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Can the GOP be saved?

...from the lunatic fringe who have seized control or will they once again become the party of William F.Buckley, fiscal conservatives and social moderates?

The latter is there only hope, it seems to me, what do you guys think and why?

Thanks in advance!


Buckley doesn't have a faction, he's dead, so there are no polls, but he was the intellectual leader of the GOP at one point in time and for quite a while.

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Nope, it's doomed. Too much racism, homophobia, sexism, and religious bigotry.

  • Di
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Two party systems do not serve the voters well - you are either for them or against them and a viable third party might keep the other guys in their game and stop them assuming they can do whatever they want. The GOP lacks real leadership and is bogged down - stuck in crisis mode but they can't make any effective decisions. I believe some of the entrenched members need to acknowledge times have changed and their idealogy isn't in synch with our country's needs. That they fielded the wrong candidate in the last election, with more charismatic candidates dropping out, was a bitter disappointment, but the boys in the backroom made the decision and we all live with it.

  • 1 decade ago

    You're so bad!

    No they have probably had it. There will be a neo-con party relegated to those wackos and another one of fiscal conservatives before the fall, but I think two other parties will emerge in the next half generation or so. All of the parties will be socially liberal as the younger votes move into voting age.

    Perhaps we can then deal with what matters.

    The old GOP has imploded because of the wackos like Beck, Malkin, Ingraham and fundamentalist wack jobs, etc.

  • 1 decade ago

    I do not think about the GOP, although I vote straight Republican! Why is it that many Americans seem to think that if we support those who have are ideas of morals, and they get elected, that all is ok? I cannot be judged for what I do as the government says it is ok? But who voted for those who supported our kind of morality? How many could look at an ultrasound while holding the probe that is sucking a babies members apart, and so many other things we think we should support as a choice? Is it not us and not the Republicans or Democrats? I do not see the Democrats as evil for what they support! You know what they support when you vote! If you vote for anyone,, you should know what they support! If the economy is all you think about.. you already have a big problem! How about being responsible as adults? We vote against being responsible because we are too immature and have always used excuse for what we do. That may limit actions against us, but it changes nothing.,.Lenin or Hitler was not judged by their people..those who opposed bcame dead and others had to judge. Earl

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  • 1 decade ago

    I believe the GOP is loosing precisely because they are alienating their conservative base. I am a conservative and I want the GOP to stand for real conservative principles both fiscal and social.

    If you don't stand for something you will fall for anything and that is what is happening to the GOP.

  • 1 decade ago

    Pro-life, pro-freedom, and pro-property rights are the three magic ingredients that will always win when combined in the right proportions. It is when the GOP gets wishy-washy about *our* rights that they lose elections.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Buckley and his faction are out numbered almost 2-to-1 according to every focus group survey I have seen.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Bush2 invading Iraq.... that sealed the fate that lead to the dems taking congress in 2006. I tag along with the GOP because it's the least of the two evils. PORK is our real enemy, utter irresponsibility in Washington is the machine gun blowing holes into the hearts and hopes of the people. The Dems of this day are far proving to be more evil then any GOP... they tripled the deficit in 100 days, our new ceiling is 13 trillion. We got kicked in the groin by the GOP, but the dems have shot us.

  • 1 decade ago

    Not as long as the NEOCONS are in charge.

    ☭☭☭ Communists for Palin 2012 ☭☭☭

  • 1 decade ago

    To what end? Let the wacky 15-20% have it.

    Source(s): liiffee
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They would be better off in my opinion. Their conservative views of social issues are a turn off to a lot of moderates and that's why some Libertarians aren't Republican.

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