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Question about Autism in toddlers?

Lately I've been very worried about my son. He is going to be 3 in December.

-He doesn't talk much (only says about 10 words or so) and they aren't very clear. He used to say other words, but hasn't said them in a while, or he changes the pronunciation, like "Car" is now "Carday" and "Train" is now "Ken" Only my husband and I understand what he's trying to say and he says things twice a lot...

(momma, dadda, papa, no no, eat eat, all gone, oh no!, owwie, kitty, please, i love you)

and he points or grabs our hand and takes us to what he wants, instead of asking. and he gets really upset when we don't know what he wants.

-He runs in circles a lot

-He is very hyper...I mean VERY VERY hyper...more hyper than my cousin who has ADHD

-He throws horrible fits, especially in front of other people and before bed. He will not sleep in his own room, must be with my husband and I, thought we've tried everything

-He ignores people. We thought maybe he had a hearing problem, but he was tested and his hearing is fine. He just doesn't listen to us, or obey anyone. He doesn't understand when I tell him something like "If you don't do this, you will not get to (w/e his punishment is) he just doesn't know what it means it seems like.

-He is fearless. He will climb out of his very tall crib even though it hurts his stomach and ribs every time. He will run away from us, even run in the street when cars are coming. He attacks the cat even though he knows it will scratch him

-He is very independent, wants to do everything himself.

-He has never liked to cuddle, even as a newborn...he hated to be confined. Wouldn't even stay in his blanket. He wouldn't breastfeed and would thrash his head back and forth every time id try and feed him.

-He doesn't like to play like most kids I see. He always wants to play with things that aren't toys (the oven, the sink, the bath, the vacuum, etc) and he lines his cars and trains up in rows. He had 25 cars lined up once...all the reds together, greens, blues, etc...and does things like this often. If we try to play with his toys with him he grabs them and gets mad and puts them back in their place. He won't let me read him a book (grabs it and throws it)

-He will only eat certain things. He won't eat vegetables at all, even if I try and disguise it, he knows.

-I try to discipline him and he thinks it's funny

-I've been trying to potty train him for several months consistently and he just wants to play in the toilet, and tells me "pee pee" or "uh oh" after he goes in his diaper, but not before. Sticker charts and things like that don't work because he doesn't seem to understand it...he just wants to rip them up.

The list goes on and on. He can understand when people leave, and wants to give kisses. but when I tell him to do something, or say something he won't until we're 20 minutes down the freeway and then he'll say "bye papa" or "bye train" or w/e it was we were trying to get him to do/say.

Do these seem like signs of Autism? or something else?

I have a job, but I don't have health care and can't afford Dr visits. MediCal and other gov't aide has denied me several times now, so I don't know what I can do...

Thank you to everyone who reads/replies to this.

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well... I'm not an expert by any means but a lot of these do seem like signs of autism, and a lot of them seem like typical 3 year old behavior. If I were you I would try to find a group or day care with kids his age and see if you notice a huge difference. And ask the day care people if they see a difference as well. I would also talk to a doctor explain to them that you don't have insurance and ask if they can refer you to somebody who can evaluate him for a low cost or maybe even for free. I hope that somebody that specializes in this can help you because your son needs help too if he does have autism. Maybe you can pick up a book too until you can find a provider. Anyway good luck I wish the best for you!

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    i've two nephews with autism, each ranging at the scale. My son is three and simply studying to speak and it's not that i am concerned that he'll have autism. Autism is in side a social disease, does your son play make suppose? this is a well signal that he's typical if he does. For a holistic experiment, check out now not giving your son any milk (casein) or wheat (gluten) for one million or two weeks. Does his conduct difference? Then supply him milk or wheat once more and track if he turns into hyperactive. It is my notion that autism is a meals hypersensitivity, and understand first hand that my nephews expand bigger if they're restrained of those meals. you must study it whilst he's younger. Some humans who used to have autism describe listening to track and seeing psychedelic colours as youngsters once they could devour distinctive meals. When an autistic individual beverages milk it alterations of their approach and well-nigh turns into opium. So the longer they're uncovered to it, the extra they get "top" and the fewer risk of being capable to opposite the mind harm. I understand that's plenty of information, however you would wish to google it. So ask your self a couple of questions. Does your son play make suppose? (that is well) Is he over hyper? Does he have diarrhea typically? (an excessive amount of yeast) Does he seem to consider empathy for others? (does he care if mommy hurts herself?) you may also wish to study the indicators of autism. And in reply in your video query, he might be looking child Einstein or child bumble bee, (autism therapists swear via child bumble bee however it's highly-priced). Good Luck!

  • Pooks
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    what are you doing on here asking about this very urgent concern?I do not know where you live but i don not know of any places where you could not get a pediatrician to see your baby about this...

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