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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureReligion & Spirituality · 1 decade ago

What are your views(religious or non) on chemical castration for sex offenders?

26 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    As a former victim of rape, I believe this practice should be allowed. Trust me , whether it's a male or female who are the victims of rape,it is devastating for the rest of your life. It is a crime of control, hatred and violence. As a Christian , I am not for the death penalty, as it is murder too. I think castration should be used for repeat offenders. In your fist link, the rapists even asked for it. These repeat offenders can never be trusted nor trust themselves. The crime could even make them kill their victims, as they don't want to go back to prison. Many might think they should have the right to a sex life, but repeat offenders cannot even trust themselves. He took much from me and he deserved to have something taken from him.

  • 1 decade ago

    As a mother I have a pretty definite idea about sex offenders, particularly pedophiles. It has been clearly proved that the recidivism is almost 95%. To allow individuals with this proclivity to roam around free and potentially injure or ruin an innocent child or adults life is for me completely unforgivable.

    Perhaps if castration was the standard punishment, it might just curtail the abundance of sickos out there. Hard to say of that would work.

    It would be very interesting to have a complete metabolic work up of these people to see where they are chemically as well as psychologically. I am not sure what has been tried in the past, but with hormone replacement therapies perhaps some of the milder cases could be helped with this.

    I am also in favor of the death penalty for these people. And if it happened to be my child that had been violated...I would be happy to volunteer to pull the switch or administer the injection.

    These people are really a pariah on civilized society.

  • 6 years ago

    I'd rather their other head get put on a pike and displayed in front of a Police Station or Courthouse but Castration is better then a few years in Jail and let back out on the street. Actually forget chemical castration why dont they just chop it off? Jail time and they lose captain winkie!!! No more repeat offences!

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    "Sex Offender" is a pretty liberal term. An 18 year old man having sex with a 17 year old girl is illegal in most states and would fall under the category of "sex offender" However, this type of sex offense is generally overlooked. Now if a 45 year old man nails a 17 year old girl then it's a different story and yes this person should be labeled as a "sex offender" and I would agree with your chemical castration. Better yet, have it removed surgically so you have to wear a colostomy bag the rest of your life. But what about women sex offenders? There seem to be a lot of female teachers lately getting caught having sex with their male students. Just curious. "Child molester" makes it more clear. I do not have kids but child molesters make me sick and would have no problem with seeing them executed.

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  • 7 years ago

    Castration in a clinical environment is about as barbaric as getting breast implants. Medically speaking eliminating testicles eliminates the heightened androgen/testosterone development that goes along with violent criminals. Eliminating testicles also eliminates the possibility of propagating that potentially violent behavior genetic pattern in children that that violent offender may have. The side effects are generally more psychological than physiological, but then so are the after effects of rape on the victims of rape.

    In my opinion surgical castration for sex offenders of any stripe outside and inside of the prison system as well as castration for domestic and other violent offenders that have taken lives, with definitive DNA evidence, should be a mandatory part of any sentencing. There's no question that surgical castration modifies behavior and eliminates urges towards physical, sexual and verbal abuse, that kind of change could eliminate the death penalty, drastically reduce violence and sex crimes, reduce the mass destruction of minds that are victimized by these crimes and it would also save taxpayers billions of dollars spent annually on supporting tens of thousands of people in an nationally overcrowded prison system.

  • 1 decade ago

    you have to distinguish between different offenses and different societies.

    until homosexuality was de-criminalized in this country, i'd be considered a sex offender... if i lived in iran or iraq or some other muslim countries i'd be hung and mutilated (or mutilated and hung)...

    actually in some of those countries, a woman who has sex with a man who's not her husband is a sexual offender and is put to death...

    on the other hand... in some societies it's normal for a fully grown man to marry a 12-13-14 year old girl...

    so lots of it is social...

    now when it comes to violent acts such as rape (that is not sex. that's pure violence) or anything to do with a minor (and here the definition varies from place to place), whatever works should be used.

  • 1 decade ago

    I only have one view on sex offenders, murders, and any one that invades the space of another human being with violence, and that is the death penalty, If mankind ever wants to have peace and safety in a civilized society for our children and woman then he needs to rule with harsh punishment for these perverts, how many innocent people Have to die at the hands of these criminals before our justice system wakes up, they simply have to quit listening to all the bleeding hearts out there that think these perverts can be rehabilitated, as for chemical castration all our system does is bandage the problem.

  • 1 decade ago

    Current research seems to indicate that some sex offenses are caused by one or more brain defects. While a good portion of me is all for the death penalty (castration may not stop some offenders), I'm also open to early detection and correction of the underlying problem.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm not in favour of castrating sex offenders, either actually or chemically.

    a castrated rapist can't physically rape women or children again, but he can still seriously sexually abuse them. There was a case, years ago - some hero forced a glass bottle into a womna's vagina, then broke the bottle with a stone, leaving her with a vagina full of broken glass. didn't need a working penis to do that.

    if men rape women because they hate women, castrating them will give them more reason to hate women [it's not the rapist's fault that he raped, she asked for it/desrved it/led him on].

    this also applies to people who sexually abuse children. so they can't use a penis, but they can pick up anything and use that.

    If you're gonna cut somehting off, cut off thier hands - then they *can't* do anything to anyone ever again

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My goodness. I'd rather live in a world where everyone is rehabilitated through some sort of therapy or work program. Removing people's genetalia seems pretty barbaric. I've been raped and I still wouldn't want to do that to anyone.

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