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Is a global population of 9.2 billion people by 2050 inevitable and can we feed all those people?

When world population grew fivefold between 1700 to 1961, global crop

land also grew 5 fold. In the next 30 years population rose by 80% but

land use only increased 8%.. Will management and distribution of

food be the larger problem. Nearly 1 billion already malnourished

and water supply is short. Financial times 10/17 asserts that birth control should be part of the solution.

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Wow!. what a rosy future. If the world doesn't end in 2012,

    or the comet doesn't get us in 2029, it looks like we will

    starve to death in 2050.

    The next forty years doesn't sound very happy for man kind,

    but at least one of the segments of society should be elated.

    The people that make and sell anti depressant medications

    should fare very well.

    I hope the people at planned parenthood don't get the wrong

    impression from this. Which is better, to have many children and watch them starve, or to not have them at all?

    Source(s): ostrich like behavior
  • 1 decade ago

    At the rate people insist on having Babies- yes. And "will we feed" all of those ?- No. We aren't feeding all the Babies that are being born in the World NOW... WHERE is the "will" going to come from 40 years from now- when there will be 2 Billion MORE mouths to feed ??! Add to THAT "Reality" -the growing affects of Global Warming; new & more virulent diseases- that have shorter "distances" to spread among people; religions that promote "the more births- the merrier", -as LONG as they pray to THEIR "God"... The question is a hollow One- because the Answers are Obvious, & Grim. The Statistics are "fun to play with..." But the Facts will be NO Game... :(

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Experiments are under way to produce genetically engineered food that can be grown faster and in more diverse environments. If those experiments succeed, then we may buy ourselves some more time. But eventually, the limited availability of food is a major factor in restricting population growth. It happens to animals in the wild, and it will inevitably happen to us.

    As for birth control, that, too, will happen, one way or another. Either we control our own birth rate, or Mother Nature will simply increase the death rate to compensate for the lack of food. It's called Famine, my friend, and it's a fact of life already in many parts of the world.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    By 2050?

    Population will reach 9.2 billion?

    Look in the real world.

    Decode this lyrics " You'll see "

    "The Final Countdown"

    "Hands to heaven"

    "Batteries not included"

    "For whom the bell tolls"

    "In 100 years"

    Since day one after the mystery of us-911?

    The countdown clock had been ticking away?

    Many of the casualties had reached the junkyard as casualties of the dead Mummy with hear-say from the Book of the Dead.

    Sure ?

    There is growth of population?

    Not decline of population?

    Then why worry about hunger?

    When we still have plenty of It?

    "Rock round the clock"

    While we are still around?

    Only the lost generation who has to face the wrath of God getting kick on the butts as casualty of the dead Mummy with hear-say from the Book of the Dead in time?

    By then we be long gone in time?

    Luke 21.30-36

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    Luke 9.25,55-56,60

    1 Timothy 6.7

    Luke 8.5-8,10-17

    Luke 4.4

    Revelation 22.13-17

    Revelation 21.1-7

    Genesis 11.1,3-9

    Luke 3.7-9

    Exodus 1.5

    Luke 24.44-45,47-48

    Luke 11.33-36,46-52

    Leviticus 4.13,22

    Luke 5.36-39

    Luke 11.28-30

    Genesis 6.5-7,12-13

    Luke 3.4-9

    Luke 21.8-10

    Leviticus 26.1

    Luke 2.32

    Matt 22.17-21,32

    Exodus 20.12

    Exodus 20.1-18

    Exodus 23,24,32

    What do you think?

    Source(s): decoded from the missing x-files.
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  • 1 decade ago

    Here is another possibility. Lab grown meat, yummy. I wonder if the vegans would try it?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No, it is not inevitable. War, famine, and disease may be the deciding things.

  • 1 decade ago


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