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Are Rush and other repubs liars for saying that the healthcare bill, just endorsed by the AARP, hurts medicare?

OR did they just not read the bill????


AARP, the 40-million-member association of older Americans, today announced its endorsement of the sweeping House health care reform bill. The organization’s backing is seen as a major boost for one of the bills that aims to overhaul the nation’s health care, and it comes as Democratic lawmakers are preparing to bring the measure to the floor for a vote.

AARP says it supports the House bill over other proposals because the measure does more to lower drug costs for Medicare beneficiaries, strengthen Medicare and bar insurance companies from denying people coverage because of their health or age. The bill also would lower premiums for Americans ages 50 to 64 who have to buy insurance in the private market.

The AARP endorsement is important because older Americans have been on the front lines in the health care battle, with insurance companies and lobbying groups spending millions in the past months to influence their opinions, sometimes generating misinformation about how health care reform would affect Medicare. Today’s endorsement marks the first time in this legislative battle that AARP has put its full weight behind a comprehensive health care reform package. In the coming days, AARP will be educating its members about the health care reform package through its publications, paid advertising and more than five million calls and e-mails to its grassroots activists.

26 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    they have always been lying.

  • 1 decade ago

    The Democrats health care bill takes millions of dollars out of Medicare and does nothing to reduce waste. In what way does that not harm Medicare? Just because AARP supports the bill doesn't mean it doesn't harm Medicare and thus, the senior citizens who depend on it.

  • 1 decade ago

    AARP is a political organization that is getting something out of

    backing Obama.

    There is no way you can improve medicare by gutting it of 100 billion


    This health care reform is just another black hole sucking down our


  • lienot
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    As always a totally uninformed post. There are not 40 million members of AARP and their number are dwindling everyday because the largest percentage on members are not renewing their membership due to the liberal support the AARP is giving. YES the Medicare cuts are in EVERY bill introduced so far because with out cuts to Medicare they cannot provide any proof health care can ever be paid for. AARP is a dying group.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Obviously someone hasn't read the bill. And getting news about the AARP from the AARP website doesn't seem a bit, oh, biased and one sided to you? Like they are going to tell you everything or even be honest about what the bill contains. Let alone even tell you what the bill contains. Medicare is in trouble as it is, and cuts to it will make things worse. Something needs to be done about health care. But explain why the govt. has to start competing against the private sector (free market), rather than just make new policies for it or crack down on the problem areas. Only those with mental health issues honestly thinks this is all a good idea. It will make things far worse as it stands. But like usual, people are to shallow and slow to realize it until it's too late.

  • 1 decade ago

    do you even know who AARP is?

    they are just a big lobbist insurance company.

    they will end up making money by selling insurance to cover the gaps that won't be covered by Medicare anymore.

    why else would an insurance company want NHC?

    "AARP's tacit endorsement of Medicare cuts line its pockets, but shortchanges seniors"

    Conflict Of Interest For AARP In Health Bill Debate?

  • 1 decade ago

    Of course cuting 500 million from medicare is not gonna hurt medicare.

    Why would anyone belive cutting half a billion dollars in medicare funding, would effect medicare ?

    Those darn facist republicans. !!!!!!!!!!

    Don;'t they know, cutting the medicare budget is gonna help medicare.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    it is not the 40 million it is a few leaders from aarp. aarp is losing enrollment because of their endorsement for owe-bamas plan. and the white house has said it will take about 500 billion from medicare to fund owebamacare. sort of like when the white house said the AMA was on board when the AMA is only about 18-20% of all dr.s in the USA.

  • Curt J
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Again we have a misinformed Liberal, who thinks that because AARP endorsed something, all members of AARP are behind the endorsement.

    I suppose you also believe that all members of Unions are Liberals, or that all the members agree wholeheartedly with their leadership.

    If you do, you need to be in the running for "Worlds dumbest person".

    Source(s): Just my opinion
  • 1 decade ago

    It does.

    Here is the Governments own research on the bill

    HHS Chief Actuary on ObamaCare: Total Health Care Spending Will Go Up, Not Downby Capitol Confidential

    Richard Foster, Chief Actuary for the Department of Health and Human Services’ Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, released this week to several Congressional offices a financial analysis of HR 3200, the House version of ObamaCare. He reached some inconvenient conclusions for President Obama and Congressional Leadership:

    -“Total national health expenditures under this bill would increase by an estimated 2.7 percent in 2019…”

    -“The additional demand for health services could be difficult to meet initially with existing health provider resources and could lead to price increases, cost-shifting, and/or changes in providers’ willingness to treat patients with low-reimbursement health coverage.”

    -More than half of the expansion in coverage (18 million out of 34 million) would be from increased Medicaid coverage.

    -12 million people would lose employer-sponsored coverage.

    -The productivity adjustments to Medicare are “unrealistic” and providers “might end their participation” because the cuts would make serving Medicare beneficiaries unprofitable.

    -Medicare Advantage enrollment would decrease by 64 percent (from a projected level of 13.2 million to 4.7 million under the proposal).

    As of today, HHS still hadn’t published the analysis on their website, even though it was written by its own staff. We have a feeling it may never find a home there. So, we’ve brought it to you directly. Full financial analysis below.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, they are liars. The House bill is a good health care coverage reform bill. The Medicare program will benefit from the reform.

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