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Lv 6

Does the United States today compare at all with fallen empires of the past?

Look at all the great empires in history...the Persians, Ancient Rome & Greece, Egypt. They all became "too great" to hold together for the long haul. They became fickle, self glorified/absorbed, and collapsed under their own "greatness". Do you think this will happen to the US...or has already happened to the US? We are so caught up in our own fast paced, important lives that we have become short sighted and don't learn from history anymore...or at least we choose to ignore it. Do you think we're doomed to repeat it, yet again?


ok, sub empire for major world power. geez...ya'll are missing the whole point.

12 Answers

  • Me
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think what is different today with the US compared to the fallen empires is that we are not going under because of our self centeredness, instead if the US collapses it will be because of our extreme generosity and thinking we can save the world while our own people are becoming poorer and poorer.

    That is where we will lose our credibility.

  • Tom
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I think our modern age is a whole new ballgame. The world has never been so populated as now with dwindling resources. Rome finally fell because it's neighbors became too sophisticated and strong. When Rome was in a conquest mode it's army was unbeatable because of it's discipline and armaments. Rome had extended itself beyond it's ability to maintain it's control over such a far flung empire. When the leaders of the conquered learned how to control it's forces it was inevitable that they rebel. Especially when they scented weakness in Rome. America is a democracy. If you don't like the way government is functioning then just wait a while and the other party will take over. The biggest threat to our nation and the world is overpopulation. Soon there simply will not be enough clean air to breathe and food to feed everyone. I will be long dead, but I worry for my grandchildren.

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree that America is an empire, it has military bases in almost every major country, a massive amount of the worlds wealth, a huge spy ring and as was seen when they refused to sign a global declaration of human rights (along with North Korea and Iran) they think they are above other countries and their 'international law'.

    But I think America will probably bow out like the British empire did, rather than huge bloodshed, invasions and collapse it'll just withdraw quietly and become a partner rather than a master.

  • 1 decade ago

    Strange, I have wondered that too. What made me wonder is the prevalence of game programmes on TV in the West, not just the USA. It just seems a repeat of the "bread and games" with the Romans. I can't imagine the whole of the universe collapsing like the Roman or other empires, but there certainly is a danger, with countries in Asia becoming more powerful and hegemonic, ready to take the lead. Whether they manage or not, history will prove. But we should heed history!

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The United States is already bought and paid for by China. That, and the colonization of the country by illegals and you no longer have a USA.

  • 1 decade ago

    Too bad we're not an Empire.

    Source(s): We're a Republic.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    no, unlike all the other empires, the rest of the world is too connected to us for us to fall. if we fall, so goes the rest of the civilized world. China has too much to sell and the lose all the money they give to us. the western world has not real protection from terrorists.

    on another note, we are more economically diverse, we do not depend on only agriculture to keep our economy going.

    We do not have anybody trying to invade us

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Ni, we're not an empire

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think we should take a good look at the past, and stop making the same mistakes that they did. We're definitely on the same path that they were on.

  • 1 decade ago

    one question what does empire mean

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