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SammyCal asked in HealthWomen's Health · 1 decade ago

Why Does Planned Parenthood Deserve Federal Funding?

Planned Parenthood is a private company, why should they be receiving any federal funding? Why should any private company get funding from the federal government?


EDIT: Very few people are answering the question instead they are talking about oil companies or anything, but the question. The question is simple. Why does Planned Parenthood deserve direct federal funding.

The government doesn't write checks to oil companies, they allow them to deduct from taxes expenses related to oil exploration. You want the tax code rewritten, fine, but that is a different question than what I am asking.

21 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Planned Parenthood does not deserve Federal Funding. They make billions of dollars on abortion as it is.

    I personally do not want my tax dollars to go to them.

    Also, women can get free pap smears and breast exams from National Breast and Cervical Cancer early detection Program. Many Planned Parenthoods do not do mamograms.

    If a woman is pregnant or thinks she is Carenet will do testing free and also counseling free. They also give maternity clothing and baby clothing, counsel for adoption.

    Source(s): My source is the internet and I am familar with Carenet. They have helped a lot of women.
  • 1 decade ago

    The simple answer is they don't deserve any federal funding. And neither does the National Endowment for the Arts, NPR, AMTRAK, and hundreds of other agencies that need to be defunded.

    We have a $1,600,000,000,000.00 deficit JUST THIS YEAR. That is more than the worst 4 years of the Bush administration combined and the left was screaming about deficits then, but now seem strangely quiet.

    Nanny (what an appropriate name) it is not factually correct that "majority of women, especially in their teens, cannot afford to see an ob/gyn in private practice". The vast majority of women, especially teens, in this country and oddly enough, men as well, have health insurance.

    MSU69, education funding is totally unrelated to this issue, but I think NO university or college ought to receive federal funds. Nor should any federal government go to local schools. The Department of Education that does nothing to educate people should be shut down and all the federal educations codes that are bankrupting local schools, repealed.

  • Casey
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    There are lots of so called private companies getting money from the government not just Planned parenthood. Planned parenthood doesn't deserve a dime, but because they do a service that a lot of people like they fund it. We morally allowed this with Roe V wade.

  • 5 years ago

    No. enable's seem on the info, which includes the financial fact: a million) planned Parenthood Federation of united statesa. is a non-income employer. It would not make a internet income of $1billion or the different quantity. 2) in accordance to the hyperlink offered by utilising Andy, bypass to website 29 for the financial fact in one year 2008-2009. bypass to the final column (on the terrific) and seem on the numbers, expressed in $hundreds of thousands. 3) finished gross sales is a million,a hundred.8 or basically over $a million.a million billion. 4) below expenditures, seem down the website and you will see finished expenditures is a million,037.4, or basically over $1billion. 5) So, a million,a hundred.8 - a million,037.4 equals a gross income of sixty 3.4 ($hundreds of thousands). 6) in spite of the fact that, while one takes into consideration investment Losses and different variations in internet sources, (-seventy 8.a million and -4.9, respectively), because of the fact of this PPFA had a internet loss of nineteen.6 ($hundreds of thousands). 7) Abortions on the PPFA are no longer funded by utilising the federal government. it is because of the Hyde exchange which has been utilized in some style for the reason that its unique passage in 1976. 8) Abortions account for style of three% of the PPFA. Overwhelmingly, their amenities are for family individuals making plans and medical amenities for women. 9) If federal investment have been to be decrease completely, greater undesirable babies could be born, greater women could die as a results of loss of cervical examinations, mammograms, and maximum cancers remedies.

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  • pip
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    You've never worked in an industry like that have you? (I don't mean that as a knock.. but I work in a private company that helps people write grants and what not.. so this is a no brainer to me). Private companies apply for grants from state and federal programs all the time to run their private business. One of the biggest perks is that if they are grant funded, they can charge little or nothing to their clients because all of their staff are already funded. Many companies run multiple programs with little profit just so they can pay the light bill and rent... must of the funds go to the staff and the program itself. In those cases, disrupting one of their grants affects their entire business. But to be more specific towards you question... what I mentioned about being able to charge little to nothing to their clientele.. that's what's so important about federally funded programs. If you can provide a grant funded program for an entire community.. the entire community benefits. 90% or better of these grants are cost neutral at worse as well... meaning that compared to the long term costs and consequences of not having them, they actually save money (at least in the fields and funding I work with... I can't speak of those I'm not familiar with... and there are plenty)

  • 4 years ago

    Planned Parenthood is providing a service to the disenfranchised. Back-alley abortions killed thousands of women, treating them like dirt instead of the humans that they are. Ignorant religious right wingers will of course attack this reply, because they only see their selfish goals of their myopic viewpoints. Anyone with a shred of empathy for women in plight, wouldn't even ask this question.

  • nanny
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    The majority of women, especially in their teens, cannot afford to see an ob/gyn in private practice, but they need to be seen for their health. This is not new, the women in the US deserve the services that are provided around the world.

    Here is some of what is said in wikipedia: Planned Parenthood is the nation's leading sexual and reproductive health care advocate and provider. In 2008, they reported that contraception constituted 35% of total services, STI/STD testing and treatment constituted 34%, cancer testing and screening constituted 17%; and other women's health procedures, including pregnancy, prenatal, midlife, and infertility were 10%. Only 2% to 3% of visits involve abortions (which are not funded by the US government). Planned Parenthood has received federal funding since 1970, when President Richard Nixon signed into law the Family Planning Services and Population Research Act, amending the Public Health Service Act. Title X of that law provides funding for family planning services, including contraception and family planning information. The law enjoyed bipartisan support from liberals who saw contraception access as increasing families' control over their lives, and conservatives who saw it as a way to keep people off welfare. This is part of an international federation that is in 189 countries.,

  • 1 decade ago

    Good point. But why go after the paltry amount that goes to Planned Parenthood (who benefits the nation by limiting the amount of children born into welfare) while ignoring the amount that goes to big oil and other pet industries to subsidize their business costs, especially when those same companies exploit the tax code to escape paying back any taxes themselves?

    I mean, if conservatives are serious about balancing budgets, shouldn't they target their own special interests instead of expecting the Democrats' interests to make all the cuts? This is typical Republican spin, demand the Democrats be the only ones who compromise and then criticize them for not compromising.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago


    Source(s): Reverse Infertility
  • MSU69
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Why did Liberty University of Jerry Falwell receive millions of federal dollars?

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