants.

    -He runs in circles a lot

    -He is very hyper...I mean VERY VERY hyper...more hyper than my cousin who has ADHD

    -He throws horrible fits, especially in front of other people and before bed. He will not sleep in his own room, must be with my husband and I, thought we've tried everything

    -He ignores people. We thought maybe he had a hearing problem, but he was tested and his hearing is fine. He just doesn't listen to us, or obey anyone. He doesn't understand when I tell him something like "If you don't do this, you will not get to (w/e his punishment is) he just doesn't know what it means it seems like.

    -He is fearless. He will climb out of his very tall crib even though it hurts his stomach and ribs every time. He will run away from us, even run in the street when cars are coming. He attacks the cat even though he knows it will scratch him

    -He is very independent, wants to do everything himself.

    -He has never liked to cuddle, even as a newborn...he hated to be confined. Wouldn't even stay in his blanket. He wouldn't breastfeed and would thrash his head back and forth every time id try and feed him.

    -He doesn't like to play like most kids I see. He always wants to play with things that aren't toys (the oven, the sink, the bath, the vacuum, etc) and he lines his cars and trains up in rows. He had 25 cars lined up once...all the reds together, greens, blues, etc...and does things like this often. If we try to play with his toys with him he grabs them and gets mad and puts them back in their place. He won't let me read him a book (grabs it and throws it)

    -He will only eat certain things. He won't eat vegetables at all, even if I try and disguise it, he knows.

    -I try to discipline him and he thinks it's funny

    -I've been trying to potty train him for several months consistently and he just wants to play in the toilet, and tells me "pee pee" or "uh oh" after he goes in his diaper, but not before. Sticker charts and things like that don't work because he doesn't seem to understand it...he just wants to rip them up.

    The list goes on and on. He can understand when people leave, and wants to give kisses. but when I tell him to do something, or say something he won't until we're 20 minutes down the freeway and then he'll say "bye papa" or "bye train" or w/e it was we were trying to get him to do/say.

    Do these seem like signs of Autism? or something else?

    I have a job, but I don't have health care and can't afford Dr visits. MediCal and other gov't aide has denied me several times now, so I don't know what I can do...

    Thank you to everyone who reads/replies to this.

    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • How can I get my two year old to stay in his bed?

    My son isn't very talkative, and definitely isn't at the stage yet where we can reason with him. He's 31 months old right now. We're having trouble getting him to sleep. He won't stay in his bed, he constantly is wanting something as soon as we lay him down, whether it be water, or his bear, or his dad...anything to get out of going to bed. Sometimes it takes up to 2 hours until he will finally stay in bed, and with our work schedules it's very tough on us. Most nights he wakes up and wants to come in bed with us also, but my husband is 6'5" and I'm not what you'd call petite, and my son is very tall for his age, so needless to say we don't all fit very well lol. So it's getting very tiring, very fast!

    Are there any tricks to making him stay in bed? and not come in our room in the middle of the night?

    Thanks in advance!

    5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Need the kitten out of the house asap, but shelters are closed. What can I do?

    We got a kitten and we can no longer keep it. Our son is extremely allergic to him, and the Dr told us we need it out of the house before my son can go back in the house. It's already very late at night and all the shelters are closed until Tuesday, what are our options?


    7 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • What can I use in place of a lid to a pot?

    I started making dinner and I realized I lost my lid to my cooking pot when I moved.

    What can I use in it's place? I need cook something with the lid on.

    12 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Trying to find the name of a Hispanic actress on a crime scene tv show?

    Honestly I don't remember what TV show she is on but it's like CSI or Law and Order or something like that. She's Latina and has an accent. She has long dark brown/black hair. That's all I can remember.

    Anyone know? Thanks

    5 AnswersDrama1 decade ago