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Lv 7
ARTmom asked in Politics & GovernmentMilitary · 1 decade ago

When you are in Basic Training-can you change your mind?

My son is in Basic Training for National Guard. We are thrilled but he has called twice to say how wrong it feels and that it's not right. It seemed to me he went in with open eyes and was excited-I think he is mostly tired and scared. Hence the bout of flu he's had too. Can you renig on your enlistment? I'm hoping not because he cannot come home, nor does he have a job or any other place to live nor a vehicle-I'm so embarrassed and hurting but I can't tell if its the child being forced to grow up or a jerk calling me if you know what I mean. My heart is just pounding in my chest and I am embarrassed and also very afraid for him if he makes some ignorant choice and loses the chances and training he could have. Am I crazy?

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    you are not crazy at all. Your son is feeling a little "buyer's remorse" because BCT is a little harder than he expected. Encourage him in letters and on the phone. If you think it will help, remind him that you are not going to be his fall back position. The Army will very happily send him home if he fails to meet the standard, but we prefer to turn him into a soldier. I commanded a BCT company at Fort Jackson, SC and I can tell you that he is being treated fairly and trained well. Good luck!

    Source(s): 24 years active Army service.
  • Me
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Actually my 18 yr old son is in basic at Fort Benning GA. He calls every once in a while. I asked him last weekend if anyone has had to quit or dropped out. He said yeah a few on medical stuff like a broken foot. One guy quit, but because he didn't do it in the first 2 weeks they make em stay their until end of basic.

    So yes, they can quit. I know what you mean though. My son can't realistically come back home. We live in the country, he has no car, he has never even had a job. So he knows there is nothing to come back too. We have told him he is an adult, and he has to make it on his own now, either in the Army or here, doesn't matter. (of course you know as a mom I would step in in a second if he needed me)

    My son also sounds so very homesick. But he hasn't regretted joining. He has had the flu, and some other minor issues, but we are proud of him for sticking it out. He knows he can quit if he wants, but he knows his options in life are limited.

    No you are not crazy. You are a mom who is concerned for her child. Just write him letters telling him how proud you are of him, that you know it isn't easy, but to hang in there and take one day at a time.


  • 1 decade ago

    I know there is a way within a certain time of completing AIT after Basic.It is really frowned upon and not talked about too widely, plus the unit he is in will really try to keep hold of him. I have never seen a new soldier separate from the military before their contract is up, unless it is some life changing event. Tell him to suck it up and do his part. I would talk to his recruiter and find out the process, and see what you can do to help make sure he makes the right decision. The unit should be more than willing to help and are always good with a soldiers parents.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    There is a "Failure to Adapt" chapter that allows a real easy separation. I would look it up in the UCMJ to get the facts. Once you pass the time limit (6 momths?) then leaving gets a lot harder. Some of the leaders may not know about it or not be forthcoming. I would give the military a try. You truly will get out of it what you put into it, so the only variable is you and your motivation to do well and do your job. Good luck! There are precious few who can succeed in the finest military this planet has ever known, I hope you can be a part of it.

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  • Rufus
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I doubt there is anyone who hasn't thought they made the wrong decision when under pressure in training. He must have known it wouldn't be easy. Maybe he should do whatever it takes to get out. Otherwise, what will he do if they ever activate his unit?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    >Can you renig on your enlistment? No, you cannot.

    Your son is going from civilian to soldier. Right now your son is in a state of shock. It's nothing to be afraid because everyone goes through it in boot camp. Remind your son that its only x number of weeks and he's done with it. (It was eight weeks when I went through.)

    You should also tell him that he has nothing to come home to because he has no job and no education to get one in which he can support himself. You also need to remind your son that enlisting in the military was his decision and he now needs to be a man and honor the contract he signed.

    I wish you both good luck.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No, you aren't crazy. You are just a bit late in realizing he needs to grow up.

    He can't just get out because he wants to. He can lie down in a corner all day and refuse to move until they get tired of him and send him to a mental ward. After he is thoroughly messed up he will be sent home. The better choice is to grow up and learn to keep one's commitments. He has his whole life ahead of him. There is no better time to learn a valuable lesson than the present.

  • Alot of people feel that way in basic, once you get done with it, life changes. He'll be fine.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My first husband's parent were tired of their deadbeat son, and I did not know what a deadbeat he was until I married him, anyways, he went reserves and all he has to do is make it thru, basic and AIT and then hes just playign soldier boy when he goes to drills...until the unit gets acticated, but he needs to grow up!!! I met my first husband at AIT and he was being recycled. Basic is not that bad, at least nto for me and I was a punk rocker when I went thru. so hes spoiled but will eb fine, jsut tell him to try so he won;t be recycled, no one wants that, to do the training all over again.

  • 1 decade ago

    no, you cannot.

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