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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureMythology & Folklore · 1 decade ago

Is global warming a myth?

Hi, when i first heard about global warming, i was like "omg", i became an eco freak, but then i started getting suspicious, why are "eco friendly appliences" really expensive? and when the explorers found america, the map looked the same as it did 300 years ago, and even though polar ice caps are melting, the sun is evaporating the ocean and water purificaton plants are taking the water from the ocean, but if the ice caps melt, it will just fill it back up. they keep saying that oil pollutes the air but oil is a "natural resourse" and god said that he promised not to flood the earth again, it a myth?

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Global warming is probably the biggest political hoax ever conceived.

    When the "Global cooling" scare of the 1970's didn't catch on they switched their scare to global warming. The first thing I noticed was the term changed from "Jungle" to "Rain Forest" by the environmental extremists.

    Liberalism was very different than it is today. It used to invite opposing views for honest debates and discussions. It was very tolerant of all types of people and beliefs.

    There was also the Socialist and Communist parties but opposed by the vast majority. When the Berlin wall fell in the 1980's the Socialists and Marxists changed their collective identity to "Progressives".

    You will see their anti capitalist, anti prosperity in practically all their discussions along with anti tolerant hatred for anything religious. No longer open to honest debate, when they are found in error often resort to insults when their ideas aren't factual.

    Many in the U.N. knew the easiest way to control populace is through fear. They gathered a group of scientists considered "Extremists" at the time and began a warming hoax based on faulty manipulitive computer models.

    If you believe the 1980's scientists, Florida and much of Mexico is now underwater. Everything half way up into Canada is scorched Earth and the Golf of Mexico is practically a boiling coldren.

    They were wrong, and still wrong.

    Somewhere along the way European politicians realized it's taxation revenue potential. Scientists are employed through grants, and the corporations sponsoring scientists began "Suggesting" to find supportive evidence. Completion of the European scam was realized by a "Cap and Trade" scheme designed to increase revenue.

    The scheme worked so well it was watched by U.S. politicans, and some seeking to exploit the well meaning of the ignorant such as Al Gore further perpetuated and made Billions on the hoax.

    Opposing scientists threatened to loose their grants remained silent.

    Progressives saw this opportunity to advance thier own agenda and produced a flood of propaganda such as the lonely polar bear. Socialists/Marxists found it an easy way to finally end Capitolism and the Free world as we know it.

    This year alone spending future generation's by over $3,000,000,000,000.00 they need revenue from Cap and Trade which will increase every citizens taxes by thousands of $ in every aspect of their life.

    Also consider -every- citizen is in debt to the government by almost $350,000.00. They need to collect.

    "Free" scientists will tell you the Earth naturally warms/cools and man has no effect. Me? I'm not a scientist but need to be dilligent and intelligently discern the information available.

    Some will say the Polar Ice caps are melting, which is true. Fact, they once covered all N. America and have been receeding ever since. Another thing not told is while the Polar caps melt, the Arctic caps have record thickness. Also consider this:

    A hot season means global warming. A cooler season means global warming. A normal season means global warming. No storms mean global warming. More storms mean global warming. Does anyone notice a pattern there?

    Is there anything that isn't blamed on global warming? All these are blamed on GW: Yellow fever, witchcraft executions, Acne, attacking jelly fish, beer prices, homeless, contaminated blood, shrinking brains, Minneapolis bridge collapse, brothels, circumcision, cockroaches, attacking cougars, the list goes on.

    It has been found the term "Global Warming" doesn't have the scary impact it once had so it's been transformed to "Climate Change".

    So we don't have jungles anymore, they are rain forests and we don't have global warming anymore but Climate Change.

    Contrary to popular belief there are quite a lot of opposition to the GW theory by leading scientists. See the links below.

  • 1 decade ago

    Wow. Where to start?

    1. Eco-friendly appliances...the ones that actually work...are more expensive to make, and are therefore more expensive to buy.

    2. The polar ice caps are melting, but relatively slowly. Some islands have already noticed reduced amounts of land mass. Fortunately due to the fact that it's a slow process (so far), you probably won't notice anything drastic for a few more years.

