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  • Am I being played or should I give her time?

    So I met this girl on, I dating is weird. Moving she showed the initial interest and contacted me first. We talked a little bit through emails back and forth and I arranged the first date. We went out for dinner and talked for about 2 1/2 hours. During the dinner she was constantly playing with her hair, laughed at even my most cheesy jokes, and found a few reasons to touch my arm...all of which I took as a good sign. She even complimented me on how handsome I was. So all good things there. At the end of the date I told her that I definitely wanted to see her again to get to know her better and she agreed saying "I can't wait to see you again" enthusiastically. So the next day she texts me to thank me for a good time, that she couldn't wait to see me again, and thanks for the 2 roses I had brought her (one for her birthday that was the week before and one for the date). Well the weekend rolls around and she works on the weekends. I text her to say hi and see if we were still on and she says she doesn't feel good but we still playfully text back and forth and she says "don't give up on me...i really want to see you" to which I said "it's ok, I'm patient". She replied with "I'm not ;)" Again, to me this is a good thing. Sunday she texts me and says shes feeling like crap and that she scheduled a doctors appointment for Monday. All good as far as I can tell...i tell her i hope she feels better, etc. So Monday, yesterday, I send her a text saying i hope the doctor told her something good and that she is feeling better. No response. And today, nothing from her. I don't want to pressure her or anything like that. I'm just wondering what I should do at this point. I've seen people who meet online just totally ditch on the other person without so much as a word. But from the way things were going, her saying nothing but good things...hell I even playfully gave her an out if she wanted to change her mind and she insisted that she couldn't wait to see me again. I just don't know if I'm getting played or not. I don't have the most dating experience and she really seems like a great woman. I just don't want hold out hope and end up hurting myself over something that isn't there. Opinions??

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Does no one on here know how to use Google?

    Sure they could use Yahoo too I guess. It just seems like at least half the questions on here could be easily searched in the time it takes to post the question. Oh well....

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Does the United States today compare at all with fallen empires of the past?

    Look at all the great empires in history...the Persians, Ancient Rome & Greece, Egypt. They all became "too great" to hold together for the long haul. They became fickle, self glorified/absorbed, and collapsed under their own "greatness". Do you think this will happen to the US...or has already happened to the US? We are so caught up in our own fast paced, important lives that we have become short sighted and don't learn from history anymore...or at least we choose to ignore it. Do you think we're doomed to repeat it, yet again?

    12 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • If the world was going to end, would anyone tell us?

    Ok, say the world is going to end some point in the reasonably near future. Like an asteroid is coming our way and certain governments know it at the highest levels. Do you think they'd actually tell us and risk the chaos that would undoubtedly ensue, or do you think they'd not tell us and have us live out the rest of our lives being none the wiser? If you do think they'd tell us, how long in advance do you think they'd give us the bad news?

    8 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What is a movie you would hate to see remade?

    Hollywood is clearly out of good/original ideas and has been for a while it seems. What is a movie you love that you would hate to see remade? For me, I've gotta go with "The Goonies"

    12 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • How do I get out of this funk...?

    and back into the groove?

    Is it just me or has dating become overwhelmingly difficult? I haven't really dated in a long, long time and I'm trying to get back out there but its a lot harder than I remember. Any suggestions on how to meet a quality woman these days?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Anything you feel like getting off your chest? I won't judge...?

    sure, others might...but I won't :)

    9 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • ladies, can you give me some help here?

    Ok, so I took this girl out on Sunday...watched fireworks, had some drinks, shot some pool. we laughed, ect and were very comfortable around eachother. i jokingly gave her a couple of chances to end the date early if she wanted to and she said no, that she was having fun. the date ended after about 4 1/2 hours and we went our seperate ways. i texed her to make sure she got home ok and she said yes, thanks for checking. i texed back, asking if she had fun. short answer, she said yes. i texted back, enough fun for me to see you again? she made a joke and said yes. i texted have a good night.

    so the next day i just send a couple line message to her thanking her for a good time and that i'd talk to her soon. nothing back...ok, thats fine...ppl are busy. i get that. no big.

    later last night i gave her a call and got her voice mail. i just left a quick message saying who i was, my number, and to give me a call when she had some time. nothing back as of yet. again, during the week...may be busy, ect. ect...

    i'm just wondering, why would she (after having plenty of opportunities to back out at various points) agree to see me again and not get back to me? I mean, I'm going to wait and not contact her again...atleast for a few more days if at all. maybe i could've contacted her too soon after the date, but that waiting 3-5 days crap makes no sense to me. i mean, she said yes to see me again before this.

    so i'm just confused. i haven't dated in a while and i really don't see what i'm doing or have done wrong. i could be making something out of nothing. just trying to get a little insight here. much appreciation.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Any good date ideas involving...?

    This girl I'm seeing loves animals so I wanted to take her somewhere fun w/animals. Only thing is that the zoos in my area are really depressing and you spend more time feeling bad for them then you would having a good time. Any ideas?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Whats your favorite summer time treat?

    Ice cream, popcicles, yellow snow cones...what?

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Is it possible to be a lesbian yet sometimes date guys?

    So this girl I work with told me "she plays for the other team" but has dated a few guys over the past 5-6 years. She says she isn't bisexual. I'm just wondering if something happend where she has trust issues w/guys or what. Cuz what she's saying doesn't make any sense to me. I chalk it up to her being young and not knowing what she wants other than to have fun w/o consequence.

  • How are you today? Anything you need to vent?

    I won't judge (like pretty much everyone on here), so let it out! :)~

    15 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What, if any, is the meaning of life?

    And please don't put something generic like "live, laugh, love" or i'll ralph all over my computer screen.

    13 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • you believe in science and reasoning?

    If so, do you belive in quantum theory?

    There is a theory in quantum mechanics that says for every possibility there is a quantum reality that exists as a result.

    So wouldn't it stand to reason, based on that scientific idea, that if there is the possibility of a god that there is the reality of god?

    If not, why?

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why do so many athiests on Y!A try so hard...?

    to prove there is no God? I've got no real beef with you, but why not just be secure in your beliefs? Because in all honesty, you're doing the same thing that religious people are doing. Trying to spread your word. And you're doing it in the Religion and Spirituality section...and you don't believe in religion and/or spirituality. I mean, cmon.

    28 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How is your Wednesday going? Anything you need to get off your chest?

    Lay it all out there...I won't judge :)

    22 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What is the most significant event or time in human history?

    It could be in your lifetime or not. 9/11...MLK's march on Washington...JFK being assassinated...Columbus sailing to the new being used by cavemen...anything. And why? :)

    7 AnswersHistory1 decade ago
  • What is the dumbest thing you've gotten flagged for on Y!Answers?

    I just got flagged for saying I thought Curling was an interesting sport. While that may be flag worthy because of the sarcasm, it's pretty ridiculous.

    9 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • How's it going today? You doin' good?

    Anything you need to get off your chest? I'll listen...won't criticize or be mean. Promise :)

    8 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago