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If the repubs hated the health care plan so much, why didn't they create a REAL plan themselves?

I read the democrats plan, and the republicans 250 page outline. The outline did not present any real information. Why didn't the repubs try harder, because like it or not, national health care is going to be a reality in this country.

20 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    What they present was a cruel joke. The cons never had any intention of creating a health care reform because too many of them are getting paid big money to oppose it. ><

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Their plan now will not cover millions and give big tax breaks to the insurance companies. Plus, you still can't get insurance if you have pre-existing conditions. They're the know it all but do nothing for millions of Americans that are hurting party. >0

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If I called you a pure and simple liar I am sure that you and the Ayatollah's flock would report me quicker than a duck grabs a june bug. Therefore, I will simply say that you handle the truth very loosely. I do not believe that you have read any of the proposed health boondoggles. How can so many be so ignorant as to follow Obama right off the cliff?

  • babbie
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Rewind back to the first meeting between Der Fuhrer and the Republicans presenting their version of a health care bill. First conflict that came up, remember what Obama said to them? I do. "I won". Case closed, meeting adjourned. And I'm sure we all remember: "Sit down and be quiet and get out of our way". The Dems have a majority in Congress and have repeatedly refused to even consider any of the Republican health care plans. It took Joe Wilson yelling "you lie" during Obama's speech to Congress for the Democrats to address one single provision in this reform bill. Short of shooting Pelosi on the Senate floor, just how much "harder" do you suggest they could have tried?

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  • 1 decade ago

    Do you know what kind of health coverage Federal politicians have?

    They have government coverage through Blue Cross Blue Shield nationwide. They have little to no copays and the American taxpayer is footing the bill. Trust me. I am speaking from experience.

    They could care less if little Sally Sue with spinal meningitis has health-care or Old Billy Bob who eats cat food so he can pay for his heart pills lives or not.

    We are talking about a bunch of greedy arrogant people that are completely out for their own self interests.

    Source(s): Me, Myself & I
  • 1 decade ago

    They did.

    The Republicans proposed over 30 individual plans and 1 official plan.

    Really? You read the Democrats plan? I find it a bit hard to believe that you read that monstrosity so quickly.

    "Finance Committee Democrat Won’t Read Text of Health Bill, Says Anyone Who Claims They’ll Understand It ‘Is Trying to Pull the Wool Over Our Eyes’"

    The people who wrote the bill can't even be bothered to read it. I've read a miniscule portion of it but I'm supposed to belive that you are so well connected that you've read it, yet you are unable to find the Republican alternative?


    Peddle your snake oil elsewhere.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    This bill is something the "Government" wants, not the American public. There is not huge outcry for it.

    This is a vehicle to control every aspect of Americans' behavior, and the bypass the bill of rights, in that pesky document that founded our country.

    Outside of that, it will be astronomically expensive. And you will pay through the nose, if not directly, through every conceivable hidden tax there is. You will get worse care at a much higher price.

    This needs to be stopped

  • Bert
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Why would they create more than an outline if the Democrats are just going to dismiss their outline?

    Do you understand what outlines are for?

    Do you know why Democrats support the healh care plan?? The only people getting free health care are those who don't, people like me will be paying even more on an annual basis through taxes so that pieces of sh*t can have free health care. Why do you support this???

    Don't worry, I don't expect you to actually have an answer for this question...not even an outline of an answer.

  • lienot
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Why should they ??? The Pelosi and Reid show is on a roll because they feel "bullet proof" even after this last Tuesday vote. The "blue dogs" know what is in store if the boondoggle passes. Come January 2011 you will have to run a want ad to find a Democrat in Washington DC

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They did....but the democrats have shot down everything the Republicans tried to contribute to the health care plan...besides the definition of REAL means it has to fit with what the democrats want....

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