    3. The amount of evaporation is offset by rain, so that's an even trade-off. Water purification takes such a small amount of seawater out that it's not noticeable at all. The ice caps however contain such a vast amount of water that they can and will effect global seawater levels.

    4. Oil is natural, gasoline is not. It doesn't matter how "natural" a thing is. When you burn it, it produces carbon. No way out of it.

    5. If you believe that "god" flooded the earth at some point in history and that for some reason this fact escaped all the civilizations that were around during that time, you're not thinking clearly and not interested in facts to begin with. If this is the case, you're not going to believe in things like evidence, science, research, logic or critical thinking and probably shouldn't waste your time worrying about those things.

  • Ryan
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I think global warming may be real, but not in the sense that everyone thinks. I think the Earth goes in cycles and is doing so right now. I'm sure all the Neo-Hippies and Prius drivers will disagree, but prove me wrong. There hasn't been enough of the Earth's total history recorded to make a comparison as to whether or not mankind is causing anything at all. We can only gauge what is going on from what we've recorded and observed over the past couple hundred years. I would've thought that a time like the industrial revolution would've been doing more harm than we are now. Not to mention the slowly decaying orbit of the Earth towards the sun...sure it is very negligable, but it should still count right?

    PS...I've never figured out why people would believe someone like Al Gore telling them all this. It's Al Gore for goodness sakes...well he did create the internet, right...he must be a genius.

    Source(s): Me.
  • 1 decade ago

    Who would you believe as a credible source to say that global warming, which is being worsened by humans and their ways, is real?

    The National Geographic?

    Scientific America?

    Past Nobel Prize Winners?

    Al Gore?

    The Nature Conservatory?

    Do a little research on your own - hard research with credible sources, and you will find the answers to all your questions.

    It isn't so much global warming as global weather changes. As strange as it sounds, when the earth warms, and the oceans warms, some places may get colder, places normally dry will flood, and places normally wet will go into drought. It is a world wide climate change that is going on here. The ice caps are melting, quicker than anticipated and already some villages in the extreme north have had to be abandoned. The polar bear is threatened with extinction within 20-30 years because of melting ice pack. There is now an ice free route from the Atlantic to the Pacific ocean during the summer (unheard of before a couple of years ago). The scientific evidence in overwhelming, but some die-hard conservatives refuse to believe it or refuse to believe that humans have anything to do with it.

    We burn wood, oil, gas and other chemicals constantly which increases the CO2 levels in our atmosphere, which in turn causes the 'greenhouse effect' people talk about. Waste from our factories and homes pollutes both the ocean and fresh water sources and our land where we grow our food. How long before the earth can no longer sustain life as we know it? According to a world renowned scientist, we need to keep CO2 emissions at 350PPM in order for life on earth to continue as it is. We are already at 390PPM!

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  • 1 decade ago

    Global Warming is real but we are not the cause of this. The Earth is actually cooling not warming. Polar caps were melting on Mars too. They are telling us we may have to pay for the air we breathe? Sounds a little fishy. Its disturbing to see how many people swallow the information the cooperate media feeds them.

  • 1 decade ago

    It's real. I don't know where to start. Glaciers are melting, permafrost is thawing, agricultural maps have been redrawn because of climate change, birds are nesting farther north than they used to, ice roads are too thin to drive trucks on anymore, and hurricane season comes earlier, and lasts longer than it used to (and they are worse). How much evidence do you need? Yes, oil is natural, but the warming is because the smoke and fumes are going into the atmosphere. Just go to the library and get a book about it.

  • Helios
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    That's what the dumbsh*ts in the right wing want you to believe. If it's a "myth", that allows their BILLIONAIRE friends to go on polluting a little longer - taking the last dollar out of your pocket.

    The origins of much of this "myth" talk are the legal and advertising departments of the Huge Corporations.... and dumb right wingers are eager to go along for the ride.

    Oh - OJ didn't do it either.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No. Global Warming is definitely for real but the right wing industrial establishment kept it a 'myth' until now we're way past the tipping point and there's no stopping it's inevitable consequences.

    There'll be a special place in Hell for those that kept us in ignorance where we can throw fecal matter and garbage at them and piss on their tongues when they cry out for water to quench their thirst.

  • 1 decade ago

    It is not a myth. There are tons of places you can go to research this occurance. Trust's not a myth.

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