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What FACTUAL evidence is there someone is born gay?

I want supported information only. No claims without traceable backgrounds.

Billions of dollars have been spent but all I have seen is a study on sheep that has been since debunked by more serious scientists


Ta da and rumbler... very good answers. Although i disagree with most of what was said.... I appreciate your serious response , Unfortunately the rest of the people went into a tizzy because a different view was introduced.

As for Billions in Gay research. Yes in total the amount for gay research is in the billions. Anyways I dont know which I will pick yet but if either of you view this again, I'd love more insight. Paticularly from Rumbler. I find your sources to bemainly partisan, yes the twin data is good. It would definately not be conclusive though. They want to include data from far left scientists but not those from the right immediately slandering them as hate groups (which they are not) even if the southern poverty law center says so

14 Answers

  • Ta-da!
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Saying someone is "born gay" just does three things: It makes it easier for a small mind to accept homosexuality even though it is not used to the concept or might've been educated to see it as wrong, it gives peace of mind to people who want to "remain" heterosexual so they don't have to fear "catching gayness" and it gives a homosexual person something that allows them to justify their deviation from society's "rules of sexual 'normalcy'."

    There HAVE been studies that show different behavior of people depending on hormonal environment of the mother as they gestate, apparently you can tell just by looking at the ring finger (longer meaning more testosterone I think). And we should also remember that psychology and society are also related topics to this.

    But personally I think the "gay gene" theory is a pile of crock. I've known some kids, males that were really effeminate from early on, females that were really masculine and of course later went on to be gay, maybe they WERE born gay, I don't know, but this is just 2 types of gay people. What about grown men and grown women that are hetero all their lives than "discover" their homosexual inclinations later in life? And it's not just "normal (straight)" and "gay," there's so many other aspects of sexual orientation, like specific race and age preferences, sexual dysfunctions...

    I think sexuality is a complex issue that isn't fit for society, because all it ever tries to do is simplify it into superficial categories that only end up hurting people, even the same society that created them because the heteros have to constantly prove their heterosexuality to themselves and others, which I think is just pitiful.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    1. NO, billions of dollars have never been spent on any LGBT issue - EVER. That is a lie, and you know it.

    2. Where is the FACTUAL evidence that God exists? What? There isn't any? Yet people follow like blind sheep to something they can not prove and want to make laws and force everyone to follow them even though you can't prove them to be right to begin with?

    The word and bond of someone WITH it, is all the FACTS you need. Unless you hate your fellow man and believe no gay person could ever tell the truth. Which means you are blinded by your own bigotry and prejudice and therefore if any real factual evidence could be presented, you'd deny it anyway.

    You have your own mind made up and you REFUSE to change your OPINION.

    3. There are some scientists that do believe it is genetic. The only scientists that deny that are those that have had their pockets lined by bigots and religious organizations.

    4. No definitive conclusion has EVER been reached with regards to the genetic debate. THAT is a FACT.

  • 1 decade ago

    Before I bother to pull up current citations about families, twins, recent studies in hormones in long term studies, statistics applied to families, I would appreciate you documenting you unsubstantiated claim that 1) Billions of dollars have been spent 2) back up of this "a study on sheep that has been since debunked by more serious scientists" 3) an explanation of how sheep genetics or sexuality applies to homo sapiens.

    Oh and I suppose I have to pull up the reports on same sex activities among animals and birds. Bother.

    But you go first hon.

    Or you can explain why you are so interested in sheep. We're non judgemental here. Go ahead. Get it off your chest.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The listing of credible articles on the chromosomal structuring of behaviors associated with human sexual desire would be long indeed, but the best place to start is probably the book "The Science of Desire: The Gay Gene and the Biology of Behavior" by Dean Hamer and Peter Copeland. It is Hamer's contention in particular that the mistake that some experimental models make is to look at sexuality as a narrow zone of trajectory towards one or the other sex rather than as a wider constellation of affective responses to the environment.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Here's what I find really interesting. The only real arguments against homosexuality come from Christianity (if we're talking about "supported" stuff...the bible is really the only text that condemns homosexuality, and even that is strongly debated). But Christians don't believe in science. You want scientific evidence, and yet if you have an issue with homosexuality, chances are you're Christian, which means you don't believe anything that scientific evidence proves...sooooooooo, what's your point? You're not going to change your mind anyway.

  • I don't care for or about your juvenile demand to "prove to me that people are born gay". There is a considerable body of research into genetic factors and sexuality. You can do your own homework on the subject if you are really interested.

    But I think you are just someone with an agenda and are only interested in whatever supports your preconceptions. Grow up.

  • 1 decade ago

    Fact- The majority of gay people will say they have always liked the same gender.

    Fact- The only people saying it is a choice is straight people.

    Fact- my daughter wanted to marry her female teacher at age 5. Sexual? No.... but it showed which gender she was attracted to from a very young age.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The unfortunate thing about that is that there is no way to prove it, only to support it.

    For example, you can't PROVE that somebody is going to be tall, but you can look at their genes and determine that they might be.

    It's something you're born with, but something that develops as you grow.

  • 1 decade ago

    What FACTUAL evidence is there that someone is NOT born Gay?

    its like religion dude you either believe it or not.

    and what differance would it make anyway? not going to change gay people to straight.

    i'll always be Gay, and nothing will ever change that fact.

  • 1 decade ago

    I view the fact that all three of the people in my generation are gay as a pretty good sign. Argue with it if you want, but I don't think it's a coincidence.

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