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Does this help explain why people with brains don't take Rush seriously?

I mean, I get that some of you out there are conservative and are looking for someone who will validate your frustration with Obama and the democratic control of Congress. But for the sake of democracy can you at least get your news and information from somebody who makes a distinction between a reliable source and a prankster with a blog? If this doesn't make you suspicious of everything he says, I would be glad to help you find a list of the lies, distortions, and half-truths he's passed off as the gospel over the years. And no, Glenn Beck is no better... sorry. I would even be willing to help you find a reputable source for conservative commentary. All you have to do is ask.


I'm glad someone brought up the Dan Rather scandal. I'm not going to sit here and gush over network news, but the scandal at least illustrates what happens when a legitimate news organization gets caught with its hand in the cookie jar. If you recall, the scandal was caused when CBS journalists, doing research on Bush's military record, received documents from Lt. Col. Bill Burkett which were formatted in a way consistent with the assumption that they were produced on military typewriters. It took forensic experts to prove that they in fact weren't, and both CBS and Dan Rather subsequently admitted their mistake and apologized, saying:

"Based on what we now know, CBS News cannot prove that the documents are authentic, which is the only acceptable journalistic standard to justify using them in the report."

Dan Rather, one of the most decorated journalists in American history, was pushed into early retirement over the scandal.

Update 2:

By contrast, it would seem Rush Limbaugh's writing staff trolled around on the internet until they found some blog which claimed to have excerpts from something Obama wrote. So they handed it to Rush and he dutifully read it to his millions of listeners. The fact that the writers caught the mistake as he was reading it on the radio proves exactly how much effort they put into verifying the program's content, and the fact that Rush bumbled around with comments about how "that's what Obama WOULD have said" proves how little he or his producers care about journalistic integrity. Do you think anyone is going into early retirement over this? I don't.

I also don't take it very seriously when someone calls me a "pseudo-liberal Obama disciple" who conjures up the conspiracy theory that the Obama administration played this joke on Rush to discredit him, as if that somehow makes Rush look BETTER.

Update 3:

Maybe you all need to turn off the TV and try, say, reading a book. If you're too lazy, at least go to websites crafted by people who do research, like PolitiFact, FactCheck, Media Matters, or NewsBusters. That last one is even aimed at conservatives - you might learn something about your own opinions.

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    As a Lib, I at least have the cajones to admit MSNBC is left-biased.

    Most Cons do NOT have the guts (or sense) to admit Fox "News" and Rush are equally right-biased.

    One primary difference between Libs and Cons, and probably the most disturbing, is that Cons actually can NOT see the "truth". That is the prime reason I left the Republican party last year.

    I watch both Fox and MSNBC, NOT for truth, but entertainment when I need a laugh (or, of course, Rush :-)

  • babbie
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Ah, the selective memory of the Pseudo-Liberal Obama disciple.

    Seems you folks have completely forgotten that Dan Rather fiasco a while back, when he was duped into believing - and repeating word for word - false stories about Bush's military record. At least Limbaugh's staff was smart enough to tumble to the deception DURING his show, not days later. And then there was that story published in the New York Times before that, which was proven to be a hoax perpetrated by a young black reporter looking to make a name for himself. The woods are full of hoaxes and people duped into participating in them.

    I don't suppose it has occurred to any of you rocket scientists to realize that this might have been an attempt by the White House to discredit Limbaugh because he's become a thorn in Obama's side, or that any President who won't even allow something as innocuous as his college thesis to see the light of day might be hiding something even more sinister.

  • 1 decade ago

    So have you stopped watching CBS News and 60 Minutes because they ran with a story on national news that they had weeks to fact check?

    It is a funny story. People get fooled.

    What about all the national news agencies that ran with made up quotes from Rush? Are you going to stop watching MSNBC, ABC & CNN now?

  • grzech
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Toxoplasmosis is the main undemanding parasite you have in no way heard of. As creepy as this is, that is able to affecting your behaviour. In men it reasons extra advantageous threat taking like working example working a pink mild. In women inspite of the undeniable fact that oddly sufficient it reasons promiscuity. 40% human beings adults at one evaluate their lives have toxoplasmosis. You get it from unhygienically coping with cat clutter.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Rush got SO PUNKED with that story, and then, once he found out it was a parody, refused to admit he was stupid for running it and tried to defend it by telling everyone that this really was what Obama thought and it WASN'T satire. Rush is so pathetic.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Rush and truth are mutually exclusive.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    As incredible as it may seem they will still worship rush Limbaugh's every word .

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes, Limbaugh is a stupid, racist jerk! I also agree with your comment about Glenn Beck!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Liberal men don't like to listen to Rush chew on Viagra..........but conservative men do

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes it does.

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