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  • Why Does Planned Parenthood Deserve Federal Funding?

    Planned Parenthood is a private company, why should they be receiving any federal funding? Why should any private company get funding from the federal government?

    21 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • When Did The GOP Last Win a Close Election?

    John Thune lost for the US Senate by 524 votes amid allegations of voter fraud, especially on some Indian reservations. Dino Rossi won on election day by 261, but three recounts later after they kept "finding" more ballets and Rossi now lost by 133 votes out of 2.8 million cast.

    Norm Coleman was ahead of Al Franken by 215 votes, but again, three recounts later, Franken was the winner.

    By contrast, Bush won FL by 1,784 votes in 2000, the various recounts only got the victory down to a 527 vote margin, the results didn't swing from one side, to the other.

    So why can't the GOP win close elections? Wouldn't the odds say they should win 40-50%?

    8 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Should Obama Resign If He Won't Enforce Duly Enacted Laws?

    Obama's Department of Justice says it will no longer challenge rulings against Bill Clinton's Defense of Marriage Act. Until the law is repealed by Congress and signed by the President or the Supreme Court finds it unconstitutional or lets a lower court ruling that finds it unconstitutional it is the law.

    He said in the past he thought that Congress should repeal the law, but he had overwhelming majorities for two years and Congress didn't, so the law is the law.

    So if the President can't carry out his duties to defend the laws of the country, shouldn't he resign?

    10 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • What Do You Make of the Panic on The Left?

    Democrats and those on the left have hit the panic button over the governor of Wisconsin's attempt to balance his budget by cutting state spending.

    Why do you think that is? If public sector unions are forced to be open shops and not closed shops, what does mean for the future of funding for the Democrat election machine?

    6 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why Ask Why in YA Politics: Part 2?

    I got some good answers to my last topic.

    I hope to get some more, here goes.

    To those who post questions and answer, do you actually think you change any minds? Do you think people look at your question and and think and reexamine their own position?

    Bottom line, do you think you impact people or do you even intend to?

    For myself, I usually try to get a serious, fact based answer, but sometimes my smarta$$, sarcastic nature comes out. I do hope that the lurkers will consider my answer when it is one of the nice calm ones, not a sarcastic one.

    5 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why Ask Why in YA Politics?

    Why do people ask question in YA Politics?

    If you have asked a question in YA Politics, were you really looking for an answer or were you just looking to irritate the other side?

    I've been reading question after question and I can't say I have found one where people really seemed to be sincere in asking the question.

    So why do you do? To what end?

    ps: please note, this is a serious question to those of you who post questions.

    14 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • What is The Point of YA Politics?

    I mean no one actually wants a question answered that they ask (except me). No they ask questions to antagonize the other side of the political spectrum, insult them and belittle them. No one carries on a reasonable discussion of the issues in a calm rational tone, so why does anyone bother? No one is going to change anyone's mind here and then those that might come here looking for reasonable discussion are turned off by the nastiness and so the whole forum turns into a cesspool and it is getting worse not better.

    Do people really think they are making a difference? Do they think they are helping? Is this the direction that discourse should take in the wake of the Tucson tragedy?

    9 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • State rules in favor of young transgender, is this right?

    The Maine Human Rights Commission ruled Monday that the Orono School Department discriminated against a transgender child by denying him access to the girls bathroom.

    Basics of the story, this 5th grade boy (5th grade in 2007) had been using the girls bathroom because he feels he is a girl. The school stopped in 2007 and told him he had to use the faculty bathroom.

    Now he is 13 or 14 and in the 8th grade, should he be able to use the girls bathroom and locker room? When he is 16 or 17, should he be allowed to play on the girls volleyball or basketball team?

    He still has all his male equipment.

  • What Gay Story Sites Do You Read?

    Who are your favorite gay authors at those sites? I love Mark Arbour, Dom Luka and Cole Parker.

    And my fave, It Started With Brian.

  • What is a Corpse-man?

    Will the national news media jump all over the President for not being able to correctly pronounce the word corpsman in a speech today?

    Bush got slammed for "nuclear" and other words, will the NY Times, CNN, Washington Post jump on this?

    6 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Martha Coakley a Class Act?

    Did anyone see Martha Coakley's concession speech? It was amazingly gracious and warm. Can Democrats move forward on her goodwill and now start to work with Republicans?

    10 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why Are They Threatening To Close Offutt AFB?

    Why is Rahm Emanuel threatening to put Offut AFB, Home the Strategic Command, on the next BRAC list is Ben Nelson won't vote for health care reform?

    Why are Democrats will to compromise U.S. safety and security to score a political victory for the President?

    3 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Can a US Navy Ship Have Two People on Board Ranked as a Captain?

    Can the XO have the rank of captain or other officers on board? I mean if a captain is the same as a full bird colonel, and a colonel typically commands a brigade that is about 2,000 men, the captain of an aircraft carrier would be commanding 5,500 men, or what a regiment might be commanded by a general.

    9 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Why Does a Liberal Ask a Question About John Wayne?

    Make an unfounded, Ill-informed accusation, about John Wayne, who has been dead for 30 years, when they could be worried about the corruption going on in Washington DC right now? With former Hillary campaign employees getting millions of dollars of Stimulus money?

    Wouldn't that be a better topic to ask about?

    15 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Where is the Liberal Outrage?

    over the Justice Department forcing UBS Bank of Switzerland to turn over the names of 14,000+ account holders? This is a clear violation of the 4th Amendment, no warrants have been issued and there is no probable cause.

    Where is the outrage over the invasion of privacy?

    12 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Another Tax Question?

    Some one asked earlier if only people who paid taxes should be able to vote as to spread the pain and give everyone a stake in the system. A good question.

    Here is my question. Should withholding be stopped? Right now the government takes out money every pay check for Income Taxes, Social Security Tax, Medicare, State Income and State SDI, some people have a City Income tax too.

    At the end of the tax year you file your taxes and you might get a little bit back and you are stoked, 'woo hoo', money back.

    Here is my question, if there was no withholding, you make $70,000 a year and on April 14 you sat down and wrote checks for the following:

    $10,000 to the feds for income tax

    $ 900 to the feds for Medicare

    $ 3,900 to the feds for Social security

    $ 3,200 to the state for income tax

    $ 700 to the state for SDI

    $18,700 total.

    If you had to write five checks to the government for $18,700 in one day do you think taxes would be as high as they are?

    5 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Where Are the Questions About Obama's Failure on H1N1?

    His administration pledged there would be 125 million vaccines ready by mid October and we are about 100 million short. They just revealed there have been 4,000 deaths, not the previous 1,000 announced deaths. How many of those 4,000 deaths is Obama responsible for?

    His administration had over a year to get the vaccines goings.

    So how many of those 4,000 deaths is Obama responsible for?

    9 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Don't You really Appreciate Liberal Altruism?

    Former Biden & Kerry adviser Peter W. Galbraith has described himself as an unpaid adviser to the Kurds. He helped the Kurds write a constitution and get control of the oil in the region, independent of the Iraq government. What a man!!

    Oh, did I mention he now stands to make hundreds of millions of dollars from his 'unpaid advising?"

    Thoughts on Mr. Galbraith?

    2 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Deuteronomy, Deep in the Weeds?

    I am 25 chapters deep in Deuteronomy and having a hard time with some of the concepts. I get that a lot of the rules were about better communal living and food safety and the like.

    Where I am struggling is the seeming cruelty of some of the commands especially where it pertains to killing all the men women and children of towns. I get killing the men, maybe the women, but why innocent children? And why kill whole families?

    Can anyone help?

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago