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How can I get my two year old to stay in his bed?

My son isn't very talkative, and definitely isn't at the stage yet where we can reason with him. He's 31 months old right now. We're having trouble getting him to sleep. He won't stay in his bed, he constantly is wanting something as soon as we lay him down, whether it be water, or his bear, or his dad...anything to get out of going to bed. Sometimes it takes up to 2 hours until he will finally stay in bed, and with our work schedules it's very tough on us. Most nights he wakes up and wants to come in bed with us also, but my husband is 6'5" and I'm not what you'd call petite, and my son is very tall for his age, so needless to say we don't all fit very well lol. So it's getting very tiring, very fast!

Are there any tricks to making him stay in bed? and not come in our room in the middle of the night?

Thanks in advance!

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Looks like you may have given him his way enough times to where he's learned this behavior. I'd shut him in his room, and ignore him no matter what type of fit he throws. If he can open his door, you may want to put some sort of gate up that prevents his exit if he opens the door. Ignore his cries for daddy. Don't even tell him to be quiet, just ignore him. He'll eventually learn that bed time means bed time. But if you give in, just every once in a while, he'll learn that he can get maybe a 10% success rate if he throws a fit every night.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    don't be afraid to be firm! It may take a while, but I promise this will eventually work.

    Before bed, make sure your son gets everything he needs. Start a routine; pj's, brush teeth, drink water, etc. then make sure mom and dad both give him hugs and then one of you leave the room. (It works well as long as you dont switch on and off) Read your son a story, then rub his back for a few minutes. Then, sit on the floor. do not look at your son or talk to him. If he tries to get up, pick him up, put him into bed and say "no. it is bedtime, this is not okay behavior. You will stay in your bed or you will not get to (whatever fun thing you may be doing the next day) tomorrow." Then, sit back down. he may try and test you a few times, but don't give up! Every night, scoot further away from the bed until you will find that eventually he will understand that you aren't budging. This should only take a week or less, as long as you stand your ground!

    Source(s): I'm a preschool teacher...I deal with two year olds who come up with every excuse you have ever heard to get out of their beds. :)
  • 1 decade ago

    Begin with a routine you use every evening. Make sure he gets a drink and read a story or two. He can choose a stuffed toy to take with him to bed and both you and your husband should tell him it is bed time and he is going to bed now. Don't try to discuss it or reason with him. Say it just as a fact." It is bed time." Place him in his bed and walk out of his room. If he calls to you the first time just say again it is bed time. If he gets up calmly place him back in bed and say it is bed time. If he gets up again just place him in his bed but don't say anything. If he begs for water or a different toy or his dad, don't answer him. Every time he gets up just place him back in bed. It will be hard on you because he will be upset and he will try again and again to get his way because it has always worked before. The first night it might take an hour or more for him to go to sleep but the next night it will be much shorter a time until he is asleep. When he sees that you mean it when you say it is bed time he will begin to stay in bed when you put him there and go to sleep. If he comes to you in the middle of the night just put him back in his bed and say it is bed time. It might be smart to begin this process on a weekend when you don't have to get up for work in the morning but a few nights of lost sleep will be worth it in the end for you and for him.

    Source(s): Mother of three
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    well you can try the sticker method. where each night he goes to bed without a problem then the next morning he gets a sticker. and when he gets to 10 or 15 stickers he gets a reward. the reward can be taking him out for icecream or going out to a movie whatever you want.

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Have busy days out interior the clean air. have a sturdy bedtime recurring, tea,tub, tale then mattress. lighting fixtures out and be employer. If he cries or screams then go away him. If he comes out then quietly return him to mattress asserting it somewhat is bedtime. do no longer make eye touch. it somewhat is terrible the 1st evening, slightly better evening 2 yet via evening 3 or 4 he will visit sleep on his own. are not getting go or disappointed. sturdy success and get what sleep or me time you could!

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