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Tell Yahoo you don't like the new homepage?

We as consumers needs to take control and tell them. Actions speak louder than words. Send feedback..tell your friends to send feedback. The link is at the bottom of the Yahoo homepage. I am a firm believer of if its not broken then don't fix it. And it looks as though a large majority of people don't think the "classic" Yahoo as they are calling it, is broken. So as to not "violate" Yahoo's terms I will ask a question. Do you like the "new" Yahoo? If not what will you switch to?

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You have sold me! AMEN! We all need to tell 'yahoo' that they need to keep the ORIGINAL Yahoo! I've sent so much feedback, I suspect that they are messing with my account! I think they should either plug the new content into old yahoo or provide an opt-out BUT, apparently, we are not the consumers that they want, you see... Why did they 'go purple'? Why force "new" yahoo? It's simple, alienate the unwanted customer base and charge the new recruits when the numbers swing to where you get what you want. ME? I've already switched to MSN (which I don't like) but, at least, they aren't trying to present anything but who they are, what's the 'new' yahoo... an ugly purple clone of ALL the others! Keep the ORIGINAL, update it and let the others try to catch up. I may have switched but I still Yahoooooooo!!!

  • 8 years ago

    Hate yahoo!!!!!!! Put a man back in charge and get it right. Today my old my yahoo wont even load properly. But it hasnt changed on my android. Dont like msn looking for a better way of life

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes please send feedback, I just started a question with the same topic and its good to know that other people are just as annoyed. Ive been using yahoo for years and years and I left in my feedback that if they switch the homepage I plan to stop using it. The new one just doesn't compare.

    Link to feedback

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't like the new page-I really find it irritating when the mouse moves and the cursor opens up a new link.... drives me bonkers.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I don't like the new yahoo, and have been using google and msn....

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No, I don't like it. It's too slow. And I've already sent them an email telling them so too.

  • 7 years ago

    Don't like it at all......bring back the old Yahoo!!!

  • 6 years ago

    I HATE - HATE- HATE- HATE- HATE- HATE the new home page!!!!!!


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