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If science considers evolution as a fact...?

...then why are they bothering doing further research? What is there to be endeavored for, if it all happens by chance anyway?



Natural selection?... how can there be any selection without intelligence? Something or someone has to discriminate between what's favorable and what's not.

Update 2:

@the Truth:

...doesn't sound very encouraging...I could still try the evolution theory...

Update 3:

@Donut Tim:

In the future, people will remember our present scientists (pharmaceutical) practices as we are now remembering the inquisition. It would be good to do some independent research about you said their research greatly improved the quality of our lives.

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Everyone believed the world was flat at one time.

    Warning: Never follow the crowd.

    Advice: Jesus has a small following.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    No-one has EVER claimed that we know everything there is to know about evolution. Of course we should strive to know more - a thirst for knowledge is the driving force of the human race.

    That doesn't stop it being a fact. Gravity is a fact - but we still don't know all there is to know about it. Why do the rules seem not to apply at the sub-atomic level? Research still goes on into gravity three hundred years after Isaac Newton died.

    Incidentally - a quote from Richard Dawkins. "Evolution is not driven by blind chance. It is driven by natural selection, which is the EXACT OPPOSITE of blind chance."

  • 1 decade ago

    It might seem completely random, but it's not. You know that saying, "Luck favors the ready?" It might be pure luck that an asteroid hits Earth, but if it does happen, some plants and animals will be better prepared than others.

    There is much to be endeavored for, such as increased understanding. Knowing enough about how evolution works, we might be able to do something about the problems of the future, like global warming and new epidemics.

  • 1 decade ago

    They are not looking for further proof that evolution exists. They are seaching for more ways to use that information.

    The research you are speaking of regarding evolution has greatly improved our quality of life. It has produced tens of thousands of discoveries in genetics, epidemiology, archeology, agriculture, embryology, bacteriology… the list goes on.

    Denying evolution now would be like denying the possibility of electronic circuits after using a telephone, television and computer.


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  • 1 decade ago

    So if you knew that matter was made of molecules, why would you want to know more about what made those molecules? Wouldn't you want to know what made those molecules, what kinds of atoms there were, how they joined, what you could make with them, etc?

    The whole point of science is to learn all that it can, and there is a great deal more to learn about evolution.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because in science we are always trying new things,Testing new theories, and trying to learn new things.

    Its the quintessential opposite of DOGMA.

    Just because we know something right now, doesn't mean we cant learn more tomorrow.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Evolution is a theory, not a fact. Now, reconsider your question for further discussion.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Evolution isn't "considered" a fact, we have thousands of transitional fossils that clearly demonstart it as a reality.

    It's good to continue to learn. If you learn one fact and then stop studying, you'll never be more than a first grader.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because there are still a tonne of complete retards that don't pay attention to evidence, so they need to find absolute proof for idiotic fundies to shut up.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    maybe you should actually learn what science does and not be a coward and ask this in the science section

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