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How is it "honoring 9/11 victims" to destroy the steel evidence, make a ship with it, and sail it back to NYC?

Forgive me, but I just don't understand how removing and destroying evidence from history's biggest crime scene and then proudly sending it back in the form of a new Naval vessel is an honor to victims of those attacks.

Can someone explain it to me?


What would I have suggested they do with the steel? Stop playing stupid.

Update 2:

MikeGolf -- Where is the conspiracy theory when I say the victims deserved a painstaking investigation of every aspect of the building's collapse? You are inserting a conspiracy theory where there isn't one. That's called a straw man argument.

Update 3:

Keaton -- So you follow suit, insisting there is a conspiracy theory in this question or that I subscribe to one. Straw man argument.

It amazes me that everyone defends the non-investigation of the WTC collapses. That's against the law. It has nothing to do with a conspiracy theory. It's illegal to remove crime scene evidence without a proper investigation.

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You are the person who is dishonoring those same victims by using them as props for your inane conspiracy theories.

    Edit: There was a painstaking investigation. You just refuse to admit this because the result were not what you wanted to hear.

  • 1 decade ago

    What makes you think the steel was destroyed? What makes you think there was no examination of the debris and analysis of the steel? What makes you think the government controlled the WTC site?

    I know the answer--you've been on those retarded "truther" sites.

    Some of the steel was sold for scrap after it was looked at. Asian countries are not particular about using recycled steel--they don't have the same building codes as we do, and they are desperate for building materials. The pieces of the steel that were not affected by impact and needed no further study were recycled.

    How do you NOT know that tons of WTC steel are kept at Hangar 17 at JFKIA in New York? How do you NOT know that pieces of this steel are given for memorials all over the country?

    How do you not know about the investigation of the steel and other debris at the Fresh Kills landsite?

    Because it's not on "truther" sites and those are the only places you look for information?

    Please, try to be smart. The stupidity of my fellow countrypersons is making me sick.

  • 1 decade ago

    By taking what the terrorists destroyed and creating something that can be used against them in combat we are showing the world that we, as a nation, will not stand idly by and let them do whatever they wish to us with reciprocation. Think of the irony if that particular vessel is the one to cause the end of some terrorist organization.

  • 1 decade ago

    Evidence of what? The scrap was recycled. I have no problem using it to build a warship. With luck the USS New York will get to launch a couple T-LAM's into an al Qaeda camp on its first deployment.

    Source(s): Retired Chief Petty Officer
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  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Are you serious? You think the WTC rubble should just be sitting there eternally causing a gaping hole where the WTC once stood proudly to eternally show the terrorists the fruits of their labor?

    This is sending a big "**** you and we're out to get you to terrorists"

  • 1 decade ago

    well what do you recoment they do with it? They can't just leave it there forever. The "evidence" has been around since 2001, i'd say they had plenty of time to look at it so whats the problem?

  • 1 decade ago

    I didn't know they did that... Thanks for the link, this is fantastic!

    People like you will complain whenever the government does anything- you're in a perpetual state of Devil's Advocate. If they left the twisted steel where it was, you would be complaining about that.

    Source(s): veteran
  • 1 decade ago

    Maybe it doesn't bother us because we're not paranoid conspiracy-nut lunatics. Like you.

